Paddy Maguire profile picture

Paddy Maguire

I am here for Friends

About Me

Wayl, wha' can Ai seh? barn in Airelaand - Gad's ahn cantry wha?Married to me lovely waife Maimai who's an Aingel... Ai'd fayt toyth an' neyl fa' hor... and the rayst o' me famileh - except for me sons Shane and Mickeh, the f*ckin' *rseholes that they are!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Any gabshoyt that's trayd to f*ck me over... I'll find ye - just you remaymber that!

My Blog

Howyeh - Ai’m baak - an’ abough fookin’ teyme wha’?

Yep - t'is mai - Paddeh - na' bin hayre fer a whayle - ye know hough et es... Or mebbeh ye don' - ayther waigh - Ai'm baak hayre on MaiSpess wance marr!   Reygh... enough fer nigh - jus' mek shor...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 17:58:00 GMT

Mai luvlee waife... to dai?

Hey... ye haard the rhew-mers tha' mai May-May gayts bumped aff in the nyew sayrees a' Shemless? It's ayther wan a' mai laads apparentleh... or one o' them gabshoit Gallaghers... meyt be Lepp... Ai fe...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 05:21:00 GMT

Shemless - Sayrez Foive?

Howyeh - Ai've bayn gaytin' a la' o' mayseges abow' the nyou sayrez a' 'Shemless' askin' when it's goin' to be sharrn on tay-vay... Wayle, Ai'll tell ye... "Ai don' feckin' kno'!" See... wha' happens ...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 03:38:00 GMT

Shaymelass bein' raypayted on Ay-Foor!

Aye, they're showin' it agayne - sayrays foor, on E4 Bayst o' the sarayses... becars tha's the wan wayre yer man Paddeh an his clan are in it mower! So geyt watchin' the t'ing... or blag some yoke int...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 04:05:00 GMT

Where the fook have Ai Been?

Howyez - na' been in touch for a wheyle - Ai've bin deteyned a' her Majesteh's playsure (although wha' playsure can be ha' watchin' some poor fecker sit all day in a wee cell is beyaand mai!) So wha's...
Posted by on Fri, 11 May 2007 00:55:00 GMT

Annywun see mai on 'Leyf On Morrs' on tayvay toneyt?

Last episode - and there's maiself, Pady yer man... playin' a blagger wi' a sawn-aff. Okay... so not a spaykin' part, which is a piddy, as Ai was after givin' youse all me 'Northern Uncle Tam' accent:...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 14:58:00 GMT

Feckin' Ayster ballox!

For feck's sayk... nathin' bu' trouble in arr houyse at the minute... Mai Meemee's after creatin' somethin' terrible that Ai've le' her put on weight because Ai wouldn't stop her stuffin' her fess wi...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 14:52:00 GMT

Over 100 fraynds!

Howye - tha's not baad goin' is it? Ai'm playsed te sey that there are loads of youse lookin' at me blaag here, an' Ai'd like te say 'thank ye' to all of youse who're raydin' all o' thess.   Reyt...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 15:05:00 GMT

Ayprel Foowell's Dey Comin' Up...

Chreyst, can't weyt(!) Any little balloxes trey te pull anny tricks on mei, an' Ai'm gonna day somethin' nasty to 'em... jus' let it be known! Enough wi' the foowell's tha' sprang from mai Mimi's woom...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 15:27:00 GMT

Ai'm puttin' aff gowin' te bayd... Meemeh's up thayre...

Now normally Ai don't maynd... but she's been readin' some derty feckin' bowk tha' tha' Karen's laynt her... all about new age shaggin' an' tha'... Now Ai'm broad-meynded... but after las' neyt's epis...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 20:42:00 GMT