bikedomeworks profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

We are looking for a parner who is willing cooperate withus as we can assistance your company or agent in Asia. As is commonly known in the cycling world, Taiwan producesmost of the high-end components and frames for racing, withmany companies selling to major product brands as OriginalEquipment Manufacturers (OEM's). Some estimate that 80% ofracing components and frames sold throughout the year areproduced here.Bikedomeworks is your best choice as a business partner inAsia. From the very prototype developing of products, tothe final aftermarket production, we offer highly skilledassistance for you. We provide bike parts OEM/ODM service,product representation, quality control, procurement,pricing, and consolidation.Our design department also provides graphic, packaging andweb design.We also provide printing service, such ascatalog, aftermarket packaging, frame decal, all kinds ofstickers...etc. We can deliver your printing products to wherever yourequire.Our small group of friends here in Taiwan have been invarious cycling endeavors for years, and continue todiligently work in a field we all love. We reach out tomeet fellow cyclists everywhere in the world to come and beour friends. We are willing to offer cutting edge productsat spectacular prices to the cycling communities of theworld.Please visit our website for more infomation.

My Interests

Cycling. -----Check the best value bike components on eBay!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who loves bike vary much and also we are helping new bike brand sourcing!!!


The sound of cycling.