So I'm a writer of fantasy fiction. My current available novels are Path of Fate, Path of Honor, and Path of Blood, available from Roc books, with a new series starting in November of 2007 called The Crosspointe Chronicles, the first novel of which is The Cipher. It's set on a magical inland sea and revolves around a treasonous plot to overthrow the crown, blackmail, and dark magic. It goes on sale November 2007. It will be available at all major bookstores.
My website is at Diana Pharaoh Francis Home Come by and visit, read some excerpts, maps, links to resources, and some other treasures.
As far as more personal stuff, I live in Montana in a very small town, I teach college English, I have husband and two kids, and a pushy malamute. I like all things chocolate, have a PhD in Victorian literature, I have a freakish weakness for Survivor and CSI, and some of my favorite authors are Carol Berg, Patricia Briggs, and P.C. Hodgell. I also write music reviews for Score if you ever get by there.
If you want to buy the books, click on a title:
Path of Fate ..Path of Honor ..Path of Blood ..The Cipher: A Novel of Crosspointe ..The Cipher is set on the island world of Crosspointe. It sits in the middle of a strange and magical inland sea. It's a treacherous sea, one that few can navigate safely. Lucy Trenton is customs official who has been accused of treason in the shape of stealing precious cargo--a magical substance needed to work powerful magics. She did not steal it. But all the evidence suggests she did. At the same time, a blackmailer has discovered the terrible secret she's been hiding, one that could destroy her family and her country if it gets out. Now she's in a race to stop the blackmailer from exposing her before she can be jailed for treason. And as if that weren't enough, she's been attached by a true cipher--a magical artifact that she is sure will kill her--it's only a matter of time. The only one she can go to for help is Marten Thorpe, a rogue sea-captain with secrets of his own; secrets that will can only hurt Lucy.
The Cipher has been given a 4 star review by The Romantic Times Book Review, and has been given stellar reviews by The Green Man Review and Fantasy and Sci-Fi Lovin' Book Reviews.
Some of their comments are: The Cipher is the first in a fascinating new series by Diana Pharoah Francis, and so far, it's shaping up to be a remarkably intriguing twist on the usual fantasy setting and There's actually a lot going on in this book, with several deep-layered plots weaving in and out, and it all culminates in an epic manner, laying down a status quo which will make the next book in the series, The Black Ship, all the more interesting.