I edited my profile at Doobix.com
Myspace Layouts
Hey everyone what's happening?
I'm pretty new to Myspace at the mo, just working out how to make my page look cool. I have this whole Marilyn thing that I found but now I don't know if I like it! Let me know what you think.
I'm Pippa by the way, LA born and bred. I'm lucky enough to work from at the moment, which is pretty cool, leaves me a lot of time to have fun!
Wanna play the survey game? I got this survey from a friend and I kinda like it.What is your current relationship status? Single as the day is long.
Have you ever cheated on a significant other/bf/gf? Sadly
Would you ever cheat on anyone? I'd like to say no but I think it's too late for that.
Have you ever thought about cheating on anyone? Frequently. Doesn't everyone, if they are honest?
What are your thoughts on someone who cheats? I think it happens, that's life. Nasty things happen all the time.
Have you ever had a one night stand? Yes, kinda
Are your parents still married? Yes.
Do you have any children? No. Had some scares like anyone but been lucky I guess.
If so, how many and what are their ages? ***
Were they planned or unplanned? ***
What are your thoughts on stay at home moms? I work at home now so I can relate lol
Who do you currently live with? Me myself and I
What are your thoughts on abortion? I try not to judge people. Abortion is an unpleasant idea, but then sometimes people are in situations that are more unpleasant.
What are your thoughts on gay marriage? I think it's only fair.
What are your thoughts on affirmative action? I think the harder people try to improve the world the better it will be.
What are your thoughts on gays in the military? I can see it's a tough subject, but I don't think it's right to discriminate.