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I haven't found my trampoline but I've got my wheel;)

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PJ Harvey & Björk - Satisfaction (1994)

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My Interests

music, music, music and Her promotion (alternative, industrial, industrial pop & electronic, cold wave, psychodelic, hard, hurt & full of longing)

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I'd like to meet:

Al:), Trent:), P.J.:), Tim Roth:), Sean Pean, Gary Oldman, Patricia Arquette,Charlize Theron, Simone de Beauvoir;)Tori Amos everyone who loves art: music, literature, theatre, film and life!


Variete, NIN, P.J Harvey, Ministry, 1984, Republika, Kora, Einsturzende Neubauten, Nick Cave & the bad seeds,New Model Army, DHM, Tori Amos, Agressiva 69, 503, Dalek, The Clash, Ausgang, Bauhaus, Apteka,Pleasure Forever, The Verve, Depeche Mode, Swietliki, The Young Gods, Tori Amos, Jane's Addiction


Metro (Subway), Naked, Sweet&lowdown, Nikita,Lost Highway and other Lynch's ways,Sid & Nancy, Monster, Lulu on the Bridge, Thelma &Louise, Pociag, Przesluchanie, PRZYPADEK, Woody's films, Koyaanisquatsi & Naqoyqatsi, Don Juan de Marco, Natural Born Killers, Strange Days, Jasminum, Volver, The Liar, Fight Club and Angel Heart - its great predecessor;), Niebo,Pozegnanie Jesieni, Buddy, Fargo, Todo Sobre Mi Madre, All or Nothing,


tvp kultura, kino polska, VHS


Cudza krew (Le sang des autres), Pozegnanie jesieni, Solaris, Wahadlo Foucaulta, Przez ciemne zwierciadlo, Valis, Kobieta zawiedziona, Szara strefa, Kobieta i mezczyzni, Black Venus, Heroes and Villans, Miasteczko z ludzka twarza,poezja wegierska, Przebudzenie


Joanna d'Arc;), all creative women and men:)

My Blog


I've seen a lot of things and I've seen Monster.......where's the truth???Where the fuck is it???
Posted by Paulena on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 11:21:00 PST

Love is not enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love is not enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Paulena on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 01:26:00 PST

next bla, bla, bla

Euforia, Przez zycie, przez dzialanie pozbawione przymusu i przyjemnosc sluchania, smakowania, wydawania z siebie, wchodzenia w tlumne sytuacje.......kolejna skrajnosc sinusoidalna......???  ...
Posted by Paulena on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 02:33:00 PST

bez charakteru

Jak bez wlasciwosci, swoistosci, drobinki rzeczywistosci unosza sie z wiatrem, pozostawiajac czarny megalit nieznanego i niechcianego. To pewnie tylko mój nastrój i pewnie minie, przerodzi sie w eufor...
Posted by Paulena on Fri, 25 May 2007 02:22:00 PST