This Is A True Story...
About How A 43 Year Old Marketer Went From Spending Over $100,000 in The Network Marketing Industry, Sponsoring 92 Reps, With Only Modest Success.....
To Presenting His Business To Over 2108 People in Less Than 5 Weeks!
You've reached the official MySpace Page of Darren Little , from Vancouver BC Canada. I started this MySpace page for a couple of reasons.
First, to meet positive like minded people that are looking to take their lives to the next level. And secondly to help as many people as possible from making the same mistakes I made going to The School Of Hard Knocks in the Network Marketing Industry.
For the past 23 years, I have worked in the marketing and advertising industry. I've launched numerous products and services into the marketplace including,, and I even launched Pamela Anderson into superstardom with Labatt's Brewing Company and The Blue Zone Girl Poster.
My passion since the age of 5 has always been in marketing and advertising, so when someone introduced me to the concept of Network Marketing, I figured it would be an absolute breeze. I mean, how difficult could it be to find a few people and teach them to find a few people? What could be so different about Network Marketing than conventional marketing?
Boy Was I In For A Big surprise!
My sponsor came from the Old School of Network Marketing. 18 years in the industry and a 6 figure monthly income, so I thought for sure, working by his side, that I too would be on the road to financial freedom. I was new to the industry, so I asked him what to do.
He said, "Its simple Darren! Just make a list of your top 100 business contacts and invite them to take a look!"
I remember these words like they were yesterday! "Put 20 of your best people infront of me and you'll never look back!"
None of my contacts were Network Marketers and none of their contacts were Network Marketers. So, although I enrolled 92 reps into the business, and I was one of 6 trainers out of 70,000 affiliates, I just wasn't seeing the type of duplication that I knew I should be. And my income certainly wasn't matching my skill level.
I figured if I just exposed more people, ran more ads, bought more leads, surely I would have the same success as my trusty sponsor.
So I started running Ads in The Globe and Mail and The National Post, as well as putting out press releases about my opportunity. All of the people I was attracting however were from conventional business.
They Were Not Network Marketers And Did Not Understand The Network Marketing Business Model
I remember enrolling one businessman who had an amazing track record in business. We were just completing his paperwork and I remember him saying "Darren, can we sell these products through the health food stores throughout North America?" Oh boy, I thought. He just doesn't get this!
I watched people all around me who had 15, 20 and 25 years in the network marketing industry explode their businesses into massive momentum yet it just didn't seem to be happening for me. I had spent $100,000 and 4 years of my life to enroll 92 reps and build an organization of only 650 people. I was obviously missing something here!
How It All Changed
I started looking online to find different ways to promote my business. Well, after searching for a few days non stop on EVERYTHING MLM...mlm leads, mlm success, mlm scams, mlm millions....EVERYTHING-
I came across a website with a video on it. It was talking about things that I've never heard of, such as:
-Web 2.0
-Funded Proposal
-Funnel Concept
-Video Marketing
This really sparked my curiosity, so I started doing more research until finally I enrolled into a 1 year mentoring program with a professional online marketer. In this program they went very deep into detail in each topic I just listed, but they also gave away a list of some sites that I should emulate, and some resources I could follow.
One of these websites was MYSPACE ... Well, I'm sitting here asking myself, "is this guy kidding?!?!?"
The more research I did, the more I found all of this information to be true and all of these people were making a killing in online marketing.
So How Did I Apply This?!?
My personal statistics are quite simple:
-I've promoted my business to over 2,108 people in less than 5 weeks
-I have people calling me asking ME to join my business
-I don't pitch to people anymore, they come to me
So, How Did I Show My Business To Over 2,108 People In Less Than 5 Weeks?
Well, I applied technology and some tactics that 90% of network marketers and MLM business people don't use. Most MLM business people that follow the 3 foot rule might end up talking to and showing their business to 2-3 a day...IF THEY'RE GOOD!
Over my 5 week period I showed my business to 2,108 people...that comes out to OVER 56 PEOPLE EVERY SINGLE DAY...over 18 times what people that use traditional methods get!
I've found that to have massive success in business, and to stop just trading your time for money, you need to show your business plan to AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE!
The larger net you cast, the more income you will have...and the less time you will spend trying to promote as opposed to living your life.
Are You Ready?!?
Look, if you're ready to find out how to truly stop being a sucker at MLM, achieve massive success, and create a passive income. And you're truly ready to take the next step in your business, then go ahead and sign up for my FREE REPORT. I will explain the five most common mistakes that every home business owner makes and the three things you MUST DO to become a Heavy Hitter in your organization. The knowledge you will receive from this report will save you tens of thousands of dollars in failed marketing efforts and if you implement the strategies in the report, you will be put on the fast track to success no matter what your current business. These strategies have helped thousands of home business owners just like you. I guarantee you will be happy with the results. CLICK HERE FOR YOUR FREE REPORT! Isn't it time you had people calling YOU about your product and business opportunity? W ishing you the best
Darren Little
aka MLM Superhero
(604) 771-1901
Add me to your Skype: darrenlittle11
P.S. I currently only have the time to take on 2 new students every week...If this is something you would like to do, then e-mail me at [email protected] or call
( 604) 771-1901