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gohangasalami spells i'malasagnahog backwards

About Me

Spontaneous Thoughts on Automatic ArtGreg Jalbert, [email protected] doing a search on the web for generative art, I found a lot of sites devoted to generative grammar in the field of linguistics. When one thinks about it, music and the visual arts are really languages that have their own grammars. We find that certain types of sequences and juxtapostions of components create effective communications. The message is whatever the artist creates or programmer allows in the system. There are certain types of systems that use a small set of rules with various permutations. Other systems use a loose set of rules with a large vocabulary. In some cases, there are many algorithms that have little or no permutation within, but the communication is made by the permutations of sequencing and juxtaposition of the algorithms into a grammar and a language.In some cases, a formal scientific approach is taken, and the images reflect this in their pure mathematical rigor. The reliance on the formula may limit the range of expression. In other cases, a free-form artistic approach is taken, and the ad-hoc, organic nature and human hand is revealed., and the idiosyncrasies of the person come through. A close friend of mine would say that the scientific approach is the result of a fear of intimacy. Perhaps the free-form approach has its own fear of responsibility.It's interesting that generative art is related to grammar, the vehicle of meaning. Are we looking for meaning in art without injecting it with ourselves? Have we lost the connection with our own meaning or purpose? Is generative art the reliance on computers and technology for the solutions to our problems, even in the search for beauty or meaning? i'm into the out crowd - i think they're audiorable. they live the abstract life. it's psupersychedelic, man... sometimes people strain. their destiny is doom... do you have a toybox? zany, man - right... i'm on cloud 10... do you yearn??? i do. where is telezonia? in the virtue-all reality! here's to the quick and the dead i live beyond the sun - in a place far, far away... and then? huh? it's GUSHING. oh, just another cinemanic moment... + is positive. if you squeeze it and time passes then it was 'squoze'. and more scichedelia to come... powerstrips, powerstrips, and more powerstrips. there is a MASSIVE misconception of GOD. pleasant dementia? maybe. reality seems to be little more than a series of superstitions that are believed in with such conviction that they're manifest into existence... coccoons are cool. what if somebody developed the ULTIMATE heavy duty roachkiller? like the ultimate pesticide. one that worked SO WELL that it completely exterminated the species... it spread through the air - like a cockroach virus - killing them before they could lay eggs. all the eggs they laid were dead. the ULTIMATE HEAVY-DUTY maximum strength insecticide. so heavy-duty that it extinguished the entire roach population from the planet earth. for future generations, roaches become mytholigical creatures - like mermaids, unicorns, and dinosaurs. i like little toy boxes.
.. Layout Provided By FreeCodeSource.com - Browse Layouts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Click here to get Falling Objects .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Chihuahua Holocaust ____________________________________________________________ The Iams pet food company - attempting to create a healthier, tastier. more expensive gourmet dog food - created a fresh blend of meat byproducts using unused portions of the animals from the organic-fed horses and cows used to produce so-called 'vegetarian' meats ('tofurkey', 'soy-beef' and 'soy-pork', and 'foeburgers') for the Whole Foods grocery store franchise... In order to get people to eat the otherwise tasteless and barely edible 'fake' meats - they secretly use the hooves, teeth, and bone-marrow of the farm animals in their processed vegetarian foods. No actual meat - just animal parts. The farms that produced meat for pet foods for Iams secretly distributed byproducts to the Whole Foods franchise, knowingly fooling the public and tainting hundreds of otherwise vegetarian and vegan blood supplies with food that actually was made using animals.All of the meat stripped from the horses and cows at their factories was used to make high-priced dogfood for 'small breed' dogs.Soon, every rich small dog owner from Beverly Hills to The Hamptons was feeding their little buddies this expensive food...But little did they know that if they had eaten (or even been exposed to) the fake 'vege'meat products - and they fed their little dogs the tainted Alms - they were likely to develop a blood-parasite, which once matured and developed becomes very, very contagious - spreading though the air to other humans and breathed in and out - quickly infecting the earth's ENTIRE population.Though humans are not affected by the parasite they carry - small dog breeds that catch the bug are transformed by it...Chihuahuas... Lhasa Apsos... Weenie Dogs... Beagles... Shih-Tzu's All small dogs of all types and breeds...They become piranha-like monsters who feast on human flesh.They become violent.They become out of control demons who group up and devour anything that moves...The virus changes the world.Small dogs everywhere - infected with the airborne parasite... Killers who travel in packs... Evil, hungry monsters... Hoards of frenzied beasts.Trendy girls, carrying their little pooches in handbags everywhere they go - attacked by demon-dogs who want to eat their eyes, tear their esophagus's, and devour their flesh...... Violence - comparable only to the violence portrayed in horror movies.Man vs. dog on a catastrophic level.We stomp on them when they try to attack us. We kick them. We throw them. We kill them using whatever means possible...Before the people figure out where the virus comes from - and the cause of all the abnormal small dog attacks (like piranha/zombies) - the animals group in the sewers like rats and breed at an hyper-excellerated pace... They take over the underground. All different breeds of small dogs mate (like rabbits) and combine to create an evil little devilish rat-dog that will stop at nothing to quench it's thirst for blood...The little monsters revolt against the human race - making it hard for people to go outside. Children and elderly become especially vulnerable, unable to defend themselves against the evil bloodthirsty packs... People everywhere in the world - killed and mutilated daily...They tear their victims limb from limb...They disembowel and eat their masters from the inside-out...They are pure evil...Eventually, people start setting big rat-traps that snap the rampant 'demonchihuahua's' in half...People stomp on them and drop-kick them, trying to destroy them before they get eaten...They cover their houses and spray potent pesticides to try to completely exterminate all small-dogs...But the animals are resilient... They become immune to the poisonous gases... They torture all of mankind...Eventually, as a last attempt to control the plague - man gas bombs the ENTIRE planet, telling everyone to hide from the gases and wear masks... Everyone not protected dies.Not only is it an animal holocaust - but they kill millions of people trying to save the planet...Eventually - they kill them all...The story ends with a cute little baby kitten gnawing on a dead baby...

My Interests

When I go for walks, I like to explore... I leave the paths and roads and trails and see the areas less traveled. Fences, alleys, dirtpiles, and rocks are just a few of the common landmarks on my expeditions around my neighborhood - but one day I found something different... One day, I saw something I'll never forget... It all started like this: I was trudging along on a detour of sorts that had taken me down a steep hillside to a creekbed with stone shores and mossy, flowing water... At a certain point, half a mile or so along my little voyage, I found a patch of ground - surrounded by dirt, dead grass, and pebbles... IT WAS NOTHING NATURAL. It was skin. PINK SKIN. It was about 2 feet in diameter - with all of the characteristics of HUMAN SKIN. - With it's little hair folicles - and it's pores - and it's veins - like nothing I'd ever seen before. I touched it. It felt like skin. So I got a stick and poked it. As my stick drove into it - muscle tissue, veins, and cartledge were exposed - like a wound on a human body... It bled. I drove the stick deeper (it's only ground, after all) - and I think I even felt bone. Blood. Flesh. Skin. It made me sick at my stomach so I decided to leave it alone. But I couldn't resist returning to the scene the next day... So as I approached it - I was surrounded by the most horrible smell... It was infected. There were flies everywhere. I covered my face and walked up on it - and pus was oozing up from the hole like lava from a volcanic eruption... It sucked. So I went to Sam's and bought a crate of hydrogen peroxide... I nursed the wound back to health... Now it's in good shape. I rub lotion on it everyday...

I'd like to meet:

...a person with mouths for eyes (or better yet - an eye where their mouth should be).


I'm into The Edens. Polydactyl Cyclops. The Bronsky Treatment, Philemon, Tragician, Captain Howdy, Storm of Souls, and Astronaughtica... Lately I've been listening to a lot of Mifeprex Junky and Rotwag the Inventor. Beautifuck. Bang Utot. The Silent Screams, The Antdisestablishmentarialists, The White Trash Bags. Handy Cane. Insectual Predator. So What, Oh Well. The Rahludes. ShE-Mailers. Nerotic. The Plaite Techtronics. Paraplegic Cockroach. The Scrapes. The Find. Virus of Discontent. Disgrunt, The Dying, the digitilligitimate child, BLACK WOODEN WINDOWS. I love the Living Organasm. The +. the rival messiah. Supremium. Anhadonia, The Deuchen Smile, The Limbs. Audiac. Siolence. Make Me. The IN. The Intoxicated. The Electric Mayhem. The Humanimals. Pygmalien Spacecraft. The Devilopes. The You. Oval, Halfwit, Queed, Junior High... Did I mention The Sciolence?


Anything starring Aloisius Snuffle-Upogus...'Wild In The Streets' with Richard Pryor.Drive-In movies rule!


The term 'avant-garde' first surfaced at the end of the eighteenth century to designate the elite shock troops of the French army whose mission it was to engage with the enemy in small, intense battles so as to pave the way for the main body of fighters. -They often died themselves... Then, by 1830 utopian socialists started using the word to describe the visionaries (artists, scientists, and philosophers) who would usher in the NEW, IDEAL SOCIETY.I know that has nothing to do with television - but who cares? I think it's an interesting little useless fact... WHO REALLY CARES WHAT I WATCH ON TV????


The first items in the press to which all men turn are the ones about which they already know. If we have witnessed some event , whether a ballgame or a stock crash or a snowstorm, we turn to the report of what's happening first. Why? The answer is central to any understanding of media. Why does a child like to chatter about the events of it's day, however jerkily? Why do we prefer novels and movies about familiar scenes and characters? Because for rational beings to see or re-cognize their experience in a new material form is an unbought grace of life. Experience translated into a new medium literally bestows a delightful playback of earlier awareness. The press repeats the excitement we have in using our wits, and by using our wits we can translate the outer world into the fabric of our own beings. This excitement of translation explains why people quite naturally wish to use their senses all the time. Those external extensions of sense and faculty that we call media we use as constantly as we do our eyes and ears, and from the same motives. On the other hand, the book-oriented man considers this nonstop use of media as debased, it is unfamiliar to him in the book-world. MARSHALL MCLUHAN - Understanding Media


your mom

My Blog

are you reading this?

if yes, then read this:http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListA ll&friendID=335102944it's nolan void's blog...fun stuff.SOUL OR SYSTEM!!!
Posted by Michael on Tue, 27 May 2008 09:26:00 PST

tocqueville on fanatical spiritualism in america (1835)

lifted from 'democracy in america' Here and there in the midst of American society you meet men full of a fanatical and almost wild spiritualism, which hardly exists in Europe. From time to time stra...
Posted by Michael on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 07:55:00 PST

aphex twin, roger waters, and prince - ALL IN ONE WEEKEND!!

Posted by Michael on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 01:40:00 PST


APRIL VISUALSfun stuff...good times...starting riiiiiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhtttttttt NOW!first off - soul or system is the band - we have like 4 shows this month - and they’re all gonna be cool:www.s...
Posted by Michael on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 11:57:00 PST

watch me talk about june yuer on youtube...

i guess i say like a lot... ...
Posted by Michael on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 06:21:00 PST

a couple of quotes from carl jung...

in foreword to the richard wilhelm translation of the i-ching:The axioms of causality are being shaken to their foundations: we know now that what we term natural laws are merely statistical truths an...
Posted by Michael on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 05:33:00 PST

this week in march...

Posted by Michael on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:37:00 PST

do this - and you will be happy

1. go to the website (a.)2. add us as a friend (b.)3. go to the show tonight (c.)4. go to this website tomorrow between 7 and 8 and watch the stream of the kxlu radio show 'the kids are alright' (...
Posted by Michael on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 12:57:00 PST

HARD NYE - i’ll be visualizing the dj soundsystem

Posted by Michael on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 10:07:00 PST


this october i'll be doing visuals at a lot of good events...you should read about them below...this friday, i'm doing the firecracker 9th year anniversary party.it should be fun:then, next thursday (...
Posted by Michael on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 12:08:00 PST