Sue profile picture


Life is what hapens to you while you're busy making other plans.

About Me

I'm Sue and I live with Marty; we've been together for over three years now. We have an unofficially adopted baby son called Billy and I'm also expecting another child later in the year. Until recently we were living with the Gallagher family in Windsor Gardens on the Chatsworth Estate, Manchester. However, there have recently been some dramatic changes in the living arrangements and we didn't feel comfortable staying there any more. It's all very complicated, so I won't go into too much detail, but the worst of it was when the local gangster family — the Maguires — moved in next door.
Billy was somewhat unexpected because it was originally Marty's sister Veronica and her 'husband' Kev who were going to adopt him. Marty accompanied them to Romania, to share the driving duties, but things didn't quite go to plan and Kev and Vee ended up being detained in Bucharest. Marty managed to hitch-hike back to Chatsworth with Billy, where we stepped in to give him two loving parents.
Before getting together with Marty I was married to Craig. We met in our teens and married when we were far too young. We lived with Craig's father where all was okay for the first year or two, but things got progressively worse during our eight years together. Craig started working on the oil rigs, leaving me alone for months on end. He sent plenty of money back, so I got into the habit of cheering myself up via retail therapy. After Craig's father became hospitalised, we were just living together until we could agree on the divorce settlement. It was during this time that Craig met Fiona and I became aquainted with Marty. I was unsure at first, but I've never been happier than I am with Marty.
Who I'd Like to Meet
No-one, really. I've already met my ideal man…
Marty, Marty, he never misses a party!
Me and Marty start our family…
Although not the best example of family planning, this clip tells of how me and Marty became parents. At first I wasn't exactly keen on the idea, but Marty's enthusiasm and determination — coupled with the way events unfolded — soon convinced me that adopting Billy was the right thing to do. I have absolutely no regrets about doing so.
Despite Debs' response to what I said regarding selling him on, I wouldn't really have considered putting baby Billy on eBay… well, not without a decent reserve price!
When me and Marty first met…
Okay, I admit it — at first I was just trying to wind Craig up. Marty provided the ideal opportunity to piss off my estranged husband; initially that was my sole intention.
I'm not going to apologise for it, because had I not done so I wouldn't have allowed myself the chance to discover just what a wonderful man Marty really is. He's 100% loyal and he always puts me first — I am the most important thing in his life and he'll do absolutely anything for me.

My Interests

Shopping; buying nice things; further shopping; retail therapy; advanced shopping; general credit-card abuse; yet more shopping.

Visits to Mothercare have recently become a big part of my frequent, and often extremely hardcore, shopping sprees…

I'm also really getting into on line shopping. I'm still a bit of a novice, but it's definitely the way to go. I've been on a pretty steep learning curve ever since Carl robbed me my top-spec laptop from the front seat of a BMW in the queue at the drive-thru McDonalds. Lip quickly managed to hack into the wireless network at Fujitsu (a dodgy local company), and the WWW has been my oyster ever since. As Frank puts it: Massive!
Television QVC; Bid TV; Price-Drop TV; Speed Auctions TV; Thane Direct; Think Thane; Gems TV; Gems TV 2; Price Crash TV; Ideal World; Best Direct.

Books Not too many books these days, mainly magazines. Yeah, any magazine with aspirational adverts which help to inspire me and stimulate my imagination before my next assault on the Trafford Centre. And catalogues… especially if you can easily open a snide account — they're definitely the best.
Heroes Marty. He totally worships me and will quickly forgive any little errors I may make along the way. What more could a girl possibly want?
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• Shameless
• 'Liam Day' Xmas Special

Baby stuff…
Me and Marty are flattered by all the kind words we've received from friends and well-wishers on MySpace. People have generally been incredibly supportive and encouraging regarding the way we stepped in to adopt little Billy. However, words are cheap — and they certainly don't pay the bills — so if you really want to show your support for us, please put your money where your mouth is. We've set up a gift list on the Mothercare website and we welcome all contributions. That said, don't be a tight bastard… dig deep!

You may well be aware of me from my appearances in the Channel 4 docu-soap Shameless. Many viewers are under the impression that it is a totally made-up drama series, but that is not the case. Everyone seen onscreen is actually a real person living and/or working on the Chatsworth estate in Greater Manchester. I'm not quite sure why it's made to look like it's a fictitious production; I suspect it could just be Channel 4's way of saving money — if they had people just playing the roles, they'd have to pay them the full Equity acting rates. They even put made-up actors' names next to our names on the end credits — very sneaky!

A knock-on effect of this set-up is that most people believe many of us have appeared in other drama productions on television, film, radio and stage. Although that's entirely incorrect, I thought it might be a good idea to list a few of the many people I have been mistaken for over the years. The slide show below details some of my 'doppelgangers'…

I'd like to meet:

In the pudding club and just about ready to pop!Hey, I'm just as surprised as anyone — didn't know I had a single maternal bone in my body!

My Blog

Veronica sighting

Marty heard a funny thing at the bingo the other day. Apparently one of the coffin-dodgers down there swore blind she'd seen his sister riding around on a bicycle. He said she was still locked up in B...
Posted by Sue on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 05:27:00 PST

Shameless 4 repeated on Channel 4.

Even if you're gonna rush out and get Series 4 on DVD with the aim of having a Shameless viewing marathon next weekend, you still might be unable to resist tuning in to the upcoming Channel 4 repeats ...
Posted by Sue on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 12:54:00 PST

Shameless 4 on DVD  from today!

Okay, so you probably don't need telling, but I just thought I'd remind you anyway. Assuming you already have the first three, the new three-disk Series 4 release is gonna be the one you'll be needing...
Posted by Sue on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 11:25:00 PST

WANTED: People lacking shame.

For those of you still recovering from the weekend, this is just a gentle reminder about the opportunity to make up the numbers on the Chatsworth Estate. If you are over eighteen, and feel you wouldn...
Posted by Sue on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 01:33:00 PST

Have you no fuckin shame?

No&? Glad to hear it. You could be just what Channel 4 are after. If you're over eighteen, do you fancy making up the numbers on the Chatsworth Estate? To become an extra in series five, all you nee...
Posted by Sue on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 06:36:00 PST

Aerosols required!

You've probably heard that the local council have been spending a lot of money  EU community grants, or something like that  cleaning up the Chatsworth Estate. Well, the place now needs loosening up...
Posted by Sue on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 02:48:00 PST

The Chatsworth Estate  it's real!

I know some of you think the Chatsworth doesn't actually exist, but it does. Some have said it's part of Stretford, but that's just a bit of a smokescreen. It's really located in east Manchester  the...
Posted by Sue on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 06:10:00 PST