Lorenzo profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

Remember this, bet on your-self before you let someone else still your Energy and Ambitions . The big dogs will take you to the Bank and you’reGuaranteed to leave with dry pockets.
I’m Lorenzo King, you can call me Loren. I’m the CEO of K2LM Technologies, and As a ToonzWorld partner, I'm their Chief Technology Officer. (CTO). ToonzWorld is the parent company of Urban Nation and TalentzVille , and we are here to help you succeed in making your dreams a reality.
So join us atTalentzVille there you’ll find realFriends not Hit Men.

Infromation to Help you Pimp-Your-Profile

MySpace Selector Command Reference

The mySpace HTML Engine that builds your Profile Page uses Selector Commands to identify all Item Containers(i.e. Tables, Text Boxes, etc..), Links, Text, and other elements displayed in your Profile. What follows is a list of the Selector Commands you can use to Customize your profile. I have also included a section on how these Selectors are used. And a few instructions on working with Backgrounds.
To use these Selectors or any of the Examples, simply Copy and Paste what you see into a Text Editor or below any text you have entered in your "About Me" section. Remember, the "About Me" Text Cell is displayed when you Edit your Profile. Drop me an Email and let me know if you find this information helpfull.
Bottom of Page To Select Bottom Row of Links just above copyright.

div divTables

Select ALL Tables on the page. Includes both left and right side, excluding the page header and footer.

table table table

IbekakiRight Side

Select Entire Right Side This selects all the tables and sub-tables on the right half of the page.

table table td.text table

Right Side Below Blurbs This selects all the tables and sub-tables on the right side below the "Name's Blurbs" label. Note that, Name's repersents your user name.

table table td.text table table

Friend Space and Comments

table table td.text table td.text table

Inner Friend Space and Inner Comments Selects the table enclosing just the photos of the friend space, and the innermost table of the comments (enclosing photos and comments).


table table td.text table td.text table table

Photos in Friend Space Each photo in the friend space is a table with the friend name in 1st row and the photo in the 2nd row. This selects each of the innermost tables of the friend space.

table table td.text table td.text table table table

Left Side

Left-Side Tables To select the left-side tables only, add styles for all tables and then override with styles for the right side. For example:

table table table { background-color: FF0000; } override with style: table table td.text table { background-color: 0000FF; !important; }
MentorTop of Page

Selects Entire Top of Page The row of links ("Home Browse Search Invite..."), banner ad, and everything above.

div table

Navbar Links The row of links ("Home Browse Search Invite...")

div table table a.navbar

NavBar Links Table AND Help/SignOut Table

div table table

MySpace URL Selects the "MySpace URL" , the "Online Now", and the empty space under each friend photo in the Friend Space and Comments sections.

table table table table div

Photo, Basic Info, and Contact Table

Selects each image in the contact table, and the photo/basic info. Does not select the headline.

table table table table tr td.text


Selects the main photo and each image in the contact table.

table table table table tr td.text a

Selects the contact table . table table table.contactTableText In all cases, "Name" is your user name. Name Text Above Photo


The time and date of each comment in the comments section. .blacktext10
Ibekaki Name in your Extended Network .blacktext12 General, Music, Heroes , etc. (The left-side of the Interests and General table.) .lightbluetext8 About Me, Who I'd Like to Meet, Name's Blurbs, Name's Friend Space .orangetext15 The friend-count number in the friend space. .redbtext Name , location, age, etc. .text Contacting Name, Name's Interests, etc. .whitetext12 NAME's Latest Blog Entry, Name has (count of) Friends. .btext Selects the text to the right of your main profile photo . (Top left of profile page.) table table table td.text
MySpace Customization Code Reference Here's the How-To stuff on using the Selectors and more..............

Before you use the Code/Commands in this Section, remove the underline character in the following Tag names:
b_ody ................changed to... body
con_tactTable...changed to... contactTable
d_iv ...................changed to ... div
em_bed ............changed to... embed
i_mg ..................changed to ... img
red_link .............changed to ... redlink
sp_an ................changed to ... span
st_yle .................changed to... style
t_able ................changed to ... table
t_d .....................changed to ... td
t_r ......................changed to ... tr
Just copy all the code in this section and paste it into your editor. Do a search and replace and save the document· When you need it, you will have it ready.
When you see this "" used below, they're actually images, so replace them with their Keyboard equivalent.
Ok, so why all the replacements??? Well, when mySpace HTML Engine see these characters, it interpret them as instructions and will not display the characters that follow them on a line. So it must be tricked into displaying the information I wanted to present to you.

VideoMusic Codes Background Music In all cases, "URL_OF_YOUR_SONG" is an address in the form of: http://www.siteName.com/someFolderName/someFolderName/songNa me.mp3

em_bed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src="URL_OF_YOUR_SONG" autostart="true" loop="true" width="0" height="0" /em_bed

Visible Music Player with Controls

em_bed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src="URL_OF_YOUR_SONG" autostart="true" loop="true" width="280" height="45" /em_bed

Hide Stuff Remove Last Login Date In Safe Mode, put the 1st line in your headline. Then put the 2nd line in "About Me"

d_iv class="hll"

st_yle type="text/css" d_iv.hll {overflow:hidden; height:120px;} /st_yle

Hide Contact Table

st_yle type="text/css"
.con_tactTable {
position:absolute; left:50%;
top:280px; margin-left:-40px;
z-index:3; width:350px; background-color:white;}
.con_tactTable {visibility:hidden; border:0px !important;}

Hide Friends Table

st_yle type="text/css"
t_d.text t_d.text t_able t_able t_able,
t_d.text t_d.text t_able br,
t_d.text t_d.text t_able .orangetext15,
t_d.text t_d.text .red_link,
t_d.text t_d.text sp_an.btext
t_d.text t_d.text t_able {background-color:transparent;}
t_d.text t_d.text t_able t_d, t_d.text t_d.text t_able {height:0;padding:0;border:0;}
t_d.text t_d.text t_able t_able t_d {padding:3;}
t_d.text t_d.text t_able t_able br {display:inline;}
t_d.text t_d.text t_able t_d {font-size:0pt;}
t_d.text t_d.text {height:0;}
t_d.text t_d.text t_able b, t_d.text t_d.text t_able t_able t_d {font-size:8pt;}

DJ Finest Hide Comments but Keep Friend Space Add this to the end of "Who I'd Like To Meet". You may need to change the height depending on if you have friends with tall pictures or a calendar.

d_iv style="position:relative; height:400px; overflow:hidden; border:0px;" t_able t_r t_d t_able t_r t_d

Hide Friends and Comments Add this to the end of "Who I'd Like To Meet".

d_iv style="display:none" t_able t_r t_d t_able t_r t_d

The Book of
Music Hide Blog and Extended Network

t_able t_able t_d.text t_able { visibility: hidden; }
t_able t_able t_d.text t_able t_able { visibility: visible; !important; }

Headline/Photo AreaIn all cases, "URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE" is an address in the form of: http://www.siteName.com/someFolderName/someFolderName/imageN ame.gif Replace "Online Now" Graphic

st_yle type="text/css"
t_able t_able t_able t_d.text d_iv i_mg {visibility:hidden;}
t_able t_able t_able t_d.text d_iv {
t_able t_able t_able t_d.text t_able t_able d_iv i_mg {visibility:visible;}
t_able t_able t_d.text t_able d_iv,
t_able t_able t_able t_d.text t_able d_iv {

Make Name Above Photo an Image Be sure to set the width/height to the width/height of the image.

st_yle type="text/css"
.nametext {
background-image: url('URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE');
width: 250px;
height: 30px;
display: block;
font-size: 0;

Borders 2-Pixel Dashed Border Around Tables The border style may be solid, dashed, dotted, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset.

t_able t_able t_able {
border: 2px dashed;
border-color: FF0000;
t_able t_able t_able t_able {
border: 0;

Removing Ads Remove Pimp-My-Space Graphic and Link Remove this code from your profile to remove the ad at the top-left of your profile page.

d_iv style="position:absolute;top:90px;left:0px;padding:0px;margi n:0px;" /d_iv

IbekakiFriends and Comments Put Comments and Friends in a Scroll Adjust the height to your liking. Add to the end of "Who I'd Like To Meet".
Modify Size of Friend Space Photos

t_able t_able t_d.text t_able t_d.text t_able t_able t_able i_mg { width: 30px; }

Hide Names in Friend Space

t_able t_able t_d.text t_able t_d.text t_able t_able t_able a {
visibility: hidden;
t_able t_able t_d.text t_able t_d.text t_able t_able t_able a i_mg {
visibility: visible;

Set Text Properties of Friend Space Names

t_able t_able t_d.text t_able t_d.text t_able t_able t_able a {
font-size: 12pt;
color: green;
font-family: georgia;

Video Make Friend Photos the Same Size

t_able t_able t_d.text t_able t_d.text t_able t_able t_able a i_mg {
visibility: visible;
width: 90px;
height: 120px;

Set Maximum Sizes for Images in Comments The first max-width/max-height sets the maximum width height for images in comments. The 2nd one either sets the limit of sizes for friend photos, or is a large number to set no limit. Both must be present.

t_able t_able t_d.text t_able t_d.text t_able t_able a i_mg {
max-width: 90px;
max-height: 120px;
t_able t_able t_d.text t_able t_d.text t_able t_able t_able a i_mg {
max-width: 900px;
max-height: 900px;

DJ Finest

Cursors Cursor Style for Entire Page Cursor style can be: auto, crosshair, default, help, move, pointer, progress, text, wait, all-scroll, hand, n-resize, ne-resize, e-resize, se-resize, s-resize, sw-resize, w-resize, nw-resize, not-allowed, no-drop, vertical-text, col-resize, row-resize.

st_yle type=text/css b_ody{cursor:CURSOR_STYLE} /st_yle

Background Background Image

t_able, t_r, t_d { background-color: transparent; }
b_ody { background-image: url('URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE'); }

Repeat Background Image

t_able, t_r, t_d { background-color: transparent; }
b_ody { background-image: url('URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE'); }
b_ody { background-repeat: repeat; }

Mentor Background Scrolled or Fixed Remove one of the background-attachment lines.

t_able, t_r, t_d { background-color: transparent; }
b_ody { background-image: url('URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE'); }
b_ody { background-attachment: scroll; }
b_ody { background-attachment: fixed; }

Background Color by Color Name

body { background-color: red; }

Background Color by Number

b_ody { background-color: FF9933; }

Promo Background Color for Left-Side Tables and Background Image for Right-Side Tables

t_able t_able t_able {
background-color: red;
t_able t_able t_d.text t_able
background-image: url('URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE');

Background Image for Left-Side Tables and Different Background Image for Right-Side Tables.

t_able t_able t_able { background-image: url('URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE');
t_able t_able t_d.text t_able
background-image: url('URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE');

Transparency Make table backgrounds transparent.

t_able, t_r, t_d { background-color: transparent; }

Cash Semi-Transparent Tables with Borders You can adjust the border width and style. You can also change the semi-transparent table background color.

t_able, t_r, t_d { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0;}
b_ody {
background-attachment: fixed;
border-width:5px ;
border-style: solid;
t_able t_able { border: 0px }
t_able t_able t_able t_able{border:0px}
t_able t_able t_able {
t_able t_able t_able t_d {
background-color: 66CCAA;
filter:alpha(opacity=90); ..-opacity:0.90; opacity:0.90; -khtml-opacity:0.90; }
t_able t_able t_able t_able t_d {filter:none;}

Remember to stop by TalentzVille

How to Customize Your Profile Background
Step 1

First upload your image file to a free image hosting service such as photobucket.com. It can be any image type the Browser can display, however, png's, gif's, and jpg's types are common. After you place your image on a hosting site, login to the site and get the URL of your image. You will need this address in the next step.

Step 2

Before you add a background image, or set the background color, you need to make the existing backgrounds transparent by adding this line to your existing stylesheet.

table, tr, td { background-color: transparent; }

If you don't know what or where your stylesheet is, it's anything between . If you do not already have a style sheet, add one in any of your profile sections (Interests, Music, Who I'd Like to Meet, etc.)

Step 3

If the image is large (width = 1280, height = 1024), or close to these dimensions, then place the following code inside your existing stylesheet. and replace "URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE" with the address you got in Step 1 above. You can skip Step 4

body { background-image: url('URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE'); }

Step 4

If the image is very small, you will need to Tile the background. To do this you use the "repeat" attribute, so add this line:

body { background-repeat: repeat; }

Step 5

To set whether a background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page, add one of these two lines:

body { background-attachment: scroll; }
body { background-attachment: fixed; }

Step 6 - Setting a Background Color

To set the background to a solid color, add this line. (Color names can be found here: CSS Color Names

body { background-color: red; }

IMPORTANT : Do not include the # character in your background-color.

body { background-color: FF9933; } Finally

After you have made all these changes, your code/command should look like the following:

body { background-color: transparent;
background-image: url('URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE');
background-attachment: scroll;
background-color: red;}

- OR -

body { background-color: transparent;
background-image: url('URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE');
background-attachment: fixed;
background-color: FF9933;}

- OR -

body { background-color: transparent;
background-image: url('URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE');
background-repeat: repeat;
background-attachment: scroll;
background-color: red;}

- OR -

body { background-color: transparent;
background-image: url('URL_OF_YOUR_IMAGE');
background-repeat: repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-color: FF9933;}

The Urban Nation Indie Label Mates

My Interests


The Urban Nation Indie Label Mates





DJ Finest
The Book of


Join us at TalentzVille and see how we can help you with your future.

Some Fun Photos

Check-out these young brothers........