Vintage clothes & accessories, kitschy 50's, tiki whatnots, playing Scrabble with my family, vintage shopping, drivin' my 67 Impala, riding bikes with the wee one, a nice glass o' wine with sushi, family BBQ's, rescuing old black and white pictures
More Elvi. That is the plural of Elvis, yes? Or would that be Elvipodae? I like people who worship me like the goddess I used to be before I entered denial. Which is why I love my husband!
When I first started out on MySpace I wondered at all the people constantly saying "Don't try to add me if we have nothing in common!" and thought... heck.. they must be popular! Well... now I've been here for awhile and I know. I'm popular, too! But REALLY-- I WILL NOT ADD YOU IF I DON'T ALREADY KNOW YOU! And if I don't automatically recognize your avatar, I won't click on your page to find out who you are... so if I DO know you, it's best to send a message with your add request. Rules rules rules... Thanks!
I have an iPod. It is lime green. It has no music on it, only podcasts. Yeah, I'm a freak like that. I like to hear the thoughts in my head or, failing that, the thoughts in other people's heads. And I still listen to AM radio. I do like music, I just mostly keep it in my head: Ednaswap, Annetenna, Elvis, Ella, Nina Simone, Patsy Cline and lots of other music who's author's I am unaware of. I hate hate hate German industrial music and, in fact, most industrial music in general. Makes me want to put my head under a grinding wheel -- or better yet, someone else's head.
MadMen (It's set in 1960, how could I not love it? On AMC), Jericho, Heroes, Forensic Files, Cold Case Files, Body of Evidence, FBI Files, New Detectives and all those kinds of shows and old 40's & 50's movies on TCM & AMC.
Currently reading: The Sisters: The Sage of the Mitford Family (I'm on a Mitford kick right now), GOD is NOT Great by Christopher Hitchens. All time favorites: We The Living & Fountainhead-- Ayn Rand. The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby. The Poisonwood Bible, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, ohhh so many more. Fercryinoutloud... my mom owned a bookstore, there's no way I could think of them all! . I like serial killer biographies... and I also really enjoy non-fiction books like The Prehistory of Sex : Four Million Years of Human Sexual Culture by Timothy Taylor... Drink: A Social History of America by Andrew Barr.
My Mom.