Industrial, Futurepop, Goth, EBM, Eighties, Heavy Metal, Punk Rock, Dark Techno, Darkwave, A DIFFERENT DRUM, ALFA MATRIX, ANT-ZEN, BRACTUNE RECORDS, BUGS CRAWLING OUT OF PEOPLE, CLEOPATRA, COP INTERNATIONAL, DEPENDENT RECORDS, DSBP, ETERNAL SUNDAY RECORDS, INFACTED RECORDINGS, MEMENTO MATERIA, METROPOLIS RECORDS, NINTHWAVE RECORDS, OUT OF LINE MUSIC, PROJEKT RECORDS, VAN RICHTER, WTII RECORDS, NEW TALENT BANDS, 4tune8, 16Volt, 29.92, 32Crash, Absynthesis, Accessory, Acumen Nation, Aeshetic Perfection, Alan Replica, Alaska Highway, Amduscia, And One, Android Lust, Angels & Agony, Angels On Acid, Angelspit, Apoptygma Berzerk, Ascii.Disko, Asmodeus X, Assemblage 23, Attrition, Ayria, Battery Cage, Beborn Beton, Bipolar Murder Musik, Black Tape For A Blue Girl, Blaqk Audio, Blutengel, Bobby, Boole the Band, Bruderschaft, Canal Pop, Carfax Abbey, Carved Souls, Cesium_137, Cindergarden, Clan Of Xymox, Cleaner, Client, Clock DVA, Code 64, Collide, Colony 5, Combichrist, Conetik, Control Theory, Cosaquitos en Globo, Covenant, Crisk, Crüxshadows, Cut.Rate.Box, Cynthia Leech, Dark Instance, Darvoset, Das Ich, Dawn Of Ashes, Deathcamp Project, Decoded Feedback, Delta-S, De/Vision, Diary Of Dreams, Diverje, Dominion, Doubting Thomas, Download, DragChrist, Droom, Drown Transmission, Echo Image, Edge Of Dawn, Eisbrecher, Ella Blame, Engelmacher, Eurocide, Evil's Toy, Fairlight Children, Fixmer McCarthy, Front 242, Front Line Assembly, Funker Vogt, Girls Under Glass, God Module, Gothika, Gothminister, Grendel, Haujobb, Heaven 17, Hecq, Helalyn Flowers-AVC, Hex Rx, HMB, Hocico, Hypnoskull, Icon Of Coil, Immune System, Imperative Reacion, In Strict Confidence, Informatik, Information Society, Iris, I:Scintilla, Isynthesist, James D. Stark, Joachim Witt, Juno Reactor, K.M.F.D.M, Kinderparty, Klute, KooLTURE, Laho, LaVey, Leaether Strip, Lights Of Euphoria, Liquefaction, London After Midnight, Lords Assistants, Lost Signal, Lust Murder Box, Lycia, Mandkind Is Obsolete, Marazene, Mark Nicholas, Mentallo & The Fixer, Menticide, MG75, Michigan, Mind Confusion, Mind.In.A.Box, Mindless Faith, Mindless Self Indulgence, Mono Chrome, Mordacious, Muscle And Hate, NamNamBulu, Necessary Noise, Necessary Response, Neurocative, Neuropa, Neurotic Fish Nevarakka, Noise Process, Numb, NVMPH, Odd Modern, PA.L, Panzer AG, Particle Son, Phase Theory, Plastic Orgasm People, Pride And Fall, Pristina, Project Nemesis, Project Pitchfork, Psychic TV, Psyclon Nine, Pulse Legion, Raindancer, Rancor Project, Reaper, Regenerator, Rename, Retractor, Richter, Riothead, Roger Roter, Rotersand, Rupesh Cartel, Seabound, Secuencia, Sero Overdose, Seven Days Of Night, Shattered Order, Silica Gel, Simplyd4rk, [:SITD:], Snog, Soul Creeper, Soundgazer, Spanking Machine, Specimen, Star Industry, State Of The Union, Statik Fayth, Stromkern, Substanz-T, Suicidal Romance, Suicide Commando, Sunshine Blind, Synkro, Syrian, Tau Factor, Technoir, Terminal Choice, Tesseract7, The Birthday Massacre, The Cassandra Complex, The Dignity Of Labour, The Downward Path, The Echoing Green, The Fair Sex, The Garland Cult, The Retrosic, The Strand, Theory In Motion, theStart, This Morn' Omina, Tom Wax, Tribal Machine, Tristesse De La Lune, Tumor, Ultraviolet, Vein Cage, Velvet Acid Christ, Vertigo Venus, Virgin Fix, VNV Nation, Wolfsheim, :Wumpscut:, XP8, Yeht Mae, yelworC, Zombie Girl