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Working on my business
Well Id guess I can honestly say that the only people I would like to meet is HONEST, NICE, KIND, TRUE, LOYAL, NON LIARS, NON GAME PLAYING people! The other ones suck azz! People who dont look at age but look at who the person is. Not how much money they have but how much love is in their hearts! Not how fancy their clothes are but how fancy they show their friendship. People who accept me and my business as MINE and dont feel the need to STEAL my ideas and then advertise it as theirs! I will ALWAYS support those who support me. Advertise them as they do me! Once stabbed....their GONE! I have always been and always will be loyal to my friends, family and small businesses as long as Im not giving so much and then to find out the trust is broken! If I feel your company, friendship or cause is worthy...Ill be glad to support you in every way I can!
Only the ones that have death and distruction in them!<
Dont watch much bullshit now a days!
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The true heroes in my eyes are the men and women who go out and fight for the freedom of the usa every day! Even though they cant buy a beer and relax at the end of the day, even though the pay sucks ass and they need to be on food stamps or wic, the men and women of the united states military have all my respect and gratitude! If it wasnt for them then we wouldnt have myspace or any other freedoms to speak of!Dont ask me to sign petitions protesting the war, dont email me how crappy the president is and how hes killing our boys, or how shitty our government is. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and mine is I SUPPORT OUR MILITARY!I wanted to keep this profile professional but enough is enough! You wont change my mind, opinion, thoughts or anything about our men and women of the US Military so don't even try.