music, André Rieu, culture, internet, books, pet shops, movies, teather.
I'd like to meet:
I'd like to meet André Rieu and Orchestra and Netherlands with your fields springs.I'd like to share with you this fantastic André's video
classic music, operas, orchestras...
classic rock, pop music, a good jazz, a good blues, etc...Composer: Mozart, Brahms, Beethoven, Chopin, Verdi, Ravel,
Vivaldi, Puccini, Rossini, Strauss Jr, Debussi, Stravinsk,
Wagner, H. Granados, Prokófiev, Villa Lobos, RakhmanÃnov...
Ben Hur, Novice Rebel, Phantom of The Opera, Somewhere in Time, Labyrinth, The Secret Garden, The Shinning,Rose Red,
The Grudge, etc.
News, movies, shows, documentary about nature and animals...
Allan Kardec, Arthur Conan Doyle, Chico Xavier,
Victor Hugo, Drummond de Andrade, Graciliano Ramos, etc.