I'm a street medic, (http://www.action-medical.net), a pro- Domina, a painter, a stripper, a club promoter, a performer, an anarchist, a vegan, an urban pirate, and general all around normal queer polyamourous bitch. I'm the Momma to Laria Pascimi Taro born October 15th 2006. I'm also a suspected terrorist so just viewing this profile may hurt your security clearance, unless of course you are doing it to investigate me. ModelMayhem.com #87396. here's some articles about me...
00930 http://clnlb.us.publicus.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/2005
I'm the proud webmistress and designer of the following pages:
Agoraphobia Productions
Charis Circle
Essential Energy Cuisine
Sublime Ingenuity
I also design all of the print and web promotional items for:
Agoraphobia Productions
and the marketer and sometimes designer or whatever else there is to do today for: