Visual Art - in all it's glorious shapes and sizes.
Music - both making it and listening to it (and trying not to get too bogged down in modern day genrelistaion)
Films - I'll give anything a try.
Theatre - When I have the time/money
Books - at night time before I fall asleep
Artists. Performers. Photographers. Musicians. Scultpors. Craftsmen. Craftswomen. Singers. Painters. Glass-blowers. Graffers. Actors. Actresses. Writers. Readers. Poets. Students. Teachers. Mothers. Fathers. Sons. Daughters. Visionaries. Revolutionaries. Leaders. Followers. Makers. Doers. Winners. Losers. Try-hards.
Whatever I likes - I likes
Far too many to mention
When I grow up I want to have a big house with its own library! I can't imagine I'd ever read them all but they do look good!