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Meine Bio - My Bio

About Me

Ich habe vorher noch nie irgendwelche Songs von mir veröffentlicht, daher kann ich keine "klassische" Bandbio bieten. Aber ich kann zumindest von mir erzählen, z.B., daß ich mit 12 begonnen habe, Gedichte zu schreiben, noch frühere Schreibversuche beschränkten sich auf Kurzgeschichten.Im Alter von 15 Jahren fing ich mit Orgelstunden an, später, mit 18, wechselte ich zum Klavier. Und irgendwann fing ich an, Synthesizer zu "quälen", noch in den Zeiten Ende der 80ger/Anfang der 90ger, als man meinte, bei Synths auf Knöpfe zum Schrauben verzichten zu können....Heute ist das zum Glück nicht mehr der Fall, es gibt inzwischen Computer und das Songwriting geht schneller als bisher vonstatten.Ich habe einfach einige meiner Songs als Beispiele für mein Songwriting angeführt. Hört einfach mal rein, wenn ihr Lust habt. Langfristig sind Veröffentlichung und Auftritte geplant, ich suche noch einen Songwriting-Partner (oder Partnerin).Noch einen schönen Tag und so! :)
itsritas :)
I didn´t publish anything before so I can´t write a Band Bio, I ´m afraid. But I can tell you that I started writing lyrics at the age of roundabout 12 (short stories even earlier). Later (at the age of 15) I tooked organ lessons because there hasn´t been anything else available at the rural area I lived in.At the age of 18 I changed to Piano . I also learned to use synthesizers. That was in the late 80ies to the early 90ies, when they had this dreadful "Synths" without knobs - editing Sounds has been a torture then, ugh. - Now I love writing songs either on my piano or sitting in front of my PC and recording them directliy into it. Modern recording technology makes it easier for me.Here are some songs as an example for my songwriting. I am still looking for a songwriting partner and I am planning to publish some of my songs on a label and playing them live. But thats in the far future.I hope you´ll enjoy my music - and have a nice day. :)Thank you for reading this - I hope there´s not too much weird english grammar in this short text included.
itsritas :)

My Interests


Member Since: 11/19/2006
Band Members: Only me!
Influences: David Bowie, Cutting Crew, Patti Smith, Gary Numan, Sparks, Ultravox, Nightwish, Peter Gabriel, Klaus Nomi and a lot of more...
Sounds Like:Myself
Type of Label: None

My Blog

500 Friends

Thanks to all People who accepted my request and to all who asked to be added! :) Happiness, love and success to all of you! itsritas
Posted by itsritas on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 01:34:00 PST

1000 Profile Views

Many thanks to all who are interested in my music! Great that 1000 people tooked the chance to listen to my obscure little tunes here on myspace. I hope you will enjoy them in the future, too! itsrita...
Posted by itsritas on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 11:12:00 PST

The "top friends" list

As I still learn how to use Myspace I played around a little bit  with the top friends list and I changed it to 24 top friends. I think that this list w ill change from time to time. itsritas...
Posted by itsritas on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 04:45:00 PST