St. Thomas profile picture

St. Thomas

Always read books that will make you look good if you were to die in the middle of reading one of th

About Me

One of my fav pics.
Cool threads, Emo hair from 102AD, and Epistle in hand... A number of you have asked what my hand gesture signifies. It means simply, "Yo! I'm cool, you're chill, ya'know it?"
It has come to this has it? People ask me what it is that I am holding in my pic and all other images of me. I am a writer, you know. I was known for my way with the word, and am an Honorary Irish Bard labeled with the gift of gab, with a wee bit o' the Blarney Stone still imbedded in a portion of my anterior region. But I digress.
What is this object in my hand? Why, it is my Epistle, the Epistle of St. Thomas, of which I am very fond. It is longer than the other Apostles' Epistles, as I love to write. And I must admit I have always felt a little estranged from that party due to Epistle envy on their parts. What was that about thou shalt not covet?
That being said, my Epistle was lost for ages and ages, but being well-crafted and right well approved of by the big guy, it was seen fit to guide a wandering fellow to the urns where it lay hidden by... well, lets just say that jealousy is a bit of a sin, you know? Paul has a lot of explaining to do when he gets out of Iraq.
The Magdalen on her return to the Bungalow in 1918. She is chic.
In the meantime, luckily for me Mary the Magdalen found my Epistle and kept it all that time, thus salvaging a part of my own self until she reappeared at the Bungalow circa 1918. Well, with Jesus having been extremely busy in these last few centuries, what with all the wars he's had to put out what's been "in his name," well, you know how relationships go. So I'm rather fond of Mary, as she kept up my end for a number of centuries at no small cost to herself. She makes great omelettes.
Other than my love of language, the first thing you need to know about me is that I like to wander, and may be late for major epochal events. My trade is a carpenter and architect. I was a twin. I really dig India, and have lived there for quite a long time. Let's see, I enjoy Olympic sports, especially Javelin and Hammer Throwing.
I'm not into people who are know it all, or vacuous and flighty people who have simple blind faith. I have this friend Paul, and don't get me wrong, he's a great guy and all, but Paul was always willing to accept things at face value. I kind of believe in the experiential view, you know what I mean?
Now what about Gnosticism? It's hip, it's contemplative, and so it's a little heretical. Who buried those scrolls anyway? And one more thing, Muhammed Ali's mother. You might know when she burned that papyrus to make her damned tea she nabbed my best lines! Even so, I remind you that my epistle is still the most loved and well regarded of all the Gnostic gospels.
In an experiment against church convention on Earth, I've taken in a few lost souls -- Michael Hutchence, for one. He's like a little puppy. He's been awfully moody since offing himself. I felt sorry for him there in Purgatory, all in limbo and all due to the suicide factor. Marilyn Monroe shares a loft with me, and Anne Sexton keeps her company there quite often. I say it can get very wordy around here. So you might say I'm running a halfway house for the self-inflicted. I took Michael, Marilyn and Sid Vicious in over at my Bungalow, and I moved into the vestibule to meditate more and live a little more simply. Sid and Marilyn have been a Godsend, but we all need to think of ways to help Michael out of his funk so he can get his groove back. You should see Marilyn doing "Dear Mr. President what with her platinum spikes. Billy Idol's got nothing on her, he ain't.
And by the by, I was speaking to Kurt Cobain the other day, who's been running a hip-hop joint over in Germany since he passed. And yes, there's a little of the squirrely on tap here, as he doesn't really qualify to crash at my place, being there was more than a dram of confusion about his departure there on the firmament... So he never was a squatter at Hades' pad, if you dig.
So welcome, and felicitations, on your entry into the Bungalow Vestibule of Harmony, Peace and Light. Things are a bit... different here at the Bungalow. Nothing is ever as it seems, and what with Life being what it is, you know, well, that is as it should be. Perceptions. Truth. Well, we are what we are and we are where we are from, so that we are what we believe ourselves to be follows suit.
Careful, all ye who enter here, as there is humour at stake. Ours is an open minded place, with plenty of room for imagination, rumination, elucidation and prevarication. Simply put, use your heart, use your head, use your intuition, and it might be a good suggestion to listen to the theme song from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory while you're at it...
Read on, Pilgrim... There is much to see and laugh about within these pages. Blogs, comments, pictures and mental wanderings along the path...
That'll do it for now, other than I really dig Las Vegas, aka Sin City. Closest thing in the States to Bollywood, lots of high volume return on soul-saving in less than an hour, and that Wayne Newton is Crrrrazy, man. He and I spiked an idea to start a drive-thru salvation counter, and I'm blissed to say we've been doing a right nice business. I got props from JC and the big guy on that little gem, and Wayne got some prime real estate to the Promised Land. Yep, you guessed it. Cocoa Beach.
Oh yeah. One more thing. I don't like being left out. Never did get over that one.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
I just like this pic a lot :-) Those Muslim architects really know how to build cool towers.

My Interests

Piercing insight parties, swing dance raves, hair coloring, Texas Swing, Coi Farming, Dungeons & Dragons, Rocket Bike Racing, Bunjie and Base Jumping. Oh yeah, visiting Mormons, just for so... Anything that helps you overcome uncertainty.

One other thing: I have a healthy disrespect for war and all who foster, promote, and profit from it.

And at the same time a healthy admiration for Mallika. You just gotta be Indian, or part of the way there.

I'd like to meet:

Well, I've met damn near everybody. Haven't seen my best bud Judas since all the hoopla over that Andrew Lloyd Webber musical on Jesus, and now he's cut a major deal with a major publisher in New York. All that positive notoriety just went to the dude's head, you know? Yo, Judas! If you're out there buddy ring me up on my cell, or at least shoot me a line. I'm beginning to wonder after 2100 years now if you really were my bud. And Jude #2, my little brother -- my twin -- or "BM" as we all called him for giggles, is always trying to pinch my thunder by passing off as me.

Diana Rigg just, well, she does does it for me, you know? Trysting up with her is one of the major perks of being in my position, no doubt. She's hot, she's lovely, demure, sex kittenish, vixen and dom... how in Heaven's name did she manage to learn so many skills in one mortal lifetime? I cannot fathom but try not to waste time on the how's -- I admit it. I have the hots for Diana Rigg, in any of her emanations. But I have an especially warm spot for Barbara Drummond, as she was rather California-girlish, and, well, other than Michelle Phillips, who could do it better, eh?

Other people. Well, Angelina Jolie comes to mind. I mean, what the hell was up with the Billy Bob dude? Couldn't you see through him, woman? You're an old soul, so pick your blokes with a little more insight. What's his name will do for the moment... Other than that, maybe Sarah McLachlan and Gwen Stefani. Grace Kelly is hot. I always pop in on her at the little cabana she keeps down in Cuba. (Shhhh.... no one knows she's there. If Castro finds out he'll Nationalize her)

Thomas Jefferson was cool, but he was riddled with doubt his whole life and ain't exactly the life of the party in the everafter ether either. But he had some great hang-ups, and he grew a great hemp crop down there in Virginia. Has great wine parties too. I need to meet Mel Gibson and tap into his no-doubt kind of thought process. I mean, does he even think about what leaves his lips? I doubt it.

General luminaries I'd like to trip the light fantastic with, on the road to Serendipity: Sting, Vanilla Ice (he had some real self-doubt issues), oh yeah man, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. They were the coolest at the beer parties after they made it to the other side. Jim Morrison, Kristin Scott-Thomas, Attaturk, Teddy Roosevelt, Gabriel DuMont and Louis Riel. That's it for now. Oh yeah, Maggie Trudeau was cool too. And extremely hot for a Canadian. Shania Twain should pay me a visit too.


Willie Nelson, Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys, Michael Nesmith, Laura Jansen, Jesus and Mary Chain, Joni Mitchell, Sandie//Trash, The Sons of the Pioneers, The Real Tuesday Weld, Lorne Greene and My Three Sons, Sarah McLachlan, Pet Shop Boys, Joan Osborne, Rosanne Cash, No Doubt, Connie Kaldor, INXS, Stan and Garnet Rogers, kd lang, Tears for Fears, Bangles, Blackie and the Rodeo Kings, Celine Dion, Boy George, Spirit of the West, Ozzy Osbourne, Bananarama, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash and Kris Kristofferson.


Being There, The DaVinci Code, Searching for Bobby Fischer, King of Kings, No Doubt, Jesus Christ Superstar, Little Buddha, The Greatest Story Ever Told, Spartacus, I Claudius, The Fisher King, Heaven Can Wait, Jesus' Son, The Passion of Christ, Breaking the Waves, Mrs. Doubtfire. Oh yeah, I love all Bollywood films -- Hindi Cinema is where it's at!

Mallika, as you can see above, is really hot. I'd like to meet her too. Now I'm beginning to second guess whether I'd like to meet her or Angelina Jolie first.


Big Love, Nip & Tuck, Seinfeld, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Little House on the Prairie, Bonanza. PTL Re-runs...

As much as Bollywood calls to me, my heart and immortal soul belongs to Mary. The Magdalen trumpets me home on winds of fire and mistral care. I am agog. You should be so agog. Life is good. Eternity is better.


The Gospel According to Thomas (the unexpurgated edition) & The Magdalen Gospels; the Kabbalah, Bridges of Madison County, anything by Emily Dickenson, Virginia Woolf, Anne Sexton or Sylvia Plath.


OhBoy! Rin Tin Tin, The Royal Canadian Mounties, George Bush. I mean, he has absolutely no doubt about ANYthing he does or says!!! Don Knotts, Lorne Green and his three boys -- Adam, Hoss, and Little Joe. Then there's Maggie Trudeau, Fireball Roberts, Willie Nelson, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Mary Magdalene.

And I have a special place in my heart for Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings :-)

My Blog

Ich Bin Ein Berliner!! Töten Sie durch elektrischen Strom der Affe!!!

Well, not really, but I must say that there are certain Berliners and Berliner Wannabeers who have allowed me especial privileges as of late in which I must say I am nearly incapable of speech and ver...
Posted by St. Thomas on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 03:55:00 PST

Smoking Jesus is Hot

My buddy Smoking Jesus has had his long loved and appreciated image re-instated by MySpace, which leads me to believe there may still be a modicum of sensibility still alive on some facet of the Earth...
Posted by St. Thomas on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 10:36:00 PST

A bit’o the bloggy stone

Avast ye matey I seek the wild waysOf the sirens at night that trip the cobblestonesand find in their own eyes the answer to the Universe.Beneath my nose i find the answer to all green thingsfrom lea...
Posted by St. Thomas on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 05:09:00 PST

I am the Lizard King

A bit of a wee problem in the corridors of existence portrays a nimbus cloud of doubt that I would propel myself through to find the edge and then, on pulling all ten of my toes over the precipice I w...
Posted by St. Thomas on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 06:57:00 PST

"Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head," or "Funny Girl"

I was pleased to be allowed to read a long missive blogs written by one of my closest allies on MySpace recently, on the subject of that sexual act known to the Puritan world as fellatio and the joy o...
Posted by St. Thomas on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 12:23:00 PST

December Uprising. A wee movement.

It is an anniversary of sorts, yes, I must say, and when anniversaries roll around I am want to wander through the annals of my mind and recount deeds of glory, tell tales of heroic action and needles...
Posted by St. Thomas on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 10:38:00 PST

Smoking Jesus! What will the censors think of next?

My flock, it has been always my paramount contingency that the world is comprised of more or less good blokes who enjoy a rib-splitting belly-laugh and a rude burst to the sense of being prudish every...
Posted by St. Thomas on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 04:16:00 PST

Suicide Halfway House

As many of you know, the Bungalow Vestibule of Peace, Harmony and Light is an operating halfway house for those souls otherwise confined to Purgatory by the Big Guy. I have felt for years that this wa...
Posted by St. Thomas on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 05:38:00 PST

Hearken, is that a Green Mary?

Travels to the Orient, or Travails through the Green PortalEver seen a cadre of apostles on Absinthe? Not likely, you might naturally think. Yet, in its day, the lowly wormwood was a paean to the proc...
Posted by St. Thomas on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 09:52:00 PST

Calling all apostles

A day in the life of a saint:"It not easy being saintly.It seems you blend in with so many other ordinary things. And people tend to pass you over 'cause you're not standing out like flashy sparkles i...
Posted by St. Thomas on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 08:16:00 PST