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PAUL FRANCOIS has been in love with music since he was a little child. His mother, HELOISE, was an accomplished classical pianist who is also a very talented and brilliant, popular music songwriter. She was his first teacher.PAUL FRANCOIS' uncanny musical abilities started at age 3 when his parents bought him a toy marimba for Christmas. To their astonishment, he began to play it right away playing Christmas carols and classical and popular music at that young age...His father initially opposed his son learning a musical instrument because he wanted his son to succeed in academic pursuits and to be an intellectual. Therefore, when his father was not home, little Paul would sit at the home piano and play. He started to study music on his own and finally his mother decided to teach him and to coach him. Paul excelled beyond her expectations and one day as she came up the stairs of their New York Broadway condo at that time, she heard the ETUDE REVOLUTIONNAIRE of Chopin being played and was amazed to see that it was Paul playing it. He absorbed all the major classical composers especially CHOPIN, "mon professeur " as he calls him affectionately but also Liszt, Schumann, Schubert, Brahms, Debussy, Delibes,etc. In parallel with this, Paul entered the Boys' Choir at his parochial school in New York where he excelled and was one of the main male voices. He loves music and as he says,"music is my life..."PAUL FRANCOIS is also a prolific songwriter since he was a little child. He has written many songs in English, French,Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and German. Growing up in New York City with a polyglot family and friends, he felt naturally the desire to express himself in all these languages... As he says,"God has given me the talent to create music and lyrics in order to communicate to my fellow men feelings, emotions, words and stories through my songs that I perceive but that are universal...I am very romantic by nature..."PAUL FRANCOIS has also composed several short ballets and he enjoys composing music for films when they are love stories.PAUL FRANCOIS has also been a top student since elementary school having obtained medals and awards for academic excellence and having won several scholarships. He obtained a doctorate and two post-doctorates. His new CD, THE MUSICAL MAGIC OF PAUL FRANCOIS & HELOISE, encompasses beautiful,romantic songs in English,French,Italian and Spanish. Some of the songs were composed by him and others by HELOISE, who is also an exceptional songwriter. There are ballads, boleros, pop rocks, a crossover bolero ranchera, a bossa nova, a song with piano and strings, etc. The CD is very original in content and varied.The leitmotiv of this CD is the universal theme of love expressed in all these beautiful Western European languages.The CD is for sale at WWW.AMAZON.COMThe CD is also for sale and excerpts of the songs can be heard FRANCOIS est vraiment feru de la musique depuis sa plus tendre enfance. Sa mere, HELOISE, etait une concertiste accomplie et elle est une compositrice brillante. Elle etait son premier professeur. Il a grandi a New York au sein d'une famille et amis polyglottes. C'etait donc naturel pour lui de vouloir s'exprimer a travers ses chansons dans les langues qu'il ecoutait autour de lui surtout en anglais,francais, espagnol et italien. Il a commence a chanter et creer de la musique et des chansons des qu'il etait gosse. Comme il dit,"La musique est ma vie meme..." D'ailleurs, PAUL FRANCOIS a toujours ete un etudiant exceptionnel depuis son enfance. On lui a decerne des medailles, des bourses et des prix pour excellence academique. Il a decroche un doctorat et deux postdoctorats.Son CD, LA MAGIE MUSICALE DE PAUL FRANCOIS ET HELOISE, renferme un beau recueil de ballades, boleros, un pop rock, un bolero ranchera, un bossa nova,une chanson pour piano et des instruments a cordes, etc.On peut ecouter des extraits des chansons et acheter le CD au site FRANCOIS es verdaderamente un enamorado de la musica desde su mas tierna infancia. Su madre fue una gran concertista y es una compositora brillante de musica popular. Ella fue su primer maestro. PAUL FRANCOIS crecio en Nueva York en el seno de una familia y amigos poliglotas. Era entonces natural para el desear expresarse a traves de sus canciones en los idiomas que el escuchaba a su alrededor sobretodo en ingles,frances, castellano e italiano. El empezo a cantar y a crear musica y canciones cuando era un crio. Como el dice, "La musica es mi vida misma..."PAUL FRANCOIS tambien ha compuesto varios ballets cortos y a el le encanta componer musica para peliculas romanticas.Por otro lado, PAUL FRANCOIS ha siempre sido un estudiante excepcional. El se ha ganado varias medallas, premios y becas por excelencia academica. El posee un doctorado y dos postdoctorados.Su CD, LA MAGIA MUSICAL DE PAUL FRANCOIS Y HELOISE, encierra una bellisima coleccion de baladas, boleros, un pop rock, un bolero ranchera, un bossa nova, una cancion para piano y cuerdas, etc.Se pueden escuchar pasajes de las canciones y comprar el CD en este FRANCOIS e veramente un innamorato della musica da quando era bambino. La sua madre, HELOISE, fu una gran concertista ed e una gran compositrice. PAUL FRANCOIS e cresciuto in Nuova York in mezzo di una famiglia ed amici poliglotti. Era dunque normale per lui volere esprimersi attraverso le sue canzoni nelle lingue che lui ascoltava intorno a lui soprattutto in inglese,francese, spagnolo ed italiano. Lui a incominciato a cantare e creare della musica e canzoni da quando era piccolo. Come lui dice, "La musica e la mia vita stessa."PAUL FRANCOIS ha composto parecchi ballets corti e a lui piace molto comporre musica per i films romantici.D'altronde, PAUL FRANCOIS e sempre stato uno studente eccezionale e lui si e aggiudicato molti premi, medaglie e borsi di studio per eccelenza academica. Lui possiede un dottorato e due postdottorati.Il suo CD, LA MAGIA MUSICALE DI PAUL FRANCOIS ED HELOISE, e una bellissima raccolta di ballate,boleri, un pop rock, un bolero ranchera crossover, un bossa nova,una canzone per piano ed instrumenti a corda, ecc.Si possono ascoltare i brani e comprare il CD in questo" f" width="200" height="22" alt="click to order" style="border: 0" /