Music, Movies, a ton of different things
Someone who will just love and except me for just meView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Techno (trance bieng my favorite)
Punk (NOFX being my favorite)
Even some country and classical I have very diverse taste
.. Fear and loathing Las Vegas 10 to Denver when you dead Ali G It's all gone Pete Tong Midsummersnights Rave All Kevin Smith movies these are just few i'm a moive fanatic
The only show I watch regulary is Lost
Chuck Plankuic and Chirster Moore are 2 of my favortie authors some of there works that Ive read: Fear and loathing Las Vegas, Trainspotting, Choke, Lamb: The Gospil according to Biff, Bloodsucking Fiends, The Stupidest Angel, Pratical Demon keeping, Invisible Monster, Survivor.I do love to read i'm always ont he look out for something new
Zak my Best friend Kevin Smith Henery ford Thomas Jefferson Thomas Edison General Goerge S. Patton Bruce Lee And all those ohters changed the world with out ever even realizing it at the time