Oct 2008
Cortina will be taking an extended break from live performances, while Paul Hansen is touring as lead singer for the great Norwegian band Vamp. No worries though, Cortina is still a band with great plans for the future.
Cortina has excisted since 2001. Since then they have played a lot of conserts in Norway, and in March 2007 they signed with MajorStudio. Cortina's first album "Been A Long Time" was recorded in Popeller studio with producer Mike Hartung, and was released august 2007.
Contact info:
Record Label:
MajorStudio AS
v/ Jan Paulsen
Tlf: 0047 61198270
Mobil: 0047 926 61335
Web: www.majorstudio.no
E-mail: [email protected]
Press contact:
Atle Bøckmann
Mobil: 0047 91538717
E-mail: [email protected]
Johan Moen
Mobil: 0047 98437956
E-mail: [email protected]
Carl Martin Nordby
E-mail: [email protected]
All other contact or direct band contact:
E-post: [email protected]
Here are some reviews of "Been a Long time".
TV2 Nettavisen, 5/6 "det beste er at så godt som samtlige elleve låter har et eller annet ekstra ved seg, med det resultat at man spiller hele albumet gang etter gang, i stedet for å bedrive klassisk låthopping."
Musiq 5/6, En solid debut!
Bergens Avisen 5/6, En lite perle!
Stud Vest, 5/6
Haugesunds Avis "kanskje tidenes popplate med røter i Haugesund", 5/6
Rana Blad, Fædrelandsvennen og Avisa Nordland - "Velklingende", 4/6
Dagbladet "Behagelig popmelankoli", 4/6
VG, 4/6
Aftenposten, 4/6 "Det er noe godlynt og trivelig ved deres musikk som gir deg lyst til å oppsøke dem på nytt igjen etter at den første nysgjerrigheten og oppdagelsestrangen har lagt seg"
Listen to an interview with NRKs Musikknytt
Here is our first video and our second single: In the rain directed by Sara Eliassen
Here is a recording from the national morning show in Norway, In the rain
Here is a recording from the national morning show in Norway, Been a long time
Here is a recording from the TV2 show God Morgen Norge, "Fallen star"
Here is a recording from the local Oslo TV broadcast, "In the rain"