SandySunshine profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Not much to say really!!! I'm best described by other people who think they know me, but don't!!!!! I work at a well known DIY superstore!!! I have a daughter who is loving her first yeaar at school!!! Being a Girl Guide leader and Ranger leader keeps me as busy as being a mum does!!!!! All are great fun!!!!! MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Music!!!!! I love listening to all kinds of music!!!!! But the Beatles are my favourites!!!!! I'm a Girl Guide leader and Ranger leader too, which takes alot of my time and is great fun!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Some lovely, lovely new friends!!!!!


Beatles, Beatles, Beatles!!!!!! I mostly like 60's music.....but I'll listen to anything at least once and enjoy lots of different kinds of music...and I would walk over hot coals and broken glass to get to Paul Jones!!!


I like all different kinds of films!!! Mostly old movies!!! Anything with Jeremy Irons, Cary Grant, John Mills, Alec Guiness, Richard Burton, Peter Sellers or Antonio Banderas in will do for me!!!!!


I like documentaries about people and events. History programmes. I always enjoy a good drama when one comes along!!! Murder mysteries interest me too.


I'm not really a great lover of fiction. I love biographies!!! Mostly film and music ones. But I like the occasional historical one too!!!


John Lennon.

My Blog

Dentists.....Good or Evil?!?!

I had to go and see the dentist today. Not something I usually look forward to, until old dentist left and he was replaced by a new man who I instantly fancied!!!!! He's quite one of t...
Posted by SandySunshine on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 04:24:00 PST

Evil eBay!!!!!

Yesterday I opened an eBay account. I've been toying with the idea for a while and now I've finally done it!!!!! My friend told me it's very addictive and I said, "yeah, sure!!!" But in the last 24 ho...
Posted by SandySunshine on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 02:40:00 PST


It's so cold!!! I think this must be one of the coldest winter's we've had for a few years!!! And it seems to have been such a long winter too!!! I don't like hot weather. I burn too easily. But a bit...
Posted by SandySunshine on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:00:00 PST

One of those days.

Today is one of those days where I've been really busy and doing loads of different things all day. But I look around and I can't tell you what I've done!!!!! There's absolutely nothing to show f...
Posted by SandySunshine on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 04:24:00 PST