'Always on the outside of whatever side there was - when they asked why it had to be that way, 'well', he answered 'just because''.What folk say about The VISTIC...'He's a bit good!' - Tom Robinson - Radio 6‘John E Vistic, the English answer to Nick Cave but with an even bigger Guthrie styled country edge. This is a man with a voice and stage presence to surely end up on one of the main stages here in the future.’ [Glastonbury Festival Review 2007].‘Mr Vistic has a big, deep mark Lanagan voice, and his band of banjo pluckers and slide guitar outlaws rattle out beefy rockerbilly somewhere
between the Pogues and Johnny Cash’ [Venue Magazine ‘South West Sound’ Review 2007]‘Dark bruised blues, whiskey rimmed lyrics (I’m trying to resist the comparison to Dylan or Cash though both are hugely tempting) and the sentiment of Leonard Cohen on a bender’ [Glastonbury Festival Review 2007]‘dirty, rocking, drinking music, terrific!’ – Pilton, [Glastonbury Festival Emerging Talent Comp Review 2007].‘like Nick Cave fronting psychedelic era Stones - Yes that good!’ [Bath Fringe Festival Review 2006]‘Elvis meets Johnny Depp cool’ – [Trowbridge Festival Review 2006]‘filthy punkabillly country’ – [Ashton Court Festival Review 2006]The JEVE are now outing songs from their forthcoming second album ''Extinction Blues"."There are two types of people wear cowboy hats: cowboys and assholes"