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ame megami

Crush their unworthy idols, No church shall bar our path

About Me

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"When the mind, body and spirit work as one, anything is possible." ~Criss Angel
I'm a 26 year old - Goth Punk whatever - mom living in New Hampshire. My beliefs are... alternative.. there's not really a "tag" for them, something like a buddhist-deist.
I'm a poet/writer, I play bass guitar some, my husband plays electric guitar, my oldest son (6) loves to play drums. My youngest also loves music, any type, and is almost 3. I love playing L5R (Legend of the Five Rings CCG) and AD&D, D&D, basically any RPG you can think of I've probably at least tried at some point. I started playing D&D when I was a kid and learned on 1st and 2nd editions (Thanks Eagle Beagle!!). I'll probably still be playing when I'm 80 and bitching about WOTC making a 150th edition D&D. I'm a gaming geek. I love video games. I'm teaching myself knitting, and I know how to crochet (kinda, but I don't do it anymore). I also write poetry and prose, the latter much less since I had my second child and find it very hard to focus! I like to think I'm an interesting, intelligent human being. I can be a bitch but for the most part I've tried to be open and honest with people. My interests are fairly eclectic (check out my amazon wishlist for a better idea, especially the books) an range quite far!
I don't fall into a typical range of action. My idea of a great night with friends is NOT getting wasted at some bar. My ideal night with friends is relaxing, listening to good music, and having a deep conversation about something meaningful, randomly interjected with some shallow jokes or silliness. IE making fun of the local ghetto-trash morons who continue to breed and wear a ton and a half of makeup. That kinda thing.
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My Interests

writing, poetry, reading, music, kids, punk, final fantasy, goth, paganism, religions in general, theology, philosphy, tattoos, Knitting, RPGS, L5R CCG, heathenry, Asatru, Heathen, pagan

I'd like to meet:

My StumbleUpon site for those of you on it Other pagans in the area, cool people that are my age in the area... old friends. Other alternative parents. People with a brain, and the ability to use it in a productive (or at least highly amusing) manner. Kevin Smith definately a must, David Bowie would be awesome, Nick Cave, Leonard Cohen, Trent...Voltaire, he seems like a guy I'd enjoy having a conversation with.
Here is my Amazon Wishlist:

And this is the one for me and Alex:

One for the kids:

And one for clothing:



Music Quote of the week!
Saffron's Curse by Cradle of Filth

Through arcades where shimmering snowfall
Lay in state with the sad and damned
A rent lament barely flung above a whisper
Drew Me like a ghost to the haunts of Man

I Found Her tempting fate between Her wrist and razor
A kindred spirit in a graveyard
Beneath the stature of a colder saviour
Mist hung like thieves wreathed in scant arabesques
And through the chill earth it bedwed Her drawling breast
Like a come dream true under etched glass spent
Making love to the beautiful dead

She has sinned and severed Heaven
And in it's vulgar sight
Two figures writhe, but one silhouette
Extends it's fingers to the light

"Gothic towers tottered on Her heels
As She fled asylum grounds
Committing hard crimes to soft cells
Where now another's screams resound"

From the gaspings in Her passing
Six feet under or beneath frayed gown
When Her hands pointed to midnight
In a white stained chamber bound

I Swept Her from the abyss of another dementia
Freeing Her soul from the fetters of fate
To take the reins of pleasure
Now nightwane mirrors freeze in seizure
At the glimpse of charmed pins in Her thighs
Ballrooms filled with black cats scratch
Out of spite and playful eyes

Pricked as a Witch Her stitches itch
For familiar lips to lick them dry
Whilst the dark regrasps, for if She asks
The Sun forsakes the rite to rise
And is the first to discern, that this Angel's return
Is a vengeful call on grace
For even martyrdom backs from it's suicide pacts
A leap of twisted fate betrayed...

The scars will last until the stars
Caught in Her train bewitched
Fall into line and yield the sign
That Dawn in born to their eclipse

For Our Inhumankind
Comes an underdog day Sunrise
Rippling with fire like femaledition

Wind amidst the flame
I gazed out
Tapped into the fog and shared her pain
When in her mind she sought his leave
And begged forgiveness

I splintered Her coffin and lay on the floor
Of a vault with Her clasped as the moon hugs the shore
What treachery this that She breathed no more?
Christ you bastard!

I wished Her back but the dead adored Her
Even wild winds sang in chora for Her
Saffron from my heart, from the start I swore
We'd be together more...

Creation froze with the triumph of Death
But still She stirred and awoke bereft
Of concern save for the aeons left
To lead the darkness...

She schemes of growing power and the lengths sucked hard to get it
I dream of being God but ever living to regret it
Our fecund nature decrees that Jesus wept come for
The Devil on Her knees

To grant Her lows a remedy
And mine desire's wish
To taste thereof of Heaven's scent
As sick and twisted as it is
For Her corset laced with arsenic
Hides snake curves within Her midst
Whilst Her halo of white lies supplies
Her temple to what God forbids.

Some bands I like are (forgive the ones I miss!)

    Cradle of Filth (forever and always ..1 on my list) HIM (His Infernal Majesty) My Chemical Romance NIN (Nine Inch Nails to you fucking morons out there) Atreyu Pop Will Eat Itself Prick Nick Cave (and the badseeds) David Bowie (ahh my first love) Tool A Perfect CircleShadow Fall Rammstein 6Gig Arrogant Worms (canadian comedy) The End Of Everything (Max's band in Portland, Maine) CKY The Cure The Living End VAST Tea PartyTurbonegro Coal Chamber Dead KennedysDeftones Clutch The Doors System of a Down DisturbedType O Negative (I took Louis to a concert in Portland, it Rocked!) Marilyn Manson (old stuff, Portrait and demos and spooky kids, antichrist and Mechanical Animals.) Fall Out Boy Dane Cook Full Devil JacketDeathcab For CutieMinistryThe Smiths Nonpoint Offspring (old stuff, the last couple albums sucked) Green Day Sarah McLachlanAni DiFrancoMediaeval Baebes Dropkick Murphys Seven Nations Red Hot Chili Peppers Great Big Sea Little Feat Nirvana Foo FightersSweet 75 Ray Charles George Clinton and the P-Funk Hoobastank Incubus Korn (again, everything older, like Life is Peachy and before) MisfitsRamonesMisfitsSex Pistols Anti-FlagBlack FlagPrimusPrinceJohnny Cash Portishead Rasputina Violent Femmes Avenged Sevenfold (my baby's favorite band, his fav song is Bat Country)The 69 EyesThe StreetsSwitchblade Symphony White Zombie REMNOFX Me First and the Gimme Gimmes Lost ProphetsWithin Temptation Gorrilaz (some of their stuff anyway) Stabbing Westward Gravity Kills Pink Floyd Adema
Okay there's a few, there are TONS more though.


    Clockwork OrangeDonnie DarkoLabyrinthThe Neverending StoryNightmade Before ChristmasLegendDark CrystalAmerican History XRocky Horror Picture ShowFight ClubSome Like It Hot (this is an old movie, if you haven't seen it go find it!) The Graduate LoTR trilogyPiGhost in the shell Escaflowne the movie Lain The Last UnicornPrincess MononokeBeetlejuiceGirl InteruptedSeven Finding Neverland Pirates of the Carribean From HellVampire Hunter DHistory of the World Part OneLife of Brian Monty Python and The Holy GrailSpace BallsBlazing SaddlesHentai (of course)
And many many more, comedy, thriller, action, romance, intellectual etc.


CSI, Mythbusters, Ghost Hunters, G4TV, House MD, Family Guy anything on Discovery Channel or History Channel for the most part. I even indulge my female side on TLC now and then.


Currently reading: Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk

Loves of mine: Weis & Hickman books, both Dragonlance and Rose of the Prophet. Also, The Bronze Canticles by Tracy and Margaret Hickman, and anything by Gregory McGuire (writer of Wicked and Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister). The Camulod Chronicles by Jack Whyte, ONCE by James Herbert. Piers Anthony rocks my world, I just read A Spell for Chameleon for the 8th time. I love the Xanth series. Zanesville by Kris Saknussemm
Just finished A Man Without A Country by Kurt Vonnegut (Rest In Peace, Good Bye Blue Monday, no more pills that make you piss blue :( )


Alex (my husband) and my son Cameron, who fought an extremely rare form of cancer and thus far has won. He's five years old and by far the strongest person I know. I love him with all my heart and now that he's had this cancer, we cherish every moment with him.

My Blog

Wise Us Auslander, DefCon 1!

My PWEI fetish is realized! Myspace videos of Pop Will Eat Itself Classics in all their beauitiful glory *drools*First, Wise Up Sucker:Pop Will Eat Itself - Wise Up Sucker! ..Then, Def Con...
Posted by ame megami on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 07:48:00 PST

Damn IGN. Damn them

Why must they taunt us? Tease us? Make us desire that which cannot be obtained??? It took 20 years for a Dragonlance movie, how long will it be for this to become reality?? Fuckers! *runs off...
Posted by ame megami on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 06:19:00 PST

mmm Brains

I cannot for the life of me find anyone who has recorded the episode of Billy and Mandy with this song, but here is Voltaire performing it in a store ...
Posted by ame megami on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 06:33:00 PST


Penn & Teller and I have a love/hate relationship. Sometimes they tickle my fancy, other times they rip my ass.Today, they made me need clean panties. Thank you Penn and Teller. Guess what - PETA are ...
Posted by ame megami on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 03:37:00 PST

Because of the Power

First my pseudonym :What Rain Keltoia MeansYou are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.You defi...
Posted by ame megami on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:11:00 PST

Wonderful Gygax Tribute

From here: a wonderful tribute, wonderful man. ...
Posted by ame megami on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 06:20:00 PST

Not for those easily pissed off

I almost didn't post this. Originally I posted it on my blogger page, but I figured well... fuck it if you think I'm talking about specific people you should know better. Those from Ohio that I know p...
Posted by ame megami on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 05:18:00 PST

My Reading List

We started this on GFR, and I'm copying my dear Rhonda in posting it here :)Mine is a list of to reads. If I've read it, I'll put a star * next to it. If I'm in progress, I'll put this ~.  Unfort...
Posted by ame megami on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 04:13:00 PST

Tight knit group

Thanks to Cat for this! Funny Videos | Funny Cartoons | Comedy Central...
Posted by ame megami on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 04:45:00 PST

To all my friends!

I'm extending a personal invitation to my friends and family. To see your invitation, click the link below, or copy and paste it into your browser's address field:
Posted by ame megami on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 08:37:00 PST