acting, art, books, celestial bodies, celtic music, chocolat, coldplay, dancing, dave matthews band, day of the tentacle, drawing, england, english, exercise, faeries, fairy tales, food, grover, guys with tatoos, health, hiking, incubus, ireland, jim henson, kgb, king aurthur, margaret atwood, matrix, maxwell, momento, movies, muppets, music, npr, paris, paula cole, photography, piano jazz, poetry, rape prevention, reading, santa barbara, sarah mclachlan, scotland, soccer, sting, sushi, the big lebowski, the family guy, the simpsons, the vagina monologues, theatre, tomatoes, toni morrison, tori amos, women's issues, writing, x-men.
Artists. Poets. Lovers. Dreamers.
"My life is but a short and precious seed
Like three seasons of life in a leaf on a tree
And when I cascade to the ground I will not be done
I will mingle with the earth and give life
To the roots again"
-Paula Cole, Amen
The Big Lebowski, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The House of Sand and Fog, Big Fish, anything by Kevin Smith, anything starring Phillip Seymore Hoffman, Labarynth, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Fight Club, Snatch, Bridget Jones Diary, Almost Famous, Napoleon Dynamite, Amelie
I'm pretty much obsessed with Lost. But don't tell me anything about this season because I'm waiting for the DVDs.
The Birth of Venus
Mary Lou Retton, Phillip Seymore Hoffman, Gertrude Stein, , Ani Difranco, Tori Amos, all my fellow Vaginas I have ever worked with, my grandfather who served in WWII, Cindy Sherman, Andy Whorhol, Eleanor Antin, T.S. Elliot, the Bronte sisters, Betty Friedan, Kim Stiner-Zercoe, Heidi Polk, Candace Waid, ALix Olson