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It's another beautiful warm sunny day by the sea down here in Torquay

About Me

Living on the beautiful ENGLISH RIVIERA . Over 23yrs in finance and now looking forward to spending the rest of my years as a professional writer . Lately seem to be hitting most of the ladders on the creative "snakes & ladders" board. As I'm from Irish stock and Ireland has no snakes, I can spot snakes at a 1000m with my eyes shut. Have recently formed a new songwriting team with Billy Chapman. We have also formed a creative media company LEMON AND LIME MEDIA LTD. I will bulletin when the website is ready . do like most people but lean towards those who manage to combine humanity and a sense of humour with confidence, talent, commonsense and imagination. I am blessed to have some of these rare individuals within my circle of friends. I am eternally grateful to all those past and present who have inspired me.If I had to describe my poetry, I'd rather not, but would accept a description of poetic, idealistic pragmatism. I am happier though to leave the reader to conjour up their own...______________________________________________________ ___________

My Interests

thinking, writing, music, thinking, writing poetry, writing lyrics, music, literature, film, art, philosophy, Quantum Electrodynamics, science, psychology, neurology, sociology, sex, criminology, history, art, cosmology, natural history, humour, science fiction, technology and......... DREAMING WITH MY EYES OPEN

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with a good heart, a decent disposition, a humble attitude towards others and the strength and imagination to pursue their personal dreams................Would like to have met Richard Feynman, Tommy Cooper, Jacques Brel, Johnny Cash, Paul Robeson, Raoul Wallenberg, Oskar Schindler, Sim Kessel, Carl Sagan, MC Escher, Antoine De Saint-Exupery and many others I hold in awe


pretty eclectic, as long as it is melodic and good, most styles mainly Classical, Pop, Soul, Rock, Jazz ............................................................ .............FOR NEW TRX BY CHAPMAN/COUGHLAN CLICK ON THE BLUE IMAGE OF billychapman IN MY TOP FRIENDS.................................................


Les Miserables, The Red Balloon, Schindler's List, Leon, Frankie & Johnny, Wings of Desire, Gladiator, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, ET, Fearless, FisherKing, Jesus of Nazareth, Married To The Mob, The Abyss, Tron, Kagemusha, Seven Samurai, High Plains Drifter, The Outlaw Josey Wales, In The Heat of The Night, Sin City, Brotherhood of The Wolf and others


The Simpsons,Murder One , The Office , The Rise and Fall of Reggie Perrin , When The Boat Comes In , Edge of Darkness , Police Squad , Despatches, Newsnight ,Have I got News For You , Family Guy , Married With Children , Hill Street Blues


I'll try and keep this short. Les Miserables; The Little Prince, Brewer's Phrase and Fable, The Oxford Companion of The Mind, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Schindler's Ark, assorted encyclopaedias, & books by Arthur Koestler, Martin Israel, Dennis Lehane, Lee Child, John Connolly, Michael Connelly, and others by Richard Feynman, Colin Wilson, William Johnston, Dean Kootnz , William Dalrymple, Gary Larson's Farside books


Hal David, Quincy Jones, Richard Feynman, Tommy Cooper, Raoul Wallenberg, Victor Hugo, Bill Hicks, Jack Nicholson, Stevie Wonder, Gene Hackman, Ennio Morricone, Terry Gilliam, Judy Tenuta and others to be announced, as they are caught when they pass through my mind like neutrinos. Clumsily put maybe but a pretty accurate metaphor...

My Blog


  I'm sat here quite late just thinking and reflecting on a few things a dear friend recently said about the effect we have on each other's lives and without that connection where our lives would...
Posted by John on Tue, 29 May 2007 04:47:00 PST

" NEVER THE BRIDESMAID " just back from a wedding, it was not like this :)

  How many times have you donned the White ? How many men have shared your wedding nght ? How many times have the Banns been read ? C'mon, how many times have you been wed ?   You're never t...
Posted by John on Sun, 27 May 2007 11:47:00 PST

" AFRAID AT THE EDGE " dedicated to introspectives........

  Pausing , and pausing, then pausing some more maybe that explains why I'm so scared probably because I've been here before pushing gently at an open door   Stood on a ledge, afraid at the ...
Posted by John on Mon, 21 May 2007 04:36:00 PST

I like this........ I really like this.. wonderful,,2080776,00. html -Is-Bruce-Willis-a-talkbacker.html...
Posted by John on Sat, 19 May 2007 05:28:00 PST

" CAT GOT MY TONGUE " even poets know how it feels to be tongue-tied

  All those poems that you wanted all those words you asked me to write I couldn't do it, couldn't say how I felt try as I might, sometimes all night words stuck in my throat and my head all...
Posted by John on Sat, 19 May 2007 04:18:00 PST


  So many times you've passed in the Hall so many times I've meant to speak but could only squeak and felt I'd fall   Within arm's length but out of reach you're Ursula Andress on that beac...
Posted by John on Tue, 15 May 2007 06:11:00 PST

" YOU DON'T LOOK LIKE YOUR PASSPORT " plastic surgery Mmmm

  Really ? I don't recognise you What did you say  ? we were friends once before you went to L.A but you went to chase fame and a film career got a new face and now you're back here   W...
Posted by John on Tue, 15 May 2007 05:58:00 PST

" STILL GOIN' STRONG " a celebration of a long marriage

  I got my feet on the ground, got my head in the stars as we're drinking I'm thinking " How lucky we are "   'Cause we're still goin' strong, still goin' strong after all these years we're ...
Posted by John on Tue, 15 May 2007 04:43:00 PST

" BACK IN ONE HOUR " dedicated to all who daydream including me

  Vacant eyes, vacant eyes, vacant eyes then a look of surprise !!!   Hey what's with the vacant stare where do you go when there's no-one there I find you so very, strange and confusin...
Posted by John on Tue, 15 May 2007 05:01:00 PST

" STEEL DAISY-CHAIN GUY " commuting....

 Backwards and forwards, day after day after day just one of the horde, look there's another in front the way gears grinding, dawn and dusk blinding can't let you in, can't let...
Posted by John on Mon, 14 May 2007 06:11:00 PST