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Meljean Brook


About Me

I'm an aging author who likes superheroes a bit too much, crowds not enough, and tells everyone that she meets that she likes to make demons and angels do it.
You can find more information about my books at my website , by clicking on any of the covers below, or by visiting me at my blog.

Coming in February:

.. In this fifth book of the Guardians series, explore the seductive corners of the dark, as a forbidden attraction tempts danger under the canopy of the...

$7.99 Berkley Sensation
February 5, 2008
ISBN 0425219771

Charlie Newcomb worked hard to get her life back together. But all that is shaken when she's set upon by three vampires desperate to transform her beauty into something evil. Because Charlie is the vital link to something they want--and need. It's Charlie's flesh and blood sister, a medical scientist whose knowledge could be invaluable to the predators.

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But to get to her, they must first get to Charlie, now under the intimate protection of Ethan McCabe. As her Guardian, Ethan is attracted to her vulnerabilities--as well as her strengths. The closer he gets, the more protecting her becomes not just his duty, but his desire. But will it be enough to save Charlie when the demon night falls?

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Read an excerpt.

Coming Soon:
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My backlist:
.. .. .. .. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests


Oh, wow. I love cheesy horror films (The Evil Dead series) and fantastic ones, but am not a fan of a gore-fest for the sake of gore. Ditto for action adventure films. I LOVE sf/f, particularly superhero films. Do I even need to mention the likes of Serenity, LOTR, or Star Wars? I have a huge soft spot for films from the 80s like Willow, The Neverending Story or The Princess Bride.


Sadly, I don't watch very much anymore. I miss The X-files, Buffy, Angel, and Firefly -- and I've been slowly catching up on others via DVD, but it's been a slow process as I often fight for TV time that doesn't include Blue's Clues or Dora The Explorer.


I got my degree in English lit, and I'm a huge fan of Milton, Wilde, Austen, James, Faulkner ... oh, man, too many to list. A few genre favorites include dark fantasy like Anne Bishop's DARK JEWELS TRILOGY, some urban fantasy, horror, too many paranormal romances to name, historical romances, and romantic suspense. Also, graphic novels and comic books.


Batman. Wonder Woman. Superman. (In a threesome.)

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My Blog

Interviewed by The Book Smugglers!

Posted by Meljean Brook on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 10:33:00 PST

I’m getting around.

No, no  this is not about the letter in RWR about how today's paranormal heroines all talk and act like sluts (because that's been done and discussed over and over and over and over and over.) But I ...
Posted by Meljean Brook on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 09:43:00 PST

A huge thank-you to the Book Binge!

Thanks to the ladies of the Book Binge: Holly, Casee, Isabel and Rowena! We had a fantastic guest author week, and tons of books given away. If you commented in the last contest, don't forget to go se...
Posted by Meljean Brook on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 12:56:00 PST

Also -- Im at the Book Binge, giving away books.

I've also been guest authoring at the Book Binge this week (but, um, I forgot to post it here. Seriously, I always come to MySpace to check out other people's sites, and never remember to update my ow...
Posted by Meljean Brook on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 09:48:00 PST

Nathan Fillion and Wonder Woman. Together.

Excuse me while I die of happy. I might actually warm up to Steve Trevor now. ...
Posted by Meljean Brook on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 09:39:00 PST