Carson Blume Photography profile picture

Carson Blume Photography

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

.. .. .. ..Well lets see, I grew up in the beautiful town of Redding in NORCAL (aka hella) where I starting cycling running climbing backpacking mounteering and just plain exploring the expansive wilderness. I am a sports advertising photographer, ( Carson Blume Photography ) specializing in cycling, running, climbing and another outdoor adventure sport you can imagine. I have another business that is a digital production service for photographers, ( Digital Capture Systems ). My active lifestyle is currently on hold due to a unfortunate runin with a Land Rover on my road bike, ( Cars R Coffins ) it broke my knee cap and various bones in my arm. I will most likely be moving to San Francisco in the next year, if I don't run away to europe.

My Interests

Photography, Cycling, Running, Climbing, Mounteering, Backpacking, Trekking, Travel Travel Travel, just plain exploring, good people, good food, maps, coaching, and helping people reach there potential.




Boondock Saints, Pulp Fiction, Sicko, Hacking Democracy, Iron Man, Idlewild


Rescue Me, Nip Tuck, Colbert Report, The Shield, Entourage (just because Ari kicks ass)




Steve "Pre" Prefontaine

Lance Armstrong

Anthony Bourdain

My Blog

Sports Shooter Site
Posted by Carson Blume Photography on Sun, 18 Sep 2005 10:33:00 PST