adrian profile picture


President/Founder Living Our Dreams Unlimited/Milkdudly Productions

About Me

Greetings, I am Adrian Cosby founder of Living Our Dreams Unlimited and our mission is to further serve the community through the performing arts by providing amatuer artist the opportunity and venues to express themselves creativly as well as offering the community and the artist a way of embracing the reality of real life situations. Through our work, we want to educate,motivate and elevate the minds of our audiences.....We want to give back to the community a positive message of Hope and Perserverence.An understanding and belief that no matter where you are in life you can always pick yourself up and start over again. Furthermore, we would like to extend our purpose through outreach programs. We will serve the community selflessly. We are open to all forms of artistic expression throughout the community

My Interests

Acting,Singing,Writing and directing plays,walks in the park and being around motivational,uplifting people.

I'd like to meet:

Living Our Dreams will be hosting a new open-mic venue entitled "Live Dreams" held at the Omenala-Griot Teaching Museum which offers visitors a "hands-on" African-American experience. Its methodology involves seeing,hearing,saying,touching and doing.This is a product oriented "you are there" approach. Omenala-Griot's goal is to rectify,relaim and restore the contributions of Black people throughout history. which have been denied,ignored and ommitted. Please stay tuned for our events at this venue!!!!!!!!




Black history,Stephen King,Books on all types of religeous practices,World history,collectors comic books,self help.



My Blog

artist expose' featuring Dale Sanders

Check out Dale on the lead guitar!!!...
Posted by adrian on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 08:28:00 PST