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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
The Millions More Movement Houston Local Organizing Committee is a coalition of grassroots organizations striving for the advancement of the black, brown, and red across the globe. We are moving and shaking the City of Houston and will continue with the help of God and the ancestors to move the Millions More Movement. The Millions More Movement is not to petition government for a civil rights bill or a handout, but a commitment to take responsibility for ourselves. The skills and talents to remedy the ills among our people are already here, all we have to do is to unify them. We are looking to unite all individuals, grassroots organizations, and community leaders towards being responsible and active in improving ourselves and our community TOGETHER. It is the UNITY of our leadership and organizations, the pooling of our resources, financially and intellectually that will solve %95 of our problems. No one organization or leader can solve the man problems we face.
From the Millions More Movement Houston LOC
Ministry of Information
Join the Houston Millions More Movement Business Network
The Ministry of Information proudly presents the Houston MMM Business Network wherein we want to offer YOUR services to everyone that registers with the MMM . Whether it's real estate, landscaping, computer repair, consulting, health, law, medical, a CDC, hair braiding, poetry, writing, music public speaking or babysitting we want you to sign up. Every time some one signs up we want to hand them discount coupons with a listing of the MMM Business Network . What's the catch?there is nonethe only thing we ask is that you donate $1 to the H-LOC. What will that $1 get you? 1. Your business will be listed on the discount coupon listings to be handed out with MMM Registrations and at all MMM events. 2. You will help to create incentives for people to sign up for the MMM so we can register more people! 3. Your business will be exposed on our local MMM Website and Myspace page that are being redesigned. 4. A chance to support the treasury of the local 9 Ministries so we can take it to the next level. Sounds like a great opportunity? Well, here is what we need from you:
Company Name
Business Owner
Services Offered
Company Logo (if applicable)
Company Address
Contact Number
Web Address
The discount you are willing to offer to those who Register with the MMM (i.e. 30% off the first landscaping)
Brought to you by the MMM H-LOC Ministry of Information
Featured Listings:
10% off first months tuition
$20 discount on massage therapy
$15 discount on a series of colonics
Complimentary Financial Needs Analysis
Misdemeanor down payment start at $250 with possible dismissal
Felony down payment start at $500 with possible dismissal