Building and maintaining a strong matrimonial foundation with my wife. The collective making of music with Chumley's Toy. Living life to the fullest. Acting. Modeling. Touring. Expressing myself through my basses. I love to play them for hours. After a while, the bass starts playing me. She reminds me how I've been feeling and helps me vent what frustrations need venting. What wordless stories need telling. It's almost like passionate love making... My basses are my mistresses. They each have their own personalities & idiosyncracies. I treat them with respect & they reciprocate. They each make me feel a certain way, make me play a certain way. I love them each equally, yet differently.
Good people. People in bands. Fans. New drinking buddies. Old drinking buddies. Beautiful people. Ugly mother fuckers. Fans. Happy dogs with wagging tails. Cool cats. People to jam with. People who listen. Story tellers. Funny people. Fans. People to teach. Intelligent people. People to learn from. Fans. Established musicans. Starving artists. Respectable people. Did I say fans? If not, fans. Good waitresses serving good food...better yet, make that hot waitresses serving hot food. Old friends. New friends. True friends. You friends. If you'd like to talk to me, please feel free to do so: AIM=chumleysbass & YIM=chumleysbass
I'm really looking forward to the Transformers movie. I pray it doesn't suck...
My wife.