Know Peace is Kev da Poet profile picture

Know Peace is Kev da Poet

We Are All the ’One Love’ We’ve Been Waiting For

About Me

Dubstep poetry and UK Hip-Hop, all honest and emotional outbursts from the Hip-Hop Bard of a real life Stonehenge attending Druid Order with assistance from the Synchromystickz, and production from the likes of Appleblim, Defazed and J Rokka.Please e-mail with the subject title 'I'd like your album' and your address in the e-mail and I will send an address for you to mail a $13 cheque to. When I receive your e-mail I'll send you a bonus mp3 of a tune that won't be on the album, so you have something to listen to while you wait ;-)I vastly appreciate the fact that I am in a position where people are willing to trade cash for my art (I also appreciate the fact that I have friends who will feed me) and if you have any suggestions for trading something other than money I will see what I can do.I'm not a hippy or a homey, I'm an OMI Open Minded Intuitive, don't you know me?Apache Tear Drop - you can't control me. I'm not Anakin, I'm battlin' Palpatine, not slappin him,Thanking the Shaman for what he told me and sacred medicines For what they showed me in peyote ceremonies. I'm not a hippy or a homey, I'm an OMI Open Minded Intuitive, don't you know me?Apache Tear Drop - you can't control me. Electric Blue O.B.sidian chose me. I'm not a hippy or a homey, I'm an OMI My inspirations so deep, please listen closely.Are we old souls or OGs? We're Open Minded Intuitive, OMIs.Walk your own path, no need to follow me. We're not stopping 'til it's sexy to know peace.Walk like a champion, talk like a champion, Of untold stories like Buju Banton.Are we old souls or OGs? We're Open Minded Intuitives, OMIs.Kev the Poet aka Knowledge is Power aka Know Peace the Hip-Hop Bard. A multi-media writer and performer - primarily writing philosophical essays and performing Hip-Hop and poetry. He is also a member of the Synchromystickz, a group of diverse poets which formed in Bristol rapping primarily over dubstep.KP is an initiated Bard of a Druid Order, working with the Druids to organise performance spaces in Stonehenge. He has performed in venues as diverse as St James' Church where William Blake was baptised to the SE1 Club for the Synergy Project.A rare rapper in that he is an English Literature and Philosophy graduate, and is as likely to shout about the war for oil as he is likely to shout about gis psychedelic experiences and equally likely to whisper about spiritual experiences and lost loves.His Druid Order, The Loyal Arthurian Warband, has a long history of being on the front line of Direct Action activism. Most of these events happened in the early nineties. In 2007 he fulfilled what he saw as an "unwritten duty to my Order and an unwritten duty to the trees" and travelled to Tasmania to live with eco-activists at a logging blockade, he spent 3 months in the Upper Florentine rainforest where some of the oldest hardwood trees, some of the oldest beings, on the planet were being logged to make chip-board and paper. He has written two articles about his experiences. 3-4e08-bd0b-7fa4e8b09d58 and e-407d-b6a4-9362a359e435 His A-Level in politics also made him particularly sensitive to the erosion of our civil liberties, politics is another subject that plays a major role in his lyrics. He cites influences as diverse as Public Enemy, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Blake, the Wu-Tang Clan and Bill Hicks as his influences.You can read alot more about his exploits and the THC Society here
THE KNIGHTING OF A HIP-HOP BARDMARCH 27th - The Spring Equinox, 2006...I'm Kev the Poet aka Knowledge is Power aka KP the Hip-Hop Bard.I am a writer, rapper, a poet and an English Literature and Philosophy graduate. After taking my friend Susanna's advice (because my intuition and series of beneficial coincidences were leading me closer and closer to him) I met the guy who calls himself King Arthur. This is the man who stands to get voted as an MP in Winchester on several occasions and publicly supports various road protests in medieval garb. "Who cares what he believes" some of you might ask, "he's clearly insane" yet more of you might say. More to the point 3 Druid orders in England accept him as the current incarnation of King Arthur. Druidry is a pagan practice that involves a worship of nature and particularly in Enlgand the celebration of the Sun on ceremonial days such as the Summer and Winter Solstice. "Who cares what they believe" some of you might ask, "they're clearly mad as well". Well I don't care, the original King Arthur may be a myth, in which case there could be no reincarnation. But the fact is that before he had the support of Druid Order's he was sleeping in a hammock in the woods and campaigning for opening up Stonehenge to the British Public. The fact is that he was camping in and under trees during road protests and he has made efforts and sacrifices for the sake of the trees of England. Due to these facts regardless of his rather widespread reputation as a drunk and a lecherous old man he has earned my respect. He has earned it because anyone can make sacrifices with back-up and support but he did it before he had any of that. Besides, name me a man that isn't lecherous and I'll name you a man who hides his lust well.Shortly after Susanna had told me about King Arthur at the Synergy Centre (a community arts centre set up by the club night The Synergy Project) in Camberwell the day before New Years Eve 2005/06 I bumped into one of her friends who happened to live round the corner from my parents. This friend of hers Steph is has a practical understanding of spirituality and shamanism. The first time I popped round to see Steph there it was, the book about this Arthur Pendragon and his history. Two days later I'd finished it and knew that we would meet.I originally thought that the events so far were leading me to interview Arthur for my friend's internet radio station. Not so. After meeting Arthur in Avebury on the weekend nearest to the Spring Equinox I thought that I could convince him to come to Bristol for an interview. Not so. With no fixed abode and no method of contact the only way to organisie it was to meet him at Stonehenge on the actual day of the Equinox and try to do the interview there. Arthur and the Druids would be camping all night, getting on the mead (fermented honey, tastes a bit like Sherry but it's even nicer!) and what Arthur likes to call 'Druid Fluid' (that would be Cider or Mead, the phrase works as well for either.) I didn't know how I would manage to get to Stonehenge, I didn't own a car, or a tent, or a sleeping bag. But I have good friends and there was a momentum building. So I didn't expect NOT to get to Stonehenge, I just didn't know how it would happen.I didn't bring a dictaphone or a Mini-Disc player with me. I knew that there would be no interview in Stonehenge, I even turned my phone off and took the battery out because the less interference I got during my first time in Stonehenge the better.I didn't bring a dictaphone or a Mini-Disc player with me. I went to Stonehenge for the Equinox and was raised as a Bard and Shield Knight of the LOYAL ARTHURIAN WARBAND. (By "I was raised", I mean I was Knighted and given a title.)Now I'm not going to expend too much effort explaining about the rank of a Shield Knight because that would simply be inviting criticism and responsibility, although I will say that it is a recognition of an original incarnation. An unexpected honour? Or simply tosh? It's impossible for me to talk about being Knighted at a ceremony celebrating the return of the sun without alienating people who don't give a shit about anything they haven't seen on Television! So I'm not going to try. Susanna, the only female Battle Chieftain in Arthur's Warband had recommended that I get Knighted for a while, but we both knew it was Arthur's decision (although she probably had an idea what his decision would be.) I just wanted to interview the man until it actually got to the day, then I was just curious about the whole ceremony. He chose to raise me as a Bard and a Shield Knight. I was reluctant for weeks, my strongest intuition was that I HAD to talk to Arthur, I wasn't sure why but the first time I heard about him I knew I needed to talk to him. But the intuition whether or not to pursue getting Knighted wasn't as strong. I was scared at what the responsibility would entail. It was not until I heard with my own ears the oath which one takes that I knew I had to. Funnily enough Kat and Clare thought they had come to Stonehenge more or less solely to watch me get raised as a Bard but had actually come to get raised as Warrior Priestesses, both of them. Funnily enough I was more sure that Kat would get Knighted than I was that I would get Knighted!For the record the ceremony was great, the statements, proclamations and speeches had a good balance of informality and reverence. Which is what I like about being a Druid the most, the fact that it's informal and practical. They don't just talk about the land and mother nature, they bury themselves in Camp Camelot and stop roads from being built through the land and mother nature. Respect. But there are other places to look to read about Druidism, I'll write the stories that I think no-one else will, I'll attempt to bestow legendary status on those I believe deserve it but when I think someone else can tell a story better I'll let them.Let's not think KP needs bringing back down to Earth, I'm the same man I was before I was officially recognised as a Bard. But the mission of a Bard is to tell his or her truth and record the stories and opinions of the people which I honestly believe is what I've been doing with my lyrics and essays with or without recognition since... well since I was 11.KP - Your Hip-Hop Bard, Shield Knight, and Druid."What happened in William Blake's time when there was a revolutionary spirit certainly amongst the poets of the time, a whole group of people gathered around Blake at that time. They actually helped him in developing a vision of Albion that was based upon it's ancient traditions. The whole subject of Blake and his poetry is linked to Druidism very directly in the sense that William Blake was considered the Arch Druid of the Isles by all the Druid Orders - at that moment you have a Druidic revival - a renaissance." - Tim Sebastian, R.I.P. Secular Arch Druid of the Secular Order of DruidsPost - Script For some reason everybody is more impressed when I tell them that Arthur Pendragon's Sword is the Excalibur, the sword from the movie of the same name. Exactly the same sword. A lady friend of Arthur's saw a sword in the window of a blacksmith's from the back of Arthurs bike (did I forget to mention that he's an ex-biker? Actually sod the 'ex', he's a biker - tattoos 'n' all and his motorbike is his steed.) They wandered in and he was told by the blacksmith who made the sword for the movie that unless the 'Once and Future King' proved he was there he could not relinquish the sword. Arthur had recently changed his name by deed poll, he had the documents and he walked away with the sword. I love true storiesFor more true tales of the Hip-Hop Bard check..., gratitude and appreciation Your Hip-Hop Bard and Shield Knight, Kev the PoetThe Highjinks and Capers Society http://www.belowthebelt.bravehost.comKPs CD 'So Nang (Quite Delightful)' is available from THC Society on Get about 33 KP tracks from here...Clicky, clicky...

My Interests


Member Since: 4/25/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Currently receiving production from J ROKKA 1, one of the funkiest men on planet Earth. Stray is a master, representing Tasmania. Anorak (1 Man Army Records, known for breakcore but also makes psychedelic chill out) and Dan Just Dan. Has also received production from Imaginary Forces (currently cementing legendary status) and Chris Thomas PI. Candlelight was produced by Grafic (of Sparxillva) and Pandemic. KP and Sparxillva are DA Q and DA 8, cos the q ball and the 8 ball are the b all and end all. Remember dat.

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

Influences: KRS1, Eminem, Killah Priest, Cypress Hill, Redman, Gangstarr, Snoop Dogg, Lao Tzu, William Blake, The Wu-Tang Clan, Public Enemy, Task Force, A Tribe Called Quest, Jimi Hendrix, Radiohead, De La Soul, Massive Attack, Run D.M.C., Guru, Nirvana, Gravediggaz, Big Pun, Redman, Universal Soldiers, Skinnyman, The L.O.X, Bob Marley, John Williams, Danny Elfman, Toots and the Maytals, The Celestine Prophecy, 1984, The Power of Now, Bringers of the Dawn, The I-Ching, Wayne Duberry, Dan Dreamweaver Hurring, Emma Hurring, Susanna Lafond, Paradox, Ant Armageddon Assassin, Mike Stanton, Masuda, Trevor Abbas, Colin Powers, UK Hip-Hop, 2012, mayan philosophy, taoism, the tao teh ching, conscious Hip-Hop, CTP Pixie,Craig Body English Synchro Rider Reynolds - the list is endless.
Sounds Like: UK Hip-Hop, Hip-Hop, Dubstep, Dub-step, poetry etc... A poet who flows, people have told me I sound like Lynton Kwesi Johnson alot recently but I’m not even as familiar with his work as I should be, and a while ago people used to tell me I sounded like The Streets but that was only because me and Mike Skinner are both English MCs that don’t shout. I think the people who have most influenced my sound are the Wu Tang Clan, Taskforce, KRS 1, A Tribe Called Quest, Gravediggaz, Public Enemy, Redman, Universal Soldiers, Skinnyman, De La Soul, Jimi Hendrix, Big Punisher, The Roots, Non Phixion, Radiohead, Massive Attack, Gangstarr, Nirvana, Rza, Braintax, Gza, and Portishead. The Pointless Vandalism collaborations (see Stonerboy Records in my Top 24) are largely influenced by Nirvana, The Doors, Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix and Dr Dre.
Record Label: Independent
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Mysteries Revealed

One of my closest friends, a resonant frequency, Dan Tatman has recently revealed himself to also be one of the planets best researchers. Check out the interview on RedIce creations and wait for the h...
Posted by Know Peace is Kev da Poet on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 03:35:00 PST

Captains Blog, June 2008 - Sadhu Style, The Magpie and Stonehenge

Sadhu Style, The Magpie and ..Stonehenge...... .. .. From Chronicles of a Hip-Hop Bard, .... Captain's Blog, June 2008 .... .. ..   'Kinell. Operation: Bless Everyt'ing has be...
Posted by Know Peace is Kev da Poet on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 12:31:00 PST

my album

Dubstep poetry and UK Hip-Hop, all honest and emotional outbursts from the Hip-Hop Bard of a real life Stonehenge attending Druid Order with assistance from the Synchromystickz, and production from th...
Posted by Know Peace is Kev da Poet on Tue, 27 May 2008 09:59:00 PST

It’s about time we linked up...

For all my OMIs...    * OPERATION: BLESS EVERYT'ING! The THC Society Website  &nbs p;   The concrete rabbit hole for undercover light-...
Posted by Know Peace is Kev da Poet on Fri, 09 May 2008 08:19:00 PST

INVINCIBLE INVISIBLE - Reality Strikes Part 2

INVINCIBLE INVISIBLE - Reality Strikes Part 2(Including a critique of The Esoteric Agenda and Conspiracy Theories in general, also containing an extract from the Tao Teh Ching.) I was temporarily piss...
Posted by Know Peace is Kev da Poet on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 07:55:00 PST

Reality Strikes

Fuck you ’reality’. I’ve dealt with you before. I create my own reality, do I want less or more?Goddess or Whore? More or lessWhat you feel...
Posted by Know Peace is Kev da Poet on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 01:59:00 PST

Tibet Will Be Free

China Clamps Down on Tibetan Protests As Many Deaths, Injuries Reported2008.03.14 (from Radio Free Asia )KATHMANDUChinese military vehicles patrolled the Tibetan capital,...
Posted by Know Peace is Kev da Poet on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 03:48:00 PST

Goodbye MySpace - no more phish food.

Know Peace is good advice and a positive affirmation. It is not me saying that I Know Peace. I have known inner peace, and I attempt to cultivate that feeling so that I can help bring inner peace to o...
Posted by Know Peace is Kev da Poet on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 07:10:00 PST

Heart Shaped Lips

I just found this old poem in my scraps on DevArt. To those that don't know me it might seem out of character. It's not...I want to lick your heart-shaped lips.I want to stroke your hour-glass hips.I ...
Posted by Know Peace is Kev da Poet on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 10:51:00 PST

Tasmania - Epilogue

I want legendary status. That is a desire of my ego. I don't want to be famous, not like Brad Pitt or Michael Jackson, I don't want everyone to recognise me and I don't want my private life to be publ...
Posted by Know Peace is Kev da Poet on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 12:50:00 PST