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The Creatologist

Deliberately Different!

About Me

So heres a little about me. My name is Tony T and I am a Product Designer and owner of two Patent Design Copyrights.Im an ideas person and Im forever coming up with useful ideas, products and services other people including myself can benefit from. i am motivated and committed to help encourage the people I meet and of course myself, to become better focused and successful.I am aiming to make a little difference, not only in my life but in other peoples lives too and I already feel that I have made a mark by my actions!Its not what you say you can do but what you do with the ideas you have.Im trying to make an Impact with my life and hopefully I will become more content and fulfilled.

UK Intellectual Property Office is an operating name of the Patent OfficeIPO Intellectual property (IP) can allow you to own things you create in a similar way to owning physical property. You can control the use of your IP, and use it to gain reward. This encourages further innovation and creativity.Own-it offers free intellectual property advice for creative businesses.Within your business or your practice, you've probably created a wealth of in-house ideas, designs, music, writing, images – in short, 'intellectual property' - which can make you extra money, as long as you give it the proper legal protection. Own-it will show you how.Millions of Artist can tell stories of losing huge profits because they knew nothing about IP (Intellectual Property)Own-it offers its members the chance to watch their basic guide to copyrights, trade marks, design rights and patents online for free!To find out more on the subject of IP, please feel free to click on any of logos above!Help yourself become wise!Tony T (Inventor)

My Interests

When I was a teenager I won many Awards and medals for local and National long distance cross country, 800 and 1500 metre track races but then I received a knee injury which changed my direction for life.There was another hobby which kept me interested and that was developing every-day items which we all use, to make current products work much easier than it currently did, like making the bicycle saddle much softer by changing the hard leather surface into a cushioned padded saddle.I always looked at products in my surroundings and could see how to make improvements which would allow the user’s to handle the product’s in a much better, safer and easier way.I left secondary high school and went on to take a degree in Engineering and Science, then ended up working for my family in a business dealing with the Marketing and sales of haircare products.As soon as I found an opportunity to get back to what was more “My Thing”, I started to design products I felt people needed and could afford to buy.I believe that if an idea is Great then It should be entered into a National Competition and test what the Industries and their leaders say.To my surprise I started wining medals again!So here I am again, a winner of the Gold medal and Silver for a second year and a design which could hopefully save someone's life one day and this is something I am very proud of!I now help all kinds of people to develop the ideas which they have (Including students at schools, colleges and Universities) I have also realised that it seems many people have come up with ideas at some point in their lives but never actually done anything to realise it and bring to market. I have seen many people “kick” themselves because someone else came up with the same idea that they had thought of some months or years previously.I generally meet People/Clients in cafes, musuems, exhibitions and sometimes on the internet to initially discuss ideas, as these are much more friendly environments to talk about ideas and generally get to know one another.I am very interested to hear what many people have to say because I believe in the human brilliance!

I'd like to meet:

My purpose here is to Network and make links with people who have Innovative Ideas which I might be able to help develop & introduce to the right market platform's.I like to meet many different types of people, like those who have ambition and drive and those who are trying to be the best that they can be, no matter what it is that they are into as it takes all types to make our world spin round! Im a character who is not in a hurry to be rich or famous... (Im Very Optimistic about the future though)!My time will come and in its own sweet time.If a creative link comes my way with the friendships I make here on myspace, then I will go with the flow and see what comes of it!


I admire Hip hop (The Core where it sprung from) Sean Combs aka P Diddy, Russell Simmons n Master of Rap Rhythem, Busta Rhymes)! I tune into Music (period) its such a brilliant Innovation and without it the world would have cracked by now! So Big up to all the Music lovers, Producers, Song writers; preformers throughout the whole wide world! Keep doing what you do so that I can keep creating Great Ideas as I listen to your brilliance!Hip Hop Guru'sRussell Simmons is the most important businessman in the history of rap music. As co-founder of the Def Jam label,Simmons' street-friendly taste and marketing savvy helped bring hip-hop crashing into the mainstream of American culture and mass media. He's often been compared to Motown impresario Berry Gordy, but there's one important difference: Where Gordy strove to make assimilationist R&B that would be considered respectable by pop audiences, Simmons ensured that his artists remained as uncompromisingly rebellious as possible. That attitude made hip-hop a music of choice for a generation of teenagers simply by staying true to its roots; it was a multi-cultural phenomenon that succeeded -- more or less -- on its own terms. Simmons was the entrepreneur who shepherded rap music into big business, gradually building his own communications company into the largest black-owned enterprise in the industry. By the time he sold Def Jam for 100 million dollars in 1999, he was one of the most respected figures in the rap business, and continued to take an active interest in shaping the culture's future direction.


Trading places, Goodfellas, Coming to America, The Thomas Crown Affair, Menace to society, most of the James Bond Movies (The Ideas and inventions in Bond Movies have inspired me)... the list is endless but i thought this was the moment to mention the Classics!


Here in the UK we have lots of reality/real life shows. One show thats got me hooked right now is "Dragons Den" (a show about every-day people who have cool ideas but they have to show their ideas to a group of multi millionaires who will invest if they like your idea.I have alot of fun watching The X-Factor (off-spring of the pop idol show). Simon Cowell and Sharon Osborne are an Interesting combination!Im basically a lover of challenge and determination in people!


The OXFORD Dictionary.Against the odds by James Dyson.Anthony Robbins, Notes from a FRIEND.Paulo Coelho's, The Alchemist.The Lord of The Rings by JRR Tolkien.Graham Hancock's, Fingerprints of the Gods.


The Father Of Pyramid Building (2551-2528 B.C) King Khufu, who is also known by the greek name "Cheops," was the father of pyramid building at Giza. He ruled from 2551 - 2528 B.C. and was the son of King Sneferu and Queen Hetpeheres. Dates Built: c. 2589-2566 B.C. Total Blocks of Stone: over 2,300,000Truth and Facts on the Ancient Egyptian Order.The Creator of Monotheism (1375-1358 B.C)Akhenaton was the first ruler in recorded history to believe in the concept of One God. He also taught this concept to all his citizens. He built a new city in the desert that was dedicated to religion, art and music. This new city, Akhenaton (now Tell el Amara), with its lush gardens and magnificent buildings is where Akhenaton and his wife Queen Nefertiti changed Kemet's culture so radically that their influence is felt for centuries right up until today. Akhenaton was also the first Pharaoh of whom a true likeness is recorded as shown.He's still the most recognizable man on earth And over forty years after he burst onto the scene as a gold-medal winner at the 1960 Rome Olympics, Muhammad Ali remains a magical figure, known and loved throughout the world. Dubbed "Athlete of the Century" by GQ magazine, Muhammad continues to receive accolades for his contribution to sports. He has been named Sports Illustrated's "Sportsman of the Century, the BBC's Sports Personality of the Century, the World Sports Award's "World Sportsman of the Century and the State of Kentucky's "Kentuckian of the Century. In 2005, he received the United States of America's highest civil award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. As a boxer, Muhammad brought unprecedented speed and grace to his sport, while his charm and wit changed forever what the public expected a champion to be. His accomplishments in the ring are the stuff of legend!Robert Nesta Marley (February 6, 1945 – May 11, 1981) was a Jamaican singer, songwriter, guitarist, and political activist. He is the most widely known performer of reggae music, and is famous for popularising the genre outside Jamaica. A faithful Rastafarian, Marley is regarded by many as a prophet of the religion!We remember the brilliant and evocative music Bob Marley gave the world; music that stretches back over nearly two decades and still remains timeless and universal. Marley has been called "the first Third World superstar," "Rasta Prophet", "visionary" and "revolutionary artist". These accolades were not mere hyperbole. Marley was one of the most charismatic and challenging performers of our time.Bob Marley's lasting dream was to make his song "Africa Unite" a reality by encouraging peace, education and empowerment throughout the continent. Rita Marley has carried the torch for this cause and led the fight to see her husband's dream fully realized.Prince and Michael Jackson are Masters of Innovation!Michael Jackson and two of his costume designers obtained a US patent (US5255452) in 1993 on "Methods and Means for Creating Anti Gravity Illusion". The invention outlines how a special pair of shoes attaches to a stage to allow leaning forward beyond the centre of gravity of the wearer of the shoes.If it wasn’t for this amazing Invention which allows you to lean forward without falling, this Movement on the Smooth Criminal video would not be possible!JAMES BROWN R.I.P!MAY The FUNK be with YOU!Vivienne Westwood and Tyra Banks The Ultimate Trend setters!Tyra Lynne Banks (born December 4, 1973) is an American retired supermodel. She is best known as the Creator/ hostess and judge of the reality television show America's Next Top Model! Banks is one of only four African Americans and seven women to have repeatedly ranked among the world's most influential people by Time magazine.From the Past above and in the current!Innovation's TechnologistBill Gates, James Dyson and Richard Branson the rebels with a cause!Also Many of the Creative Innovators who have set brilliant new trends aimed at the masses and have succeeded!

My Blog

So who is Tony T?

 So who is Tony T?  Tony T (aka Tony Waithe) the fifth of nine brothers and sisters (six sisters, two Brothers), was born in Cumbria, the North of England, from Caribbean parents, hi...
Posted by The Creatologist on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 11:16:00 PST

Another Great Gate-way (!!!

    Dear Creative Friends,   It seems, the word is out! Tony T's Myspace page is Creating the potential to feed the millions of Myspace Creative's with IP Wisdom!  Own-it o...
Posted by The Creatologist on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 06:07:00 PST

Tony T Making History with The British Library!

To My Myspace Family,The British Library (as seen on TT's front page photo slide) have agreed to promote their Intellectual Property Protection (IP) Imformation, books & seminars through TT's Mys...
Posted by The Creatologist on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 07:56:00 PST

The Patent Office joins force with Tony T!

UK Intellectual Property Office is an operating name of the Patent Office  Dear Friends, The good news has once again found it way to TT's Myspace page! In the past two weeks, it w...
Posted by The Creatologist on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 05:08:00 PST

Tony T's 9 Top tips to protect ur Ideas

COVER YOURSELF  If you've got a great idea keep it quiet. You can only get a patent if your invention is a secret until you apply.  LOOK AROUND YOU Maybe some one else has thought of th...
Posted by The Creatologist on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:00:00 PST