Fucking,Painting, Drawing, Classic cars, Bikes , Computers (tech nerd), MONEY, ,camping, working out, cage fighting, pool (eight ball),
.."http://www.stainedskin.com/files/64/d9a9ac49-65bf-d230-48 f0-5d4630170064.jpg"
Neil Diamond, Steal Vagina, Pelican, Fu Man Chu, Halfway to Gone, Bongzilla, Clutch, Kyuss, Queens of the Stoneage, Led Zeppelin, Nebula, Black Sabbath, CCR, The Eagles of Death Metal, Faith No More, Orange Goblin, The Clash, Some Hair bands from the 80's, Morphine, MC Bootyslappa, Tenacious D, Slayer,Greyboy Allstars, Turbonegro, Naked Raygun, Ronnie James MotherfuckinDio, AC/DC, Judas Priest, Iron maiden, Blood for Blood,
Dolemite, Sweet Sweetbacks Badass Song, True Romance, All the Alien movies, Bladerunner,
History Channel is my downfall!!!
Authors : Micheal Moorcock, Isacc Asimov, Roger Zelazny, Shakespeare , Tom Wolf, Philip K. Dick, Neil Gaiman, Greg Bear, Frank Herbert, and many more.