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Cara Mastrey

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About Me

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Hepatitis C: An American Tragedy
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I began singing in my first bands in L.A. many years ago. I've always sang songs that I've written along with my ex husband Michael Anthony. I gave birth to my daughter in Ireland and focused on being a home mother, continuing to write songs and books and performed in the local pubs and private parties. I began teaching singing to local Irish musicians when I became pregnant with Xaria. Since I came back to the States in 2001, to continue where I left off with my music career, I got on every stage that I could challenging myself by singing with Jazz musicians and blues bands. I'm also back up singer for the heavy metal band DODD. We're currently in the studio recording their album. I also continue to teach and have had over 200 students in Minnesota helping their dreams come true. I'm known as the throat doctor because of my tricks of the trade. I teach all styles, all ages, professionals, and beginners. Some of my professional students are Fifty Seven Stitch, Civilian, Travisty, False Intentions, Kris, in Allister Ivy, beautiful trigger, Full Stack, Danger is my middle name, etc. etc. See Sing with Mastrey, cdbaby. I'm currently recording my first solo album and shooting a video, as well as working on Sing with Mastrey vol.II and III DVD's I will soon be teaching on line camera to camera. see myspace/caramastrey below (in friends). to hear music. Background by
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My Interests

My main interest is my daughter Xaria Rose Anthony, whom I love more than anything. Singing and Performing is my life. I love ALL Music, Art, Dance, Acting, Baking, and children, people. Children always come first. Martial Arts is my discipline, I sit and BREATHE daily. I'm a black belt in the stretch portion and teach sitting, stretching, singing and breathing. Healing through the vibration of sound. PEACE ON EARTH is my greatest PASSION and interest!!

I'd like to meet:

I've worked with the some of the best musicians in the world and created my own bands to perform. Everything from Jazz to Heavy Metal. I'm always seeking new talent to create with. There are a few people I've always wanted to meet, Paul McCartney because the Beatles were my first love of music and I wanted to marry Paul when I was 7. I'd love to work with David Bowie, Chris Cornell, Ozzy Osborne. I'd love Ronnie Montrose to Produce and play on my album. Slash has offered to also play guitar on my album which would be wonderful! And I would love to sit down at the piano with EVH and just see what happens, but it would have to happen naturally. I do film soundtracks for Rwang Foo Productions in which I am Musical Director). As a child I've dreamt to be in a Filini movie with Sophia and Marcello. I'd still love to act in a movie with Sophia Loren. Her beauty and sophistication has been an inspiration to me. It would be wonderful to be in a film with Al Paccino, Brad Pitt and or Johnny Depp. Wouldn't everyone! I want to meet artists of ALL types, who live their passions and love to live through their chosen art forms on a daily basis. I say, "creativity is the key to longevity. Love is human survival, and peace is eternal'. Rock and Roll is in my blood and keeps me young and joyful. I'm interested in Intelligent, honest, people with good hearts and a sense of humor. ; PA new band to look out for. endeverafter Buy their album, you won't be disappointed. These boys are heading to the top.


I love it all. From classical to heavy metal. The more eclectic the better. I've performed in Pop Rock, Jazz, Blues, and Heavy Metal bands....Octopus, 2:am, Den of Thieves, Chill 17, Sublime Curve and Dodd. My music is catagorized as being alternative hard rock ambient sensual. (Sinead Oconner Lita Ford and Bjork meets Sade). Throw in some provocative rhythm section from Metallica and I'm there baby.


Amadeus, Clockwork Orange, Pulp Fiction, Sin City, Doors, Jackie Chan, Moulan (disney) Steamy Love stories, French, Italian foreign films. And of course, our films Rwang Foo productions We're filming comedic martial art films ala Jackie chan, Jet Li. I'm one of the leading ladies in the films.


TV sucks and is propaganda. It's mostly all gossip and violence. It feeds the paparazzi frenzy and warps our children's minds as to what is acceptable. Our society is forced to live in these little boxes we've created with very little physical human contact. Let's go back to NO electricity and see how creative, free and enlightened we can truly become. Exceptions go to Oprah where she is doing great work in trying to better the world.


Future Shock, History, Autobiographies, Shakespeare, Dr. Suess, Playboy, anything I can get my hands on. I love researching and finding out truths in life spiritual growth and awareness. Health and prosperity. I enjoy writing my own books too. I've written a biography sex journey, A Cookbook, and a childrens book. Someday I hope to publish them all for different age group variations and interests. I would love to live in a library. I'd read every single book.....we could have our bed in the corner, with candlelight, chocolate, a good man and a good book. What more could a woman ask for really. Awareness is the key.


My sister Tawn Mastrey who died an unnecessary death, but fought until the bitter end and is creating change for awareness for Hepatitis c. Also, Firemen, Martin Luther King Jr., Jesus Christ, Mother Theresa, my mother Jo Hiner, who's 80 and still rides her bike. People who are willing to give themselves while risking their own comforts and needs, caring for ones neighbor can be a hero through some ones need. We're all heros, if together we can make this planet a better place through peace & love. That takes discipline. A hero is being disciplined to ones true self. ............................................................ ............................................................ ..I'll be listing my vocal students BELOW: Check them out!! MySpace URL: }