This is an unauthorized support site for Horses' Haven. Any opinions expressed on this site are my own personal views. I do not represent Horses' Haven, or speak on the organization's behalf. I am a H.H. volunteer and wish only to offer my continued support of their efforts, as well as help spread knowledge of their mission. There are approximately 140 volunteers rotating through two shifts every day (under the direction of the founder) to ensure all the horse’s daily needs are met and the grounds are properly maintained. Check out some of the shelter residents in the photo section. For additional photos and details, visit the official website.****************************************************
******* Official website: ***********************************************************
From the official website: Horses' Haven is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the welfare and humane care of horses, ponies, donkeys and other large animals. "Horses' Haven began in 1995 as a not-for-profit humane care and adoption agency whose mission is to take in and provide humane care for aged, abused, unwanted, rescued and neglected horses, or horses whose owners can no longer keep or care for them. Our goals are to rehabilitate, retrain and provide shelter for these animals until suitable homes can be found, or to permanently care for those animals for which homes are unavailable. We are not limited to taking in horses, and if certain conditions exist, we will accept any large animal. The Board of Directors consists of nine long-time and compassionate horse owners who are dedicated to carrying out the goals of Horses' Haven. Each has the vision to see that it is possible, with true horse lovers and owners working together, for all animals to be given another chance.
We know there are horses that need new loving homes and we know there are people willing to provide these homes. We also know that those animals for which a permanent home is unavailable will be welcomed into Horses' Haven to be cared for for the rest of their lives."
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