I'm born in Belo Horizonte city but I live in Contagem City.
It is on I studied and also live (no for a long time).
I like write, and read, but I love write, how histories even lyrics of musics.
I'm simple person to like simple things and simple persons also. I Like
also of confronts, but don't confronts-me becouse I don't worry-me
in how conquist my wish, when I am want, I with oneself, by the manner or other.
I don't believe in religions, becouse I think that isn't necessary one religion for
have faith in god's.
The Music is a part of me (I don't be singer and music artist) but I can't nothing make thing
withou a the great music. I believe as with the her all fluidity best.
My life is normality, I like to dance, to singer (alone), aske with my friends,
talk in internet, studie other languages (Español and Italian)but the basic ok?
I like to cook, how, pasta, lazangna,raviolli, polenta and more).
My favorite hobby is make web sites, yes, a stay hours and hours making this is, its a
fantastic, also like to play video game....Tomb Raider is my favorite game.
One dream? hummmm.... Live in world of every chocolate....rs
I'm one fan of Elis band,accompanied your everyworks with Sabine Dünser in the vocals. After your die, in last day 08/07/2006 I decided creater one fan site only portuguese for the fans participate, asked, and more.
Infelizmente eu não pude conhece-la pessoalmente, por isso pedimos aos fãs que enterajam uns com os outros, trocando informações e materiais se possivel para que nosso trabalho seja possÃvel de ser realizado com o máximo de conteúdo.
Com isso estou desenvolvendo o primeiro fã site dedicado a cantora que hoje compartilha de sua bela voz com os anjos.
Escolhi fazer o site com o tema de seu ultimo album, intitulado como Griefshire, no qual ela descreveu detalhadamente com uma históra que fala sobre o amor de irmãos, idolatria pela mãe ao fanatÃsmo religioso. Com isso, espero que o site fique a altura de uma homenagem a nossa querida sabine que sempre cantará para nós.
This is a recent revelation of Heaavy Metal/Celtic from Germany. Your influence sound is celtic. The Lyriel band cast a your second CD with a beautiful tribute to our lovely Sabine Dünser (with 2 singles Sabine Singing) in 04. My Favorite Dream; and 14.My Favorite Dream 'Dedicated Version' with a beautiful duet of singers.
One day someone asked-me: "Why the die angles?" Then I said to: Angels don't die, also fly to sky! Was this is become with Sabine, she is now singer for a angels.
Don't buy falses Cd's, the addition is originals to be source of revenue for a very peoples, also that need they to a survived and more. This is a best form to suport the work of your artist favorite!
MySpae Brasileiro oficial da banda