++-::ABOUT MY SONGZ::-++ Verry briefly 4 now..I write & sing about parables/strength/life/manny different veiws i've seen,mini movies of life i've experienced. i've lived 1,000 livez been 2 heaven/hell/limbo & back. my songz should mean whatever they touch in uuu.."Whatz a Girl 2 Du".. is about all the distractions of the world,people & society who will take so much of u u dont have time 4 urself,nor do they care, ,,,u get it... "NEVER".. is a Rebel Song, about how peole will fall in love with u & then start whinnin about all the things u do, its about not going 4 all the grap fed 2 u & knowing urself as a loving soul & standing ur ground,a little sarcasm 2 make my point..."WALK on WATER".. is about loving someone in ur soul no longer with u & u still feel them everywhere ..."LAST CALL".. concerns "bar" dating/scene,u know that one person that everyones after & u see right thru them,dont get whats the BFD, but u feel left out from the attention cause everyone'z sooo absorbed...uuugg..."BAD SLIPZ AWAY".. i wrote on a beach in Hawaii,(can u tell) escaping from a break up (as close 2 another planet as i could get) when u finally let go & r free from the pain/confusion & honor the love again...u know...
"ANCESTORS" is haunting, about the unknown tho we knowz..ya know?? incomplete version up on lft side player,,full blow rock opera version up soon & more songz!.....++ABOUT ME++
BUT BY THE MOMENTS THAT TAKE OUR BREATHS AWAY!!." "Success is when you get what you want, Happiness is when you want what you get"
My father was a country jammin musican,and all the Big 'ol Boys...(No name dropping here...Buuut..) Used to come to our house and jamm all nite, he'd wake me up to sing with them & handed me my 1st guitar at 5, told to write a song by the end of the week IIIFFF I wanted my allowance.(nooo pressure tthere..) Music became my toys to play with,,,Been playn 4 my supper ever since.. around all the music scenes...like my daaad, .. never stuck with a deal, (hardheaded?...that'd beee aaahhh....yeess!!) its not like that now ,record companies are not the only way, INDIES have overtaken the "norm"(HATE IT... always have Always Wiill !!!) .. have a million songs(last count...uummm),different styles (depending on the songs moooood...) writing what i ponder ...(keeps me from going completely insane!...(buuut... how would i knooow?aye?...) I'm ahh little sarcastic...(ya think!...) or visionary(ooohhh) in my songs...think about it ..(Timez Up!),, My different CD's carry my different styles...itz really freakin an experience doing it all myself!... also work in major television/films,(where alll broke musicians go..$$$ cha ching!!..)(YiKEZ!!) sooo... gigs and recording are in off seasons for now. stay tuned for my video's , song changes & other changes on my site often...(blah blah blah blah...)...Stay tuned!! Allllways looking to add those one of a kind truly driven artists/persons(no matter the degree) to my site! SSooo Come Aboard Ya All!!Never stop playing or being what you beeee!!..Stay true to you and your shine stays polished man!!!(oohh how enlightened of me...shut up!...) anndd...hopefully my music saves my soul & getz me the !**% out of the movie biz!!!%$*&@%*!!,, Top Friends Will change often! Wissh i could fit ALLL of YOU at the same time that have RAWKED My World and shared with me!! Muuaahhh!!,,And ALL of UUU who have Top Friended Me or Added My Songz r just Fareakin Me Out Man!! BIG SPECIAL MMMUUAAAHZZ!!! BUTTERFLY EFFECT!!!
MY 2 VIDEO's ..
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