Please note: we are not a myspace group. This profile will be used simply as an outreach point for our main website :
The Global Family Room is a unique and tight-knit online community. Anyone can find a home here--whether you are goth, punk, conservative, crunchy, preppy, alternative, metal, indie or anything in between. The Global Family Room offers a mentally stimulating environment where we promote learning and creativity while supporting the everyday ventures of our members. In each other we find lifelong friends that grow with us, and closer to us, over time. Our doors are open to individuals in all stages of life. We welcome everyone; married, single, divorced, new parent, experienced parent, grandparent--we enjoy the diversity that everyone brings to the family.
Join the Global Family Room community today and find friends that share your interests in parenting, art, literature, babies, activism, love, counter-culturalism, life, religion, business, politics, children, gaming, sexuality, media, family, crafts, music, culinary arts and anything else you could imagine. Find worthy sparring partners that will share their knowledge, unique experiences and differing opinions with you while encouraging you to share yours as well. Rest assured that while we encourage intellectual debates we do not condone intolerance in any form within our community. We want everyone to express themselves as freely as possible while helping each other to always strive to learn more, love more, and to be better every single day with the help of our friends.