I wanted to click Various in the religion box, except that wasn't an option. It would work here to, I'll try to be brief. Writing, reading, music, drawing, cooking, singing badly, photography, history, theatre, cinema, dancing, the ottoman empire, british comedy, fantasy and science fiction, mythhology, folk stories, interesting debates, walkings nice, forests, shed parties, drinking games, toys. Hopefully the rest will come up in the bits below.
JAFFA CAKES! You know who you are.
Lots and lots - I couldn't even list or unlist genres as I might not like everything, but there's always something that will pop up and surprise me. Paticular favourite types though have got to be 50s rock 'n' rollers, a lot of the 60s stuff is brilliant (and the Beatles were my second love), 70s is a fantastic mix of punk and glam for me, 80s passed me by a little but there are exceptions, 90s have been endlessly entertaining and I'm loving a lot of whats happening now. Current keyword for my favourite songs is I guess 'relentless' or perhaps 'cheeky'. Oh and my profile song will nearly always be a song by the last band I saw live and really liked (myspace permitting)
Lord of the Rings finally combined my passion for film with my passion for Tolkien and has become a firm favourite. Lots of other excellent ones though - Shaun of the Dead is currently on the top of the list, Monty Python's Holy Grail is fab too and I love the Muppet Movies (though not the ones where they recreate books so much as I think they rely too much on human leads) and I find Bollywood unnerving and entertaining all in one go.
I like programs that I can dip in and out of because I never have time to watch everything regularly, so mostly it's comedies. Although theres been some excellent short drama series recently - loved Casanova and The Second Coming has stuck with me for quite a while. Spaced, Black Books, The League of Gentleman, Big Train, The Green Wing, Teachers, Atomic Betty, Phoenix Nights, Simpsons, Futurama, Monty Python, Morcambe and Wise... Dr Who gave me shivers down the spine, though as I live next door to Daleks maybe it's not surprising.
Lord of the Rings was the first book that I truly and utterly loved, it was the one that made me want to be a writer, although it was Harry Potter that reawoke it when I lost my way a bit, as I'm hooked. As for other fantasies, I love the other C.S.Lewis one - not Narnia - the trilogy with Perelandra and Out of the Silent Planet and... and... bugger. Obviously Song of Fire and Ice series as it actually makes me buy hardback copies and always enjoy a Terry Pratchett. Anyway that ones good. House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski is fantastic. Recent reads? Ummm... I really liked Empress Orchid and Memoirs of a Geisha, so obviously it's all about the Japanese
Other than these guys...Well... George R. R. Martin who writes the Song of Fire and Ice fantasy series. I think he might actually be better than Tolkien. Which is sacrilege.