ST☆RDUST profile picture


About Me

we are sTARdUST !The main driving force and motivation behind the concept that is Stardust, is the direct manifestation of an alternative view point to what we believe a night out should encompass. Each session is complementary to each other, but with a different approach. Always pushing things forward, with a conscious intention to create a fusion between artistic expression and musical view points that culminate in a unique experience.Our aim is, to offer artists (national & international)an environment where they can expound their broadest interpretations of what contemporary electronic music, visual art and party ethic is, with complete freedom. We strongly believe that a combination of different styles and good taste is the key to an unforgettable event. This is what we endeavour to deliver.The balance of Stardust is that the music is not the only fundamental protagonist. We draw heavily from a visual point of view aswell, where the artist..s performance and desire to have fun is the nexus of the union with the people, and where this communion can be appreciated through all these elements combined. And contribuited to by all.Who we are.Stardust is a vehicle that specialises in electronic music event production, development & promotion.Stardust..s objective is to reinvent the concept of a memorable night out in each of our sessions.The application of a combined youthful dynamic philosophy alongside with a professional attitude with experience and good taste are the essential ingredients to the success of our formula.With out labels or categories, we focus on the Show and spectacle element. Always drawing from cutting edge tendencies, but never immersing ourselves in them. FUN and innovation are our main goals.Musicians, dj..s, visual & video artists, performers, and general expressionists whose aim is to break new ground, are the cast that line our bill.Stardust is the brain child of Adrian & Sara Loeh. Over 7 years experience in working and producing some of Spain..s most relevant and inovative clubs and events, has given them a strong foundation of knowledge and professional ability to make their vision a reality.Their reputation and know how, alongside a versatile background has not only made them in demand for consultancy and promotion in all night life and club related events, but also in the media, fashion and artistic communities.The musical vector that is followed is varied in its nature, but founded on a common ideal. As well as sticking to our strategy, we offer a chance to up and coming unknown artists, collaborate in resident exchange programs with artists, promoters & event organisers around the globe, and are always open for stardust to be used as a vehicle for other artists, promoters and collectives with interesting and parallel projects to promote their art, and are pleased to be working with all the many friends we have made in all the continents.STARDUST manifesto anti-club culture 1. Neither do we have a one set goal, or misión or crusade. We do not believe in holy grails. We laugh at trends and styles, as we know that fads are as irrelevant as they are transient.2. Electronic music is not the future, as it is the antithesis of the present.3. We do not believe in gods dressed as robots, but in robots with celestial sounds.4. Established club culture is a counterfeit burlesque compendium of what is truly important. Celebration, the ritual of dance and the extreme as a form of art is the most absolute and simple vehicle for contentment.5. Nightlife as a médium to liberation.6. We do not believe in the super star system. Our V.I.P area is the dancefloor, because thats where things happen that truly mean something, and are remembered. These are the feelings that are kept with us, and make the moment7. Unconcious collective.8. An open space for minds. 9.We do not have ideaologies, because they are the weaknesess of the XX century. As absurd as they are obsolete.10. And all of this, because we feel like it.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/25/2006
Band Website:
Influences: Drugwork@Stardust (Klubbers festival)

The Horrorist@Stardust (Klubbers festival)

¡Pinche en la imagen para recibir instrucciones!

Descarga la sesión de Rubén Montesco_ Punish your machine haciendo click en la imagén

Download the Rubén Montesco_Punish your machine session clicking the image

Sounds Like:
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Type of Label: Major

My Blog


a.reBannerUpper{height: 200px;rc: 1;position: absolute;rc: 1;width: 850px;rc: 1;margin-left: -425px;rc: 1;left: 50%;rc: 1;top: 0px;background-image: url("http://aycu04.webs...
Posted by STRDUST on Fri, 02 May 2008 05:24:00 PST

ROBERT CALVIN_ DISKOW SUCKS! VOL.5 (download it here!)

You can download here the last volume of Robert Calvin´s mixes !!!Diskow Sucks! vol.5click here!!!Tracklist:01-Peter Richard:"Le planete nous regarde"02-Valerie Dore:"Get closer"03-Big Ben Tribe:"He...
Posted by STRDUST on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 05:16:00 PST

SWEETER BEAT download the new djset!

SWEETER BEATEste nombre ya conocido por casi todos en su entorno y no por pocos fuera de él, nace a principios de los noventa, con la idea de mezclar estilos tan prolíficos como el E.B.M, Techno Pop c...
Posted by STRDUST on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 09:33:00 PST


Daniel Holc es conocido en los círculos electrónicos como Ascii. Disko. Tocó la guitarra en la banda Slown y actual teclado y guitarra de la banda indie-rock Sci-Fi, Venus Vegas. Las habilidades de As...
Posted by STRDUST on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 10:36:00 PST


Miguel Mendoza. (Coppelia 101 / MSX/ Armut24)Decir que un dj ha compartido cabina con los grandes nombres de la escena no significa realmente mucho. Lo que realmente vale es lo que se demuestra allí.M...
Posted by STRDUST on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 02:42:00 PST


..COCÓ CIELÖBiografía de Cocó: No nací jamás, aun estoy naciendo y estoy harta de mi pasado: ya lo viví y me aburro.Influencias: Bowie, Eno, Visage, el afterpunk de 4AD, la Velvet y la factory, la new...
Posted by STRDUST on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 03:57:00 PST


DRUGWORKLa carrera de este dj comienza a principios de los 90 en fiestas y raves del norte de la capital pero no tardó mucho en hacer sus primeras apariciones en las cabinas que ayudaron a escribir la...
Posted by STRDUST on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 04:06:00 PST


ADRIANO CANZIANwww.adrianocanzian.comenglish text:Adriano was born in 1973 in Pieve di Soligo, near Treviso. He studied sculpture and graphic art and attended the Accademia Di Belle Arti in Rome. He...
Posted by STRDUST on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 04:18:00 PST