ONI profile picture


Cyber Industrial Ninja Babe

About Me

I'm a girl who loves Atlanta and all the friendly, artistic people who live here. My friends are very important to me and I try to spend as much time having fun with them as possible. My favorite thing of all is performing fetish/burlesque shows. Actually I think I love go-go dancing even more. It frees the soul.
I enjoy being a fetish model cause I get to dress up and play. I have found my calling in hostessing/promoting parties. I love it and find a true happiness in making sure everyone has fun. I love meeting new people. You never know who that stranger might be. My life is in a wonderful flux state where anything is possible. The world is my oyster and I plan on having the most fun allowable by law. You want to come for the ride?
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Check out the Adam and Eve porno/documantary about Atlanta that I am in. Go here to see the web site and check me out under CAST. Then buy the DVD and watch Tabby and I perform a black light paint show!!!!
My calender picture in 2006 Fantasy Femmes Calendar. I was Miss April.

Recently featured on Playboy TVs show Sexetra. I was a very naughty girl! Now I hear I will be on it again. Can't keep my ass off of that show. Thank you Kink Patrol.
I was Miss October on Beezlebabes.com. Also featured on Graveyard Girls and Goth Girls.
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Come experience Phobia, Agoraphobia Production.com's monthly fetish party at Spring4th. We always have fun surprises in store. You know how much you love it! And I just love being your hostess. Come see my fetish performances. There will be no Phobia in July. I am going on vacation. And then Jody and I will be performing in Charlotte for this incredible party.
I am available for modeling and performance art. I have incredible costuming and lots of fabulous shows. I can bring fun to any party. Please contact me for info.
See ONI+Jody in our Reptile gas mask show for Kink Patrol in the video below. Then come out every two months for the next Kink Patrol party. It is tons of fun.
Kink Patrol 080315
by thetsubasa

My Interests

Anime, Vegas baby!!!
cyber looking things, robots, movies, travel, Hollywood, Japan, that secret happy moment you feel that reminds you how great it is to be alive, altered states, rubber, platforms, vinyl, sparkly things, tiaras, music, fetish fashion and make up, go-go dancing, time with friends, wigs and high heels, sci-fi, DJ's and concerts, modeling, art, photography, fun fun fun! OMP 86340 - LJ animeoni

I'd like to meet:

No bible thumpers, boring got-no-lifers, and those who can't take a joke. Sexy beautiful freaks. Nomads and circus folk. Photographers and artists. People who want to make life more than it is now, to enjoy what each of us have and share it with others.
Please don't be upset if it takes a while to approve your friends request or respond to a message. I am a busy girl and am doing the best I can. Some times I even forget to respond but it is nothing personal. Don't be so sensitive. It's only cyber space!

I have the best lover right here and he has made my life so much better. I don't need a date, but thanks for asking.


Electronica, drum and bass, industrial. Music that kicks ass!
Peaches, Fat Boy Slim, Beastie Boys, Prodigy, Nine Inch Nails, Diesel Boy, Rob Zombie, Aphrodite, Gorillaz, Pixies, Mindless Self Indulgence.

ONI and Elvis perform VIVA LAS VEGAS!!!!


Mostly anime, horror and sci-fi. Some of my favs-Natural Born Killers, Dusk till Dawn, Blade Runner, Fear and Loathing, Akira. Into indie and foriegn movies.


I mostly watch anime and cartoons so my TV is usually on Cartoon Network Adult Swim. Fav shows- Cowboy Beebop, Noir, Samari Champloo, Robot Chicken, South Park, Reno 911.


Horror, short stories, fiction. Hey, someone lend me a good book! I need something to read.


Persephone-beautiful bad ass and my new best friend. Duran Duran rules!

Bettie Page-her expressiveness and fun attitude

Peaches-shit she's the fucking greatest and she's in your face!

I hang out with some strange people. I just love it!

My Blog

Huge party in Charlotte! I am performing!

Posted by ONI on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 09:00:00 PST

I love my whacky friends and Twinkledome!

Posted by ONI on Tue, 22 May 2007 11:59:00 PST

ONI and Elvis perform VIVA LAS VEGAS!

Posted by ONI on Tue, 22 May 2007 11:55:00 PST

Like living in a movie!

My boyfriend is so hot! We did a shoot last weekend in a big train yard and i think these look like they came from a movie. We were on a sleeper car.And this one.I like how he is holding me forcefully...
Posted by ONI on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 12:20:00 PST

rubber collars and more-check out my friend

Go check out this page. It is the company/friend that made my super awsome rubber collars that everyone always loves. I/O, Perish and myself are shown in their picture scroll. Awsome. Check out their ...
Posted by ONI on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 12:03:00 PST

I'm on Playboy Sexcetra!

Thanks to Victor who brought Playboy TV to Atlanta.  The crew came to the Future and videoed our head shaving show.  I haven't seen the show yet but hear that I'm a very naughty girl.&n...
Posted by ONI on Mon, 22 May 2006 07:10:00 PST

Harlot from HELL

Hey Shiela has updated her web site. Go check it out. Perish is the first pic from the fashion show here in ATL. Then go to Galleries and check out Cyberotica, both galleries and see me and Tabby and ...
Posted by ONI on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 01:25:00 PST

Persephone-24 hours with a diva

When Persephone was here a year ago we bonded over Duran Duran and midget wrestling. Now she flew in for 24 hours to see me and go to Depeche Mode. I grabbed Brian and we picked up our diva at the air...
Posted by ONI on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 09:37:00 PST

XXXmas cards with ONI

Check out the XXXmas cards with me wrapped in holiday ribbon. Buy a pack or two and show everyone that your cool.http://www.cafepress.com/sdtfoto.35603192Tell Steve ONI sent ya! He took the pic....
Posted by ONI on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 01:49:00 PST

Calander that my fine ass is in-Come out and see me in person

Click Image to Enlarge Host:  Reece Newton Location:  Nemoe's Tavern6025 Peachtree Pkwy, Norcross, GA When:  Thursday, October 20, 7:00pm Phone:  (770) 263-7101...
Posted by ONI on Mon, 10 Oct 2005 02:09:00 PST