Teresa profile picture


Nothing is as it seems...

About Me

Ok so after being on MySpace, for a long time, I am FINALLY putting something in this section. It may not be here for long though, as soon as I can get this video posted in the right section. This is a bit of what I do. I teach people to flip head over heels, literally. This is one of the athletes I coach perfoming at the Nova Scotia Championships. That's also me pulling double duty, chairing the judges panel, as well as calculating difficulty. ..

My Interests

great live music, playing guitar, pets...
MySpace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Heath Ledger, Bon Jovi, Brad Pitt, Jack Black, Eddie Murphy, Robin Williams, Elvis Presley (it doesn't say they have to be alive)... yeah so they are all famous and talented, seriously what did you expect? The media allows us to see these people and thus decide if we want to meet them or not. I can't put the name of a stranger because I don't know them, or anything about them and thus can't decide if I want to meet them. ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- I've already been very fortunate to meet some of the people I'd like to meet (thus are not on the above list) and most of them are very cool, down to earth people that I'd totally like to get to know better and be their friend.


David Usher, Tomi Swick, Brian Byrne, Hurst (Econoline Crush), Crash Kelly, Moist, Rye, Jon Cornwall ;-), Laughing Sam's Breakdown, Holly McNarland, Trip Phoenix, Simon Wilcox, Sarah Brightman, Dido, The Thieves, Damien Rice, David Grey, this list will grow as I think of more..... Brian Byrne "Far From Good".. David Usher "Brilliant".. Brian Byrne "Oscar Thomas Finn (Wish You Well)".. Hurst.. Tomi Swick "Everything is Alright".. Tomi Swick "A Night Like This" to POTO.. The Suits XL "Low".. Damien Rice "Volcano".. The Thieves "Tales from the White Line" .. Interview with Tomi Swick and The Suits XL in Kingston


Pirates of the Carribean, A Knight's Tale, School of Rock, 10 Things I Hate About You, Legends of the Fall, Dances with Wolves, BraveHeart, and the list will grow....

My Blog

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Teresa on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 03:32:00 PST

Those of you requesting to be my friend...

If you have requested to be my friend lately, I apologize for not adding you yet.  Bands and musicians, I don't think it respectful to add you without listening to your labours of love (your musi...
Posted by Teresa on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 10:14:00 PST

Scary Times for me

Feeling a little lost and alot alone in this great big scary world right about now.  It's hard to know who you can or cannot trust anymore.  I must be a real idiot because I keep getting bur...
Posted by Teresa on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 12:22:00 PST

And the most over used phrase of MySpace is.......

You're hot!  You see it everywhere!  In messages, and MOSTLY the comments people leave on other people's pictures.  Come on people, there's got to be a better pick up line than that!&...
Posted by Teresa on Fri, 30 Sep 2005 08:20:00 PST

Myspace has a new Toy!!!

So today I added a song to my space!!!  And it was really easy!  Yes, I know, the rest of my space is still boring.  But I gotta say I don't like alot of the too wild and busy backgroun...
Posted by Teresa on Sat, 03 Sep 2005 12:16:00 PST

Rockstar INXS - Yes I am watching it

Ok, so I am no professional by any means, but in my humble opionion and after having been to quite a few live performances in the past 3 years, I think I know what I like in a live performance.  ...
Posted by Teresa on Wed, 17 Aug 2005 08:32:00 PST

What annoys me about my space...

You know what annoys me about my space?  The people who pretend to be someone they are not!  And I am not talking about not being honest about your height, build, salary ect.  I'm talki...
Posted by Teresa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

James Doohan

Hmmm, noticing a trend with my mood and blogs.  Today I found out that James Doohan passed away this past Wednesday at the age of 85.  I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Doohan 7 years ago ...
Posted by Teresa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The End of My Tour with Hurst

Well, this is my first blog entry.  Let's see how it goes....  So this past little while I have pretty much been on tour with Hurst, (not really , but I got to see them play alot of shows...
Posted by Teresa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST