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THIS IS THE LAST WILL & TESTAMENT OF THE OTHERFOLK. THESE 4 TRACKS ARE THE ONLY FINISHED RECORDINGS.There are many possible responses to being lost in the wilds. You can stay put and wait for help. You can build fires and flash mirrors and construct huge SOS signs by piling stones on the ground. You can pray. You can throw yourself off a cliff. You can try to find your way out by backtracking, or you can plunge on ahead. Or sideways. Or in circles. It makes no difference which method you adopt, though it is a reflection of character, and an expression of style. The romantic is a dangerous impulse, easily confused with the most pathetic sentimentality, yet so wonderfully capable of a magnificence borne and illuminated not by mere endurance, but by a joy so elemental it will gladly risk the foolishness of it's likely failure. There are lessons that even the wisest council can't prevent us from learning. Each raindrop is different unto the river and equally waters the trees. Reality is final. But it is not complete. How could it be without the Mystery Train hurtling through our dreams? How could it possibly be complete without imagining that together we have all dreamt it up, to make it real, so that at this moment, right now, our entire lives could come to this provocative state of affairs. That train is the Dawn Death Zephyr, burning human breath and broken dreams for fuel. ALL ABOARD!