christopher profile picture


I am invincible and so are you.

About Me

My name is Christopher. I'm a writer, artist and graphic designer. I create a comic book series called THE GHOULY BOYS for SLG Publishing and occassionally contribute to other comics works (HAUNTED MANSION, TALES OF HOT ROD HORROR, SLAVE LABOR STORIES, STRANGE EGGS PRESENTS, THE BULLET ANGELICA and others).

The story so far...

A week after graduating high school, I was hired to work the graveyard shift as a clean up artist for an animation studio. Working there under an "assembly line" type setup, I mind would wander off into thoughts of eventually starting my own comic book studio, where I could be my own boss and be free to create whatever I wanted. A year later, with my two best friends, we did it. We started self-publishing comics under the "Invincible Studios" imprint and put out 5 issues of a comic book anthology called, "THREE". After a decent start, each issue got increasingly fewer and fewer orders, so I had to finally throw in the towel. I may self-publish again someday, but for now "Invincible Studios" is mainly my art and design studio name.

10 years later:
I was picked up by SLG Publishing to write and illustrate my own comic book series. After releasing the first two issues of THE GHOULY BOYS, I decided to take a one year break to concentrate on my new role as a father. Before I knew it, that year turned into three... and counting. During the interim, I've contributed to some other projects and THE GHOULY BOYS has been optioned by Benderspink (A History of Violence, The Ring) and Mandate Pictures/Lionsgate (Juno, 30 Days of Night, The Evil Dead) to be made into a movie.

I'm a full time graphic designer for AEG Worldwide and occasionally spend some time on nights and weekends to work on a panel or two for THE GHOULY BOYS issue 3. Recently, I finished illustrating a 6 page story written by Cory Doctorow for the final issue of DISNEY'S HAUNTED MANSION comic book and illustrated 97 sketch cards for MARVEL COMICS' "Marvel Masterpieces II" trading cards.

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Fat Bat plushie
Zombie Boy plushie
Fat Bat shirt
"Invincible" shirt
Skull & Stars
Art Prints
Design Portfolio:
Blog (I use this more than the myspace one):
DeviantArt gallery:
Comicspace profile: christopher

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6

My Interests

Comic books, art, soccer and video games.

I'd like to meet:


Important note about comments:
I will sometimes deny comments that are just blatant advertisements or contain things that are slow to load.


A.F.I., Billy Idol, Black Sabbath, Blondie, Bon Jovi, The Bravery, Chet Baker, Chris Isaak, Concrete Blonde, The Creatures, Dean Martin, Dion, The Donnas, The Dreaming, Duran Duran, Elvis Presley, English Beat, Ennio Morricone, Evanesence, Frank Sinatra, The Ghastly Ones, Goldfrapp, Guns N' Roses, Her Candane, Hoobastank, Inure, Isaac Hayes, James Brown, Jimi Hendrix, Joe Satriani, Johnny Cash, Judas Priest, Julie London, Kiss, KMFDM/MDFMK, Leonard Cohen, Lisa Marie Presley, Lunachicks, Manowar, Misfits, Motley Crüe, Motorhead, Muse, My Chemical Romance, My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, Nat King Cole, New Order, Nightwish, No Doubt, Pat Benatar, Queen, Rammstein, The Ramones, Red Elvises, Rob Zombie/White Zombie, The Runaways, Sammy Davis Jr., Sarah McLachlan, Save Ferris, Sex Pistols, Sister Machine Gun, Social Distortion, The Sounds, Stabbing Westward, Stray Cats, Theo and the Skyscrapers, Tom Jones, Tom Waits, Tool, Unsteady, VNV Nation, Yeah Yeah Yeahs


28 Days Later, 3:10 to Yuma, Akira, Aliens, American Splendor, Army of Darkness, Batman Begins, Ben Hur, Big Trouble in Little China, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Blade trilogy, Buckaroo Banzai, A Bug's Life, Carlito's Way, Casablanca, Casino, Citizen Kane, City of Lost Children, Clash of the Titans, Conan the Barbarian, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Cyrano de Bergerac, Darkman, The Devil's Rejects, Dragon, Empire Records, Enter the Dragon, Excalibur, Fight Club, Finding Nemo, Flash Gordon, Frankenstein & Bride of Frankenstein, Gladiator, The Godfather I & II, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Goodfellas, The Goonies, Grease, Grindhouse, Heat, Hero, Hero at Large, High Planes Drifter, Hot Fuzz, The Hudsucker Proxy, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939), The Incredibles, The Indiana Jones movies, The Iron Giant, Jaws, Kevin Smith movies, Kill Bill, King Kong (all three versions), L.A. Confidential, La Femme Nikita, The Last Temptation of Christ, Life is Beautiful, the Living Dead movies, The Longest Day, Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Magnificent Seven, The Matrix, Monsters Inc, Ocean's 11, Ocean's Eleven, Once Upon a Time in the West, The Professional, Pulp Fiction, Raising Arizona, Ratatouille, Requiem for a Dream, Resevoir Dogs, The Right Stuff, Schindler's List, Serenity, Seven, Seven Samurai, Shaun of the Dead, Signs, Sin City, SLC Punk, Spartacus, Star Wars trilogy, Superbad, Superman: the movie, Superman Returns, The Thing, Three O'Clock High, Tombstone, Toy Story I & II, Trainspotting, Traffic, Transformers: the movie, True Romance, Unbreakable, the X-Men movies, Yojimbo


24, Angel, Attack of the Show, Band of Brothers, Battlestar Galactica, Big Love, Buffy, Deadwood, Dexter, Doctor Who, Family Guy, Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, Jericho, LOST, My Name is Earl, The Office, Robin Hood, Saturday Night Live, Scrubs, Smallville, The Sopranos, Star Trek: TOS-TNG-DS9-Enterprise, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Cronicles, Torchwood, The Unit, X-Play


BOOKS: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Born Bad, The Chronicles of Prydain, Farenheit 451, Flowers for Algernon, The Guardians of the Flame series, The Once and Future King, Stranger Music, anything by Bukowski
COMIC BOOKS: 100 Bullets, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Batman: Year One, Bone, Blue Monday, B.P.R.D., Conan, A Contract With God, Daredevil: Born Again, Daredevil: The Elektra Saga, The Dreamer, Egg Story, Emo Boy, Fables, From Hell, Haunted Mansion, Hellboy, Invisible People, Karma Incorporated, Lenore, Marvels, Maus, Mouse Guard, Nightmares & Fairy Tales, Outlook: Grim, Powers, PvP, Sandman, Sin City, Squee, Stray Bullets, Superman: Red Son, The Ultimates, Ultimate Spider-Man, V for Vendetta, Walking Dead, The Watchmen, X-Men, Y-The Last Man and all of SLG's comics

My Blog

Michael Turner passes away

I just found out that comic book creator Michael Turner passed away last night. There is more info about it here: didn't really know him. I think I've only...
Posted by christopher on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 11:57:00 PST

SD Union-Tribune article about my friend Marc

The San Diego Union-Tribune recently featured an article in their "Night and Day" section about my friend Marc and his connection to the band Nightwish. This weekend Nightwish is making their first ap...
Posted by christopher on Sat, 24 May 2008 07:08:00 PST

Gene Colan is ill

Artwork by Gene ColanLegendary comic book artist Gene Colan is suffering from liver failure. Most popular for his work in the 60's and 70's on such books as "Daredevil" and "Tomb of Dracula", his art ...
Posted by christopher on Mon, 12 May 2008 03:45:00 PST

Comic Book Store owner shot in robbery

David Pirkola, owner of Apparitions Comics and Books in Kentwood, MI was shot in an armed robbery last week. The last I heard, he was in critical but stable condition. Unfortunately, David doesn't hav...
Posted by christopher on Sat, 03 May 2008 05:02:00 PST


x-posted from LivejournalMy Aunt had an operation to remove a tumor not too long ago. At first the news seemed as if she was done with the cancer. It looked as if it was just a remainder from her prev...
Posted by christopher on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 04:04:00 PST

Dave Stevens passed away yesterday.

I just heard about this. Dave Stevens passed away yesterday. He was one of my all time favorite artists. Most well known for creating the Rocketeer" comics. Man, I loved the movie too! To this day, I ...
Posted by christopher on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 02:38:00 PST

Rest in Peace, Eric.

The Brueland family with Tuomas from the band NightwishEric Brueland passed away yesterday. He was my friend Marc's dad. Marc passed away four years ago after a seven year battle with cancer. And now ...
Posted by christopher on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 07:42:00 PST

FREE Zombie Boy dolls (limited offer!)

Hey, want a free Zombie Boy plush doll? SLG Publishing is at it again, giving stuff away for free. I know, I know. Madness! All you have to do is pay for shipping. Just head on over the webstore and ...
Posted by christopher on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 03:20:00 PST

Bats Day- this weekend

We';re heading off to Anaheim for Bats Day. I'll be vending at the "Bats Day- Black Market" event this weekend. This is the first time I've had my own booth at an event in over ten years. I've spent p...
Posted by christopher on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 10:18:00 PST

Comic-Con '07 recap

Okay, the first thing I have to say about Comic-Con 07 is that I definitely over extended myself.I didn't get confirmation that I was in the art show till a few weeks before the event, so I didn't get...
Posted by christopher on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 02:35:00 PST