BlackRoad - In love! - Im here again:) profile picture

BlackRoad - In love! - Im here again:)

Die another day, give up another day!

About Me

"Good things usually begin with a difficulty but great
things invariably begin with an impossibility.
Welcome the impossible as the messenger of impending
Artists united to make a difference.
This world needs a miracle.
Only One Miracle.
Your Talents Are Amazing
First, i don't care what you thinking, what you say, im a real man, these is my cars, and this is my site! I have 2 site in myspace! If you want to send only dirty things, ask me for money, or just bothering me with dirty messages, now leave this profile please, becuase i hate this things, and i delete and block you if you make this! Other thing is, i not have too much times, hence please be patient with my answers, i have hundreds messages one day, i easily miss one! If you not have answer, please send your message again! Other thing, i happily answer every questions, but before you ask it, read the profile, the blogs, maybe you find answers there, you have with this answers, i have with this little more time! Last but not least, never start a friendship with asking my messenger, email, or phone number! Thank you so much!
From me:
Who am i? Leslie Szalay Writer from 6 years ago, programmer was in EA games till 4 years and im a Head of division in Microsoft from 8 months ago!
I was 14 i had my pilot licences!
BlackRoad champion and world champion in two raceclass, and best first class, and team driver in the world! I racing from 8 years ago
LeslieBond007 online world champion from 11 years ago
this is i am!
Now welcome to my page, this is my one page, but i have another page here:
My world that is in dreams, dreams that true! Bad and good dreams also! No regrets, no stops, just go along, and make it what you want..I have till now more than 50 cars! And i never stop, im a collector! First targets is the Aston Martins:) I have 9 Aston my great friends, friends they close to me, but if you want to be my friend, i happily see you here, and wellcome every fans also!:) First, im a human, like you, I have problems sometimes, and i can to be crazy, so be careful with me:D One rules here only! I trust you, you trust me, till you nice to me, ill be nice to you! Im a man who try to reach his dreams, Thats so big. I have now new hope to ill be happy again, i have new things, i have new fights, and nobody can stop me! She is the first! I live my life! I never give up! This is iam, not less, or more!
Im a man who like to live like a gentleman, the man who believe in the words, if i say i keep! Im a busy man, because i make lot of meetings there is the races, the prepares, But im a man who have things to keep in touch! Thanks to the mobile technics, like laptop, and PDA, you can talking with me in the air, on the sea, or in the train..anywhere! I have some business with cars, and other things, i have money to living:) And i have a new hobby, the flight! Yes, I have some friends, thanks to them, i can drive planes and helicopters, and drove not one two times! I always have new goals, Im a man, who not accept the impossible! No be impossible, till you can belive in! Said my father! I live it!..Im a people who really saying everything but i agree the secrets, and i never say secret things! I write what happening with me, how was the day or how will be, I like to chating.
Im not a drinker, but i drinks sometimes a classy wine or champagne, and drink my favourite, vodkamartini! Of course, shaken, not stirred! ;)
My hobbies?..Hmm:D I collect cars, great and beautiful cars! From now i collect planes and helicopters also!:) I love the football(european also), baseball, and golf..Golf is the first!:) And i said, flight with planes and helicopters! Well im not a casual man, sometimes im only in my house, sometimes i everywhere:D This means one time i sitting near the computer half day, one time i can't sitting anywhere for 5 minutes:D..I like the nature, but im not a greenpeace man..I only like the world!:)
And why i living in a "dreamworld"?..
3 sentence you keep, and you can reach everthing!
I. Everything started with a dream! Dream it! Plan it! Reach it!
II. Never give up! Die another day, Give up another day!
III. Never see what saying other peoples! The only option is success, failure is nothing!
You keep these 3 thing, and you reach your dreams! The dreams come true! Believe in your dreams!

Name: Leslie Szalay
Birthday: 06/17/1983
Birthplace: Hungary, Kaposvar
Current Location: Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Budapest, lot of places thanks to my new works:)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'9
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Hungarian, British, Croatian, Czechoslovakian, Croatian and German
The Shoes You Wore Today: Black grent's footwear
Your Weakness: Cars, any race, games and surprises!
Your Fears: The dark, i hate the dark, and be alone..This is my two fears!
Your Perfect Pizza: I love almost all
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: I want to be the best racer in the world in the FDR! Big thing, i always thinking in big:)
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: :D ; Jesus ; lol;
Thoughts First Waking Up: God the first, my love the second!
Your Best Physical Feature: Eyes
Your Bedtime: Haha! from 11pm till 4 am..I not have really
Your Most Missed Memory: My childhood with my father..I miss him:(
Pepsi or Coke: Neither, but sometimes Pepsi
MacDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds! I dont like BK, i bought a hamburger, and i was after in hospital 1 week..The hamburger is decayed was:S
Single or Group Dates: Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Neither, i like the tea if i make it!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee! I need sometimes if i sleepy..
Do you Smoke: No
Do you Swear: Sometimes..I dont like it, but hey, im only a human!
Do you Sing: Yes, and yes! Anytime and any place! Don't care who what thinking:)
Do you Shower Daily: Yes
Have you Been in Love: YES, and Im in now!
Do you want to go to College: I was in, not my world
Do you want to get Married: Yes of course!
Do you belive in yourself: If not im not living now..Sometimes i lose the faith, but every people have bad days..or not?!
Do you get Motion Sickness: Sometimes
Do you think you are Attractive: I hope:)
Are you a Health Freak: I must made a healthy life, needed my some injures from the past! I try to maintain..
Do you get along with your Parents: My father died, and my mother is the second person in my life!
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes, i like them, if not be here..
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yes..not past month, past week:)
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Jesus No
In the past month have you gone on a Date: No
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yes of course!
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yes
In the past month have you been on Stage: Yes in the party..Im the Team World Champion 2007-2008 in FDR
In the past month have you been Dumped: No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: No
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No
Ever been Drunk: Yes
Ever been called a Tease: Yes
Ever been Beaten up: Yes
Ever Shoplifted: Jesus no! Never!
How do you want to Die: Without regrets! But after i can say, i finished everything in my life! I know you die only, if the time came! I not only say this!
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A family and happy peaceful life! Thats all i want!
What country would you most like to Visit: I not have, i traveling much!
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Brown the first but doesn't matter
Favourite Hair Color: Blonde the first but doesn't matter
Short or Long Hair: long hair
Height: Doesn't matter
Weight: Not be elephant:D this means i dont like to feel, she protect
Best Clothing Style: Casual..I love miniskirts, and i love if a woman show, she is beautiful in any clothesl!
Number of Drugs I have taken: Drugs or medicine?..Drugs never was and never be..Medicine?..If i not have taken sometimes if i injured, i have bad aches..
Number of CDs I own: What a stupid question..Lot of..
Number of Piercings: 0
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of things in my Past I Regret: If i remember properly, 0..I always lived this: The only option is success! Failure is nothing!
What Leslie Szalay Means
L is for Loving
E is for Ebullient
S is for Sparkling
L is for Lovesick
I is for Ideal
E is for Explosive
S is for Spontaneous
Z is for Zingy
A is for Arty
L is for Lovable
A is for Adventurous
Y is for Yummy
What Does Your Name Mean?

My Interests

Lot of things..The peoples is differents, i like all things:
Cars, sport, nature, games, movies, art, women, and everything, except one..Politics..Sorry, but i hate it..

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I'd like to meet:

Every friends, fans, everybody who want to be my friend:)
But who want to use my identify, my profile, my person:

I never agree an impostor who play me, without the lot of races, the crashes, aches, hard works i made to reach this! Like my one friend said, this waiting you:

Anyone caught using my name, pictures, and banners for abusive purposes such as slander and posing will be subject to arrest and/or lawsuit.


If you see an imposter please send me a message, i thanks every helps! I have on MySpace two profiles, not more or less! this profile, and:

Thank you my friends!


Music..Hmm i love all great music, but ok some: Eminem, Xzibit, 3 Doors down, Madonna, Jessica Simpson, Linkin Park, Static-X, Prodigy, Paul Oakenfold, The Roots and BT..etc
You see, i eating any good music:)
But my three favourite is Totto Cotugno, Gavin Degraw and the 3 Doors Down! They made the impossible! They singing the feelings you maybe cant say, i cant say what i feel if i hear their songs, but i feel the songs really, hence i love them forever:) Never forget the old big peoples, like the biggest, FRANK SINATRA! I love them all!



I Like all movies, but i have some favourite!
Action is 007 movies:)
Drama is Gone With The Wind
Romantic is Pretty Woman
War is Saving Private Ryan
Race is Fast And Furious series

And every good movies..


24, Charmed, JAG, A-Team, Knight Rider, sometimes Alias..
Ok, i admit, im different, because sometimes i see any series, sometimes nothing:D


Wow, much..I like every books! Romantic books, Sci-fi, Poems, Fantastic, Thriller, Horror, Action etc..I like almost all books, except Harry Potter! Sorry, but i dont like it..


First is my father and mother! If they not be, im not here..
My father not was with me too long time, but before died, he teached me, how i living like a gentleman..
My mother, she teached me, not the money the first, and what is the first in the life!
Robert my race teacher, if he not was, im not here! He teached me the basics in racing, and helped me at the beginings Rest in peace Robert!:(..

James Bond: He is the biggest gentleman!
Jack Bauer: He is the hero! I say more? The name is Jack Bauer!
Jedis: They are the most benevolent beings!

My Blog

The worst day of my life..

I can't sleep, eat, drink, my heart aching, i almost have heartattack..Why do this peoples, why great to do this?:(..I know i was too hard maybe last time in my blog, sorry, and forgive me the hard wo...
Posted by BlackRoad - Profile 1 - More pictures soon! on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 09:06:00 PST

For you who did this!!!F*ck it i kill you who did this!!!

F*ck it hater fuck it, i find you and kill you!!! You dont know who i am, and now you know it! I have an idea who did this with me! My love deleted from everywhere, but f*ckin idiot she not online tod...
Posted by BlackRoad - Profile 1 - More pictures soon! on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:04:00 PST

My first public blog! From the Valentine day from the life..and from my love!

The fist public blog.Valentine day..14th of February..A day that means love, feels in heart, you in love, and you try to make this day perfect for your love..Be beauty if means this, but till today, t...
Posted by BlackRoad - Profile 1 - More pictures soon! on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 02:49:00 PST

Good dawn! Yes, writer writing in this time:D Chapter 10!

Good dawn..I say only chapter 10 here:)..Till now in pages the book is 97 page!Not bad:)..Thanks every responds, slowly i not have enough time to answer all:)The chapter 10 is different..good, bad, ha...
Posted by BlackRoad - Profile 1 - More pictures soon! on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 01:10:00 PST