Little British sportscars, any piano that crosses my path, islands and highlands, boats beaches and bars, offshore fishing, hiking Carolina hills for waterfalls, cross-stitching Van Gogh and Picasso, roadtrips and planetrips, non-trivial pursuit of interesting and usually historical knowledge ...
Tones sound, and roar and storm about me until I have set them down in notes ~ L. van Beethoven **********************************************************Jo hn Bell, Jimmy Buffett, Rick McCammon, Gene Wilder, Fred LeBlanc, Mary Stewart, Dennis Miller, Anthony Hopkins, Stephen Colbert ...
Classic, blues, jam and celtic rock; classical solo piano and piano symphonies; cajun,zydeco and most music that comes out of New Orleans; and Jimmy Buffett - thank you for providing the musical background for so many wild adventures.
Love those cable movie channels
Occupy the majority of my free time
The guy who invented the MGB and the guy who invented air conditioning. Seriously.