][RM][VomitiumNiger][ profile picture


On Perspective Of Spiritual Catharsis

About Me


Dato che il PC mi ha abbandonato, chiedo a tutti voi un attimo di

pazienza x la risoluzione dei problemi tecnici!!! (attualmente mi sto collegando ad internet con un vecchio macinino su cui gira solo win98 e la connessione non è delle migliori...)

Contattateci pure all'indirizzo mail [email protected] e

CERCHEREMO di rispondere quanto prima...

(cuddu cunnu a gesu cristu!!!)

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


This profile was edited by ][RM][ using HTML codes and EditingInterface by satanspace.com Editor

My Interests

::: Funeral Doom et similia, Black Metal et similia, Industrial, Ambient and Drone, Dark and some others... :::

My bands: || Urna || Locus Mortis || Sabaoth || Mors:Tua:Missa (R.I.P.) || Exurge Domine (Coming Soon) || Scisma (Coming Soon) ||

I'd like to meet:

T R A D E R S . . . lista trade aggiornata all' 11.04.07

la nostra lista trade la trovate QUI


Black Metal Prefered: All classics, Abruptum, Spektr, Haemoth, Leviathan, Lurker Of Chalice, Deathspell Omega, Craft, Nihil Nocturne, Katharsis, Blacklodge, Reverence, Wolfe, Drastus, CYT, Shining, Clandestine Blaze, Amesoeurs, Armagedda, Antaeus, Arkhon Infaustus, Battlehorns, Beherit, Blut Aus Nord, Black Blood, Bethlehem, Xasthur, Watain, Funeral Mist, Darkned Nocturn Slaughercult, Goatfire (R.I.P.), Altar Of Perversion, Furze (Necromanzee Rulez), Hate Forest, Krieg, Lorn, Mutiilation, Nachtmystium, Mortifera, Mysticum, Mgla, Nehemah (First Two), Ondskapt, Negative Plane, Pest (ARA Rulez), Svest, The Black (The Priest Of Satan Rulez), Puritas Virginium, Vlad Tepes, Vrolok, Visthia, VEGA,,, and some others!!!

Funeral Doom Prefered: Mar De Grises, Thergothon, Cathedral, Dolorian, Esoteric, Abske Fides, Portal, Ataraxie, Ensepulchred, Evoken, Hyponic, Funeral Mourning, Lethargia, Loss, Skepticism, Morgion, Elysian Blaze, Mournful Congregation, Mourning Dawn, Nadja, Necros Christos, Obskure Torture, Paradise Lost (first five albums), Reido, Intaglio, Type O Negative, The Knell, The Funeral Orchestra, Stabat Mater, Tyranny, Void Of Silence, Wraith Of The Ropes, Ahab, Zaraza,,, and some others!!!

Ambient/Electro/Dark Prefered: Arcana, BSE, Christian Death, Cophnia, Dead Can Dance, Desiderii Marginis, Einsturzeinde Neubauten, Joy Division, In Slaughter Natives, LSN, Limbo, MonumentuM, Mz412, Nordvargr, Premature Ejaculation, Puissance, Slave's Mask, Hexentanz, JHSOmega,,, and some others!!!


Graham Bond
The Eyes Of Blue
Antonius Rex
Rino Gaetano (R.I.P.)