This page is run and overseen by DNA, The Lyrical Provider.Thankx for tuning in... This is the official page for The T.O.C.D.I.M. Beat Killers. A hip hop group out of Evanston/Chicago(EV-CHI) that has been on the underground scene doing shows @ house parties, venues, outdoor events, etc. since 1994 and recording demos since 1995 out of DJ Anomaly's attic. The group originally started off as the Prolific Rhyme Orginization designed to keep it 6-feet underground, A*K*A PRO-60 in 1993 @ Rockford College(IL) when a couple of college radio DJs decided to make "pause-tapes". Those original members included Brent B. A*K*A Brent Lover & DNA The Lyrical Provider. Although I have knonw him since kindergarten class, sometime around 1993 group member D.A.R.$(Daily Achieving Rapping Status), seeked me out @ the mall I was working @ and the movement began. Myself and C-Note began exchanging rhymes recreationally during free period @ Evanston Township High School in 1988. Knowning my locker partner (DJ Anomaly) since 6th grade in 1986, made things more clear. Emcee DMITRI was added in early 1994. As styles and production talents increased, we began to call ourselves T.B.K. (Tocdim Beat Killers) sometime around 1999. Brent B never recorded with us but was a vital part to the developmental stages of the groups' infancy during spirited freestyle sessions @ DJ Anomaly attic which included acts such as: Fernando Manila, Golom MC from V-Nots, MR. D from Boogie Shoes & Racecar from Modill. Same members in the group except for emcee DMITRI who doesn't record anymore. Shot out kid...we miss you. DJ Anomaly records separately from the crew but still a vital part of the whole. DNA is slated to release a full-length CD titled, "From Here 2 There", late autumn 2007. The whole project is produced or arranged by DJ Anomaly with guests acts: C-Note, DAR$, Lee Chestafeel from, Racecar from Modill, Thesis from Labrats and Idris Goodwin.
Gang Starr feat. Jadakiss - Rite Where U Stand (Video)