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Happy Dad of 5 incredibly wonderful kids !!!

About Me

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I have in total 5 children, 2 of my own, and 3 kids from my wife Katrina. I love all of them very much and each one of them are special to me.
My eldest daughter Shana (20) came to visit me here in England in May '07!! What a magical and awesome time those 2 weeks were with her here. I feel such a peace about it all and look forward to many many years of good memories. Thank you my dearest daughter for making me feel more whole again! I love you very much! I can't wait for the next visit! :D
My younger daughter Angel (15), lives in Jacksonville, Florida. She is in my heart and on my mind each and every day. I miss her greatly and love her dearly. I can't wait to see her again, it will definitely be one long hug!! :D
My eldest step-son, 20, is working hard each day, 'punching the clock' for the local city council. He is a hard worker! He enjoys his time off with his mates partying and also loves his Xbox. I'm very proud of him and love him to bits!
My next in line step-son, 16, is currently attending a local college. He has all of a sudden discovered the ladies, and has been a ladies man ever since. Currently though he has his eyes only on one particular young lady, and they just can't get enough of each other. He has plans to eventually go into the military, but for now is focusing on improving his GCSE scores, as well as studying subjects that will help him in his goals in life. He is a good young man. I think very highly of him. And I love him very much.
My youngest step-daughter, just gone 15, is in her 10th year. She has a big heart and will do anything for anyone. When around kids, she slips into her mothering role. She is going to be an excellent mum one day! She has the goal of becoming a vet so she has a lot of hard work ahead of her in school and college. Knowing how hard she works, I am sure with her abilities, she will make it to her goals. She's usually off with her mates, visiting and walking around the town's local mall. She is very special and means the world to me. I love her very much!! Thank you Aimee for your love and support.

"Bereavement Without End"
A Plea From Alientated Parents Everywhere
The death of a child is indisputably one of the most incredibly horrible tragedies one can imagine. Whether by sudden accidental circumstance, or by a more lengthy cause, as in illness, the loss of a child is undeniably painful to experience. Painful to the parents, parents to the family, and painful to anyone related to the child.
Never knowing the laughter of that child again or the tears, the joys and the accomplishments is a pain no parent should ever have to endure, and yet it happens. No one is to blame. It just happens. Imagine the same pain and the same sense of loss, with one exception, the parent is very much aware that the child is alive.
The effects of Parental Alienation Syndrome are very similar to the loss of a child due to an accident or illness. For the parent who has been alienated from their child, the bereavement does not EVER end. How do we know? Each alienated parent separately, and all of us collectively have lived with both the cause and the effect of Parental Alienation for countless years. Like a terminally fatal childhood disease, Parental Alienation rips the innocent child from your arms slowly. You witness the suffering. You witness the effects. You can feel the impending doom is inevitable, but you are powerless to do anything about it. You try remedy after remedy hoping that one will finally rid your child of the "disease". You work like a person possessed in order to finance the efforts, and when the final blow comes, it is emotionally devastating. You question yourself. You blame yourself for the loss. You tell yourself you should have done more. The very sad part of the story is, it is not unique. There are hundreds of thousands of children and parents affected by PAS.
We beg of those with the power to make people aware of this devastatingly horrible phenomena, to please do all they can to educate people on its effects, and to change the laws to protect the innocence of the children involved. Only then can we truly hope to keep children safe from the harmful side effects that are inherent with Parental Alienation itself. It's killing the spirit of family everywhere.
Parental Alienation Awareness Organization
Read more about this on my blog here: PARENTAL ALIENATION
Find out more about P.A.S. here:

Don't Forget About Daddy
Help and Information About Parental Alienation Syndrome

and here:
The Gregory Mantell Show -- Parental Alienation Syndrome
I love you and miss you very much my precious Angel.
Love, Dad xoxoxo
And finally, a story well worth reading entitled:
"A Brave Dad Battles Parental Alienation"
Article posted 06-16-2007 04:04 PM
As reported by Carey Roberts at
Newsback - "The News Discussion Community"
( http://www.newsback.com )

My Interests

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder of the bowel that may include the symptoms of bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and cramps over an extended period of time. The intensity of these symptoms can range from mildly irritating, to altogether disabling. In contrast to Inflammatory Bowel Disease, there is no physical change noted in the digestive tract with IBS. According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 1 in 5 Americans have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, though women are affected by IBS three times more often than men.

There is not a single clear reason as to what causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome as it generally has a number of intertwined causes. Almost all mainstream medical institutions declare that there is no known cause for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. They speculate that it may arise as a result of stress or diet, with the symptoms of IBS usually beginning around age 20.

You may have Irritable Bowel Syndrome if you are experiencing any of these symptoms:

* A recurring change in bowel movements that can alternate between chronic constipation and bouts of diarrhea
* Fatigue
* Headache
* Nausea
* Painful bloating
* Flatulence/gas
* Abdominal discomfort, usually in the lower abdominal area

Source: Jigsaw Health


"IBS explained for people who do not have IBS":

One thing that most IBS sufferers have in common is that it’s hard to communicate to the people in their life about what it’s like to live with IBS. There are several reasons for this. First of all, talking about problems with your GI system is socially taboo. I mean, yuck! It’s a topic you’d associate with an infantile comedy routine, not with a conversation between two co-workers, or two people out on a first date. Secondly, like many chronic conditions, it changes how a person gets through their day.

It makes simple daily routines, like going to the bathroom, or ordering food, complicated, difficult and different. And when your day is different from everyone’s around you, it can be very isolating and hard to explain.

Unfortunately, people with IBS often find that they have to explain over and over again. In restaurants, in the office, on trips, and at home. Because even though 20% of the population suffer from some form of GI difficulty, the other 80% have a mental block about believing that it’s really real. Or that it’s really as bad as people say; that there’s a genuine difference between having a ‘bad stomach’ for a few days and having a chronic condition that effects your whole life.

It’s an embarrassing condition to describe, and it’s a difficult lifestyle to explain.

Some IBS facts:

* IBS is a high maintenance condition.
* IBS is not temporary, it’s life long.
* I'm not a picky eater, I just don’t want to get sick.
* When I’m having an attack, I need space.
* The rules are always changing, in terms of what works and what doesn’t work for IBS.
* I’m not using IBS as an excuse not to do things.
* People with IBS don’t talk about it too much.
* IBS is not ‘all in our heads’.
* There are many IBS symptoms.
* Don’t take my condition personally.
* I can’t always help being late.
* I can’t control how often I get sick.
* It’s not funny when you have to live with it everyday.
* There is no known cure for IBS.

Source: http://www.ibsgroup.org/main/aboutibs.shtml


My brief personal story with IBS

In August of 1989, I severely injured my back on the job of a trucking company. I was off work for approximately 1 year while being ‘rehabilitated’. During those initial months, I developed a serious migraine that lasted an excruciating 6 months. That was shortly followed up by getting a chronic case of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). From mid 1990 until even now, today, I suffer greatly from pain, nausea, and loss of appetite, every single day in varying degrees. There are barely a handful of days that I can count from 1990 to today, that I have not suffered greatly because of it. The anguish I go through and still deal with is immense.

Each person suffering from IBS is uniquely different from the rest, no two are the same. In my case, (according to the Pittsburgh Pain Clinic in PA, USA), I am in the minority 5% group of IBS sufferers that suffer the worst. It's virtually full on IBS 24/7. According to the Pain Clinic in Pittsburgh, the pain level I endure is on the same level as a patient who has stomach cancer
. This has led me to being on morphine in the ER on numerous occasions and just as recently as here in the UK. This pain some IBS sufferers endure is completely debilitating and unbearable.

If you know someone with IBS, give them patience, understanding and forgiveness, and love them through each day. Believe them when they say they are suffering from IBS and don't feel well; they mean it.

When a person develops IBS, their body becomes a very difficult place to live in. By taking the time to understand IBS, you have helped to make their environment an easier place to live in.


There are so many people out there suffering from IBS.
Here is just a small sample of what others have to say about their experiences with IBS:

Apr 1 2007, 05:53 AM - "I got it; I'm in hell"

"Just realized it a few minutes ago. Along with my depression, general anxiety, I'm completely lost in terms my future goals including my career/major, where I want to live, etc. I'm even lost as to who I am. I can't answer the question of what I like to do in my freetime without being dishonest.

I mean it had to come down to this, the inability to crap. It's the most pathetic, embarassing, frustrating illness. I mean you can't even do a simple daily task that every human being does, and that is the ability to excrete. It's a silly illness, really.

It's gotten to the point where I'm actually obsessing over it. I look at someone on the street and I envy them because they can go to the bathroom, take a dump, and feel relieved afterwards. I want to say they take it for granted but you know how ridiculous that sounds.

This has gotta be hell. Somewhere along my life I died and this is what I'm living with. Career anxiety, social anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, weight gain, depression, loneliness, agitation, hatred... The list goes on." ..............

Source: http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=72302


Jul 6 2006, 12:36 AM - "Had just about enough"

"OK, im going to take this opportunity to have a moan, i am sure i am not the only one that feels like i do."

"I don't live with IBS, i exist, i think it is impossible or very difficult to "live" with this complaint. I struggle through from one day to the next, dread waking up in the morning because i dont know how i am going to be that day, cant wait til i go to bed at night because i know that it is another day over and done with, though when i do get to bed time i lay there for a while praying to god that i have a good night and dont end up waking up ill."

"i am CERTAIN the medical profession, well maybe not ALL but most, underestimate how much of an impact this has on peoples lives, this is not just your usual run of the mill stomach complaint, not for me anyway this thing has control of my life, i dont really live life, i live IBS, which is a horrible thing for a 25 year old man to say but it is true. it is so depressing existing with this condition, would i rather have an alternative medical problem, offer me something and see if i turn it down, i probably wouldnt obviously i would not want to be terminally ill and there are worse out there, but hell, there are much better things to cope with than this i am sure. I get sick of lack of understanding from people who have NO IDEA what it is like going through this."

"OK im going to stop right there otherwise ill be moaning all night, i have 18 months worth of moaning trapped inside me."


Source: http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=47346


Jul 26 2006, 06:02 AM - "Can't take it anymore"

"Its only been 4 years for me, not even quite that many yet, and yes im a rookie compared to some, but i just cant deal with it anymore. Being a man and all, i naturally dont get too emotional over many things, but it seems i cant go longer than an hour or two nowadays without thinking about my stomach problems and then getting all depressived over it."

Source: http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=66182


Aug 10 2006, 07:21 PM - "I just want to cry"

"hi people well i dont realy know where to start, but this is the only place where i can express my feelings,it seems like nobody with ibs seems to understand how i am feeling, they just think this is some joke,but really they can not even begin to imagine what i am going through, im sure all you people reading this will know if you have the same problems. i was a prety normal healthy girl, only small,quite petite, i rember my friends syin to me i would love to have a figure like yours,i was really grateful of what i had,being able to eat nething i would want,and bang out of the blue i get ibs,3-4 months ago i discovrd that their was something wrong with my body but the docotrs did not take much notice,wish they had! and now i just cant cope,everyday i want to cry and i dont feel happy, i dont want to enjoy life like i ust to,really looking forward to doing things,buying new clothes etc,at the moment i dont even feel like wearing ne of my clothes,i just want to hide away from every1,my bf dusnt even understnd,i keep teling him ive had enuf,and he keeps going on about what he can eat etc,but i dont think he realises what i am going thru,like i say its all a joke. i have been get really bad stomach pains,really awful noises in my stomache, and the worst of all my stomache bloats up so much that it actually makes me look like i am pregnant. can you imagine how that must feel like.i hate it,once upon time i ust to love my figure,now i hate it.funi thing in the morning when i dont eat i can look normal. my stomach is down,as soon as i have something to eat,bang,it just bloats up so much.i hate it.plss ive tryd everything,medicine,mebeverine tablets, fibre gel, drink loads water,herbal tea,even been to the chinese doct but nothing at the moment seems to be working,pls you people out their i want you to pray for me,i just want my life back,i want to be normal agian without having tom worry about my ibs problems,my stomach makes so much noises i just can not bare it nemore. i feel deprsd,i feel hurt,i feel like why did this have to hapen to me for,nobody has been thru nethin like this in my family,why me!!! its not fair,life is so unfair.honestly. pls help.i look forward to hearin from you soon,and all you people with ibs i know exact how it must feel. i have my heart with you all. xx blessx"

Source: http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=68959


Nov 21 2006, 11:08 PM - "I'm still sick and tired of this"

"After 20 years of dealing with this, i feel I have a right to gripe. I am so sick and tired of running to the bathroom all the time. I would like to take my granddaughter for a walk to the park. This would really make her day. But, no, I have to stay right by the bathroom. When it's time to cook dinner, what happens, I have to run to the bathroom while I'm fixing it. Sometimes, that means taking off the stove whatever I was cooking and hoping it doesn't mess up the food. Doing dishes, I get hit again. Sometimes I even sit on a stool just so I might be able to finish them. For me, my stomach is worse when I stand up. But, you can't sit and do everyday things. AWWW!!!!! Oh well. Life goes on. Tomorrow we can do it all over again. I know you have to do the best you can to get through it but sometimes, I'd like to have a hug. A little help with dinner or the dishes. A little understanding."

Source: http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=64450


Apr 30 2007, 07:12 PM - "What now?"

... "At this point I'm back to sleeping all the time, having no energy and constantly worrying about my bowel movements. My libido is suffering (because who feels sexy when you are bloated and gassy?). I keep catching colds. And most of the time my entire body aches. I have heard that there are links between IBS and some disorders such as Fibro Malaysia but I'm almost afraid to talk to my doctor about it. I'm tired of being told there is no hard answer to explain my pain. I'm tired of everyone thinking I'm a hypochondriac. I'm tired of going through test after test, just to be told there is nothing that can be done because nothing can be found.

I like my doctors and I know they are trying everything they know and they try to be helpful and encouraging, but that doesn't give me the energy to get out of bed, it doesn't help my symptoms or make my friends and family really understand how I feel. Sometimes I feel like they get tired of it. I mean I'm not dying, I don't have cancer so what could be so wrong. But I feel awful most of the time and even when I feel ok I have to wonder if eating this is going to cause problems tomorrow or do I have to pass on that because it might upset my system. Sometimes I wish just for I second I could show them how it feels to be me, so they would understand." ...

Source: http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=60729


Sep 12 2005, 12:00 PM - "Emotional and physical HELL!"

"Hi my names emily and im 16 years old. I have been suffering from IBS for 4 years now and every day of my life is a struggle! Until i found this website, i felt so alone, no one understood the amount of pain i was in. Im currently doing year 11 and i am missing so much school because of my IBS and somesays its so bad i feel like i cant go on. Apart from the physical pain, the emotional stress of it all is really hard to cope with, and even though people are sympathetic and listen to me, i feel like they dont really understand and that they think im just being over dramatic. Ive had so many tests done and tried all kinds of medications, yet nothing works. I just need to take each day as it comes, some days im ok and can function normally, but other days im in absolute hell and completely miserable. My life is a battle and im determined to get through this and not give up. To the rest of you out there, your not alone, keep your head up and hope for a brighter future xoxoxox"

Source: http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=79527


Aug 5 2005, 03:13 PM - "IBS and me"

"I have been off work for 1 1/2 years. I go from severe diahrea and abdominal pain in the morning and severe bloating and constipation at night. My physican doesn't seem to understand how much pain i am in everyday. I had an ercp done in May of this year. Since then I have back pain and my body aches all over everyday. Within 3 months I have badly sprained my ankle and broke my wrist. By doing some research i found out that when you have IBS it also is linked with fibromyalgia and bone loss. Going through this everyday takes alot out of me and it is extremely hard to even do everyday household chores or even go in the workplace for 8 hours and do shift work. I get depressed because I feel like crap everyday and my doctor just doesn't get it."

Source: http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=71652


Jan 7 2002, 02:11 AM - "Do the professionals really understand"

"I was told I had IBS 8 years ago, at that time it only flarred up every now and then, but as I get older it gets worst.For the last month or so it has gotten so much worst, the pain has been unbearable, a few trips to the ER to stop the pain with demoral.It is just awful.I feel like the professionals don't understand how much a problem it really is and how painful it really is. Hopefully soon, they will figure out something."

Source: http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=4829


Jul 21 2001, 08:09 PM - "Life with IBS.. the Spouse's view"

... "Since being diagnosed with IBS, my husband has had several different test run and has been on several different medications.. Ativan, BuSpar, Efflexor, Belladonna/Phenobar, Phenergan, Meperidine/Promethazine (which is Mepergan), Levsin, and Asacol, the most recent medication was Paxil (which only made the symptoms worse).. they have tried antispasmatics and they have tried anxiety medications ... nothing is working. We have a 2 yr. old son that loves to play with his father, and most of the time my husband's pain is so severe that he can't play with him. Which is stressful and cause his symptoms to worsen. Before November we had a normal life, he played with our son, we went out from time to time, we went shopping..... now there are days that I can't even get him to get off the couch." ...

... "I hear everyone telling me to help "keep stress down" but what a lot of them don't realize is that with IBS its hard to do, the pain alone is stressful. I am trying to be a strong person and help my husband and our family through this, but it is a very hard thing to do when you don't have anyone to talk to about all of it. Especially when they keep telling you that it is all in his head. I can't talk to him about it.. because I don't want to upset him.. plus he really doesn't want to talk about it ... and I understand that" ...

... "no I am not an IBS patient ... but I am a wife of an IBS patient.. and that is rough too ... so please.. those of you that are married ... understand one thing ... your spouse needs you just as much as you need them ... try to be understanding when they get just as upset and frustrated with IBS as you" ...

Source: http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=27860


For further information on IBS, see links below:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Self Help and Support Group

The Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Self Help Group, established in 1987, is a patient advocate group in support of those who suffer from IBS, those who are looking for support for someone who has IBS, and medical professionals who want to learn more about IBS. The IBS Self Help and Support Group is the largest on-line community for people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Revolution Health - Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Breaking the bonds of IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Information - Blog

An IBS blog where you can learn more about IBS, post your thoughts, interact with people, and more. This site is a great resource for those struggling to cope with IBS daily.

The Rome Criteria for IBS - Help in accurately diagnosising IBS.

At the 13th International Congress of Gastroenterology in Rome, Italy in 1988 a group of physicians defined criteria to more accurately diagnose IBS.

Known as the "Rome Criteria," this set of guidelines that outlines symptoms and applies parameters such as frequency and duration make possible a more accurate diagnosis of IBS.

Get your own caricature photo like this one above here:


~~~~ ~~~~

Check out Aerosmith's official fan club:

Ghosts MySpace Page Ghosts Official WebSite

"The net's big things!"

"...set to make the leap from the web to true stardom in 2007."

"Of the many guitar-based bands being touted, Ghosts (myspace.com/ghostsuk) are among the most promising. The Londoners' perky indie-pop will be aimed at Kooks fans, but is actually reminiscent of the Bluetones in their Top 10 - busting days."

The Guardian
January 2007

The Heal MySpace Page The Heal Official WebSite

Purchase The Heal album here: The Heal Online Store

A must have album !!!

...and the list goes on and on.

I like a wide variety of music. I can go for anything from Beethoven, Bach and Chopin to hard rock. If it has a good beat and rhythm, I'm satisfied. The sound moves me more than the words, because of my hearing loss. The right mood or sound of a song can even move me to tears, never knowing what the actual words of that song are.

Music is what got me through the stressful times in my youth, and it is a major source of comfort even today. Listening to music has to be my number one favorite hobby.

I absolutely love spending hours doing nothing more than listening to a live band play for an audience or just jam in private. Absolute bliss for me. During the time period of my divorce in 2000 to early 2001, I spent most of my time doing just that, all over the area I lived in. Listening to music really has helped me get through some rough times in my life.

Though I don't play any instruments and can't say I have a great voice to sing with, music is one of my passions in life.

Dedicated to my wife Katrina:Tracy Bryd - "The Keeper Of The Stars"

Add to My Profile | More Videos

Tracy Byrd - The Keeper of the Stars

It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew
Now I just can't believe you're in my life
Heaven's smilin' down on me
As I look at you tonight

I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars

Soft moonlight on your face oh how you shine
It takes my breath away
Just to look into your eyes
I know I don't deserve a treasure like you
There really are no words
To show my gratitude

So I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars

It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew

My eldest daughter Shana came over to visit for 2 weeks in May '07. During that time, Shana, my wife Katrina and I went and saw Mika in concert on May 17th, 2007 at the Carling Academy, Birmingham !!!! We absolutely loved it!!! A very high energy concert. Even poor Shana with her jet lag got perked up by the concert and looked well refreshed after! lol What a magical day that was, seeing my daughter for the first time in 20 years, and then going all together to see Mika in concert that very same evening! I will never forget it!

You can check out his official web site at:
You can also check out his official MySpace page at:
Check out Mika's two current videos below:
Mika - "Grace Kelly

My Chemical Romance - "Famous Last Words"

My Chemical Romance - Famous Last Words

Now I know
That I can’t make you stay
But where’s your heart
But where’s your heart
But where’s your...

And I know
There’s nothing I could say
To change that part
To change that part
To change...

So many
Bright lights that cast a shadow
But can I speak?
Well is it hard understanding
I’m incomplete
A life that’s so demanding
I get so weak
A love that's so demanding
I can’t speak

I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay, I’ll be forgiving
Nothing you can say can stop me going home

Can you see
My eyes are shining bright
Cause I’m out here
On the other side
Of the jet black
Hotel mirror
And I’m so weak
Well is it hard understanding
I’m incomplete
A love that's so demanding
I get weak

I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay
I’ll be forgiven
Nothing you can say can stop me going home

I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay
I’ll be forgiven
Nothing you can say can stop me going home

These bright lights are
always blinding me
These bright lights are
always blinding me
I say

I see you lying next to me
With words I thought I’d never speak
Awake and unfraid
Asleep or dead

I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay
I'll be forgiven
Nothing you can say can stop me going home [x3]

From the former lead singer of CREED:
Scott Stapp - "The Great Divide"

Scott Stapp - The Great Divide

I have run to the ocean
Through the Horizon
Chased the sun
I've waited for the light to come,
And at times I would give up
You have
Wrapped your loving arms 'round me,
And with your love I'll overcome.
You have
Loved me when I was weak,
You have
Given unselfishly,
Kept me from Falling...Falling
Everywhere but my Knees!

You set me free!
To live my life
You became my reason to survive the great divide
You set me Free!

I've been on Heaven's doorstep,
With the Door open,
One foot inside
I've cried out...God give me answers!
Please hush child I'll tell you why
You have
Loved me when you were weak,
You kept
Giving unselfishly,
Kept you from
Everywhere but your Knees!

You set me free!
To live my life
You became my reason to survive the great divide
You set me free!

Oh...our love is beautiful
Oh...oo...oh...Isn't it beautiful?
Times have changed
But you remain
My everything
Our Love is Beautiful
Stood by my side
Helped me survive
My great Divide
Isn't this is beautiful.

You set me free!
To live my life
You became my reason to survive the great divide
You set me free!

The Rasmus - "No Fear"

The Rasmus - No Fear

You lived your live like a sleeping swan
Your time has come
To go deeper

Your final journey's just begun
Your destiny chose the reaper

No fear
Destination Darkness
No fear
Destination Darkness
No fear

Rain falls down from the coldest skies
Like poisoned knives
With no mercy

Close your eyes for the one last time
Sleepless nights
From here to eternity

No fear
Destination Darkness
No fear
Destination Darkness
No fear

(Destination Darkness)

(Destination Darkness)

No fear
Destination Darkness
No fear
Destination Darkness

No Fear
Destination Darkness
No Fear
Destination Darkness
No Fear


* Vampire Movies - 'Queen of the Damned', 'The Lost Boys', 'Interview with a Vampire', 'Underworld' and more

* Superhero Movies - 'Spiderman', 'Fantastic Four', and pretty much the rest of them really, except for 'The Hulk', which needs to be completely re-done

* Science Fiction - 'Armageddon', 'Independence Day', 'Alien vs Predator', 'Stargate', 'iRobot' and so on

* Fantasy Movies - 'Lord of the Rings'

* Action Movies - 'Face Off', 'Gone in 60 Seconds' and so much more

* Drama - 'Eddie and the Cruisers', 'Rock Star', 'Dream a Little Dream' and much much more

I also love to watch live comedy or concerts such as my treasured 'Live8' DVD collection or Robin Williams live on stage, plus more.

As you can see, I like all sorts of different types of films. The list above is by no means 'complete', but more of an example of my tastes.


No matter how many times I've seen an episode, I always end up laughing. And oddly enough, I didn't take the time to watch "Friends" until I got to England. Now I can't get enough!

Abbott and Costello's - "Who's on First"

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My Blog

Special messages to Angel

Dearest Angel,I never got to sleep last night. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I miss you terribly and so desperately want to hear your voice. After a good long 2 hour walk around the town center ...
Posted by WebSpinur on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 07:22:00 PST

20 "Never Do" Tips to Prevent Parental Alienation

20 "Never Do" Tipsto preventParental Alienation Syndrome (P.A.S.) ...
Posted by WebSpinur on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 08:34:00 PST

The Do's and Don'ts on Parental Alienation

The Do's and Don'ts on Parental Alienation Syndrome (P.A.S.)"What you DO and DO NOT do when, as a loving parent, you are confronted with a severe case of PAS in your child."William Kirkendale, Preside...
Posted by WebSpinur on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 03:00:00 PST

Do Children Need Fathers?

"Do our children need Fathers?"Continued discussion on Parental Alienation Syndrome (P.A.S.) L.F. Lowenstein2004David Blunkett is currently in the news for wishing to have contact with his unborn chil...
Posted by WebSpinur on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 04:55:00 PST

Problems suffered by Children due to Parental Alienation

Problems suffered by children due to the effects ofParental Alienation Syndrome (P.A.S.)L.F. LowensteinJustice of the Peace, Vol. 166 No. 24, 2002, p 464-466IntroductionI have been involved with and h...
Posted by WebSpinur on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 04:48:00 PST

Parental Alienation Continued - Part 2

"Parental Alienation" ContinuedPart 2Parental Alienation Syndrome is the systematic denigration of the non-resident parent by the resident parent with the intent of alienating children against the non...
Posted by WebSpinur on Tue, 15 May 2007 04:50:00 PST

Parental Alienation - Part 1

Parental Alienation or Parental Alienation Syndrome (P.A.S.)Part 1Parental alienation or parental alienation syndrome involves the systematic brainwashing and manipulation of children with the sole pu...
Posted by WebSpinur on Tue, 08 May 2007 09:54:00 PST

Forgiveness for our children's sake

Forgiving is essential to obtain inner peaceMatthew 6:14 & 1514.) "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." 15.) "But if you do not forgive men their t...
Posted by WebSpinur on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 02:22:00 PST

Just another IBS day

Woken up once again, as usual, by nausea. Odd how it can penetrate my dreams and make me come back to reality. The reality that I live with this feeling seemingly non-stop at times. It's 10:50am at th...
Posted by WebSpinur on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 04:44:00 PST

Thank you my dearest wife

Through all of my turmoil you love me, you make me feel normal. You don't care about the ugliness.... you are there, and always will be. You love me through my tears and fears. And in my personal dai...
Posted by WebSpinur on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 07:06:00 PST