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I am here for Dating

About Me

Alright mate, ow's it fuckin' angin? got a spare cig? sorted.Last night was propa mint, me and the boyz went bombin' about in Deano's Nova doin' drive by shoutings, I called an owl a "swivel headed cunt" and he nearly started cryin', lucky for him he could fly or Dazza would 'ave kicked his fuckin' beak off.Then I did a fuckin' bangin' Dj set at Sparkles with MC Killa Gorilla, I did four E's and two bottles of White Lightning in and I was off me fuckin' bollox, they found me in the bogs covered in shit, singing about breadbins, getting sucked off by a disgustin' fat minger called Debs. I'm takin' Debs out for a slap up meal at Maccers tonight, she's a fat fucker though, so I'll make sure she has a diet coke with her McJumboTowerBurger, after that we're goin' to the pictures, I fuckin' love movies I'll watch absolutely anything, as long as it's got Vin Diesel in it.Most nights me and the F.U.Crew hang about in Netto's car park, last week an otter stepped on to our turf with his fuckin' shoppin thinkin' he was well 'ard, Jarvo fuckin' lost it and twatted ‘im over the head with a can of baked beans it was piss funny, fuckin' endangered knob'ed. Me Brother Jambo’s in Doncatraz Prison, he got sent down for strapping a Catherine Wheel to a sleeping hedgehog, it made the front page of the Daily Star, with the headline “Spiky Kebab” it was fuckin’ sound, Jambo was propa famous, he says prison’s not too bad but you’ve got to keep an eye on the badgers cos’ they’ll bum you ragged given half a chance. Anyway, I’ve gotta shoot, Twocka’s got some LSD, last time I took some I thought I was a chocolate bassoon being chased by marzipan hammocks, Sharpey found me two days later, stuffed up an exhaust pipe wearing a plastic sombrero, it was fuckin’ wicked. BIG SHOUT OUT TO THE MFB MASSIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!banned squirrel commercial

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My Interests

Bangin' Choons, Bangin' Birds an' Bangin' rabbits heads against walls.

I'd like to meet:

If I could meet anyone it'd have to be Jordan, I'd give anything to fuck Jordan all over, I'm on about the one with massive tits by the way not the fuckin' basketball player.


50 Cent's fuckin' solid, he was shot 37 times an' he didn't even cry, me mate Pin'ed was shot twice with an air rifle but now he talks with a lisp and walks sideways.


I went to see Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and it was fuckin' shite, If I wanted to read I'd buy a book and if I wanted to buy a book I'd be a fuckin' bender wouldn't I? Who you callin' a bender? Fuckin' divvy!


Me mate Twocka can get you a 42" Sony Plasma for $80, he'll even throw in a couple of bongo vids.


The Razzle annual.


Dj Scratchnutz, once he scratched his records so fast his fuckin' decks blew up and killed a hamster.

My Blog

Tantric Wanking.

Ere's a taster of the "Joy of Tantric Wanking" book Mr. Fox Bastard got me for chrimbo, it's ace last night I almost made it all the way through a Baywatch re-run before I shot me muck and even then i...
Posted by Squizza on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 06:32:00 PST

Season's Greetin's

Posted by Squizza on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 06:05:00 PST

Boxhead- portrait of a Bell End.

Squizza: Adds Boxhead.Boxhead: "I'm gonna burn your house down".Squizza: "Oi cuntybollox, If you come anywhere near my house Jarvo will tear you up like a losing lottery ticket and stuff what's left u...
Posted by Squizza on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 07:16:00 PST